Love In The Moonlight (Chapter 14)

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The smell of bacon and pancakes woke Kalee, sitting up in bed, she remembered she was in the spare room of her brother's house. Getting out of bed she slipped on her pj shorts, checked to make sure Ali was still asleep and tip toed out the door. Kalee entered the kitchen to see Jake, Connor and Madison sitting around the table sipping coffee and laughing, on the counter there was a spread of bacon, eggs, pancakes, and grits, Kalee's favorite since she was a child.

"Good morning," she flipped her hand at everyone as she shuffled over to get a mug of coffee.

Suddenly someone's hands were on her hips, then a soft warm kiss on the back of her neck, "Would you like something for breakfast?" Connor whispered to her, "We made this just for you and Madi, and the girls of course."

"Thank you. But I really shouldn't, I am going to have to work out double time later to work off the pint of Ben & Jerry's I ate last night." Jake and Madison looked over at her, they were giving her the same look Connor was, it was full of disappointment. "Don't give me that look, you guys, Connor may not know but you sure do!"

"Kalee. You. Are. NOT! FAT!" Jake spoke slowly and punctuated every word.

"Jake, your bias!"

"Kay, girl, you look great. There is nothing wrong with splurging every now and again." Madi frowned at her.

"Baby, I think you look beautiful, and you will always look beautiful to me." Connor leaned in and kissed her softly, "Please, just have a little bit, I worked really hard on it."

Kalee rolled her eyes, she hated being ganged up on, "Fine." She looked over Connor's shoulder and stuck her tongue out at Jake, who did the same thing. "I'll have a small bowl of grit with cheese and a few pieces of bacon."

Kalee sat down at the table while Connor silenty got her breakfast for her. "So how was it out there last night?" Connor placed her food in front of her and she mouthed "thank you" to him.

"Pretty good, but you should know that since you came out last night." Jake smirked.

"Oh shut up, Jake, I wanted to see what he looked like. Don't act like Madison never did that! I remember that night, she nearly fainted from the sight of you." Kalee giggled glancing over at Madi, who was now blushing.

Connor suddenly left the kitchen, Kalee looked over at Jake, who was just smiling, "What was that about?"

"Just wait."

"Momma." Connor walked in with Ali in his arms, "Onnor!" Ali pointed at Connor looking over at her mother for approval.

"That's right, Ali, that is Connor." Ali smiled then hugged his neck tightly.

Ali climbed in the seat next to her mother, while Connor busied himself making a small plate of pancakes for Ali, placing them in front of her, Ali spoke slowly,"an-cake?"

"Very good, sweetie!"

"So, Kalee, when's your next night off?"

Kalee glanced up with a spoonful of grits in her mouth, she smile and swallowed quickly,"Umm, tomorrow. Why?"

"Dinner with my parents," He rolled his eyes, and Kalee stiffened suddenly, "Don't worry, baby, they'll love you both."

"I hope so."


Connor didn't stay long after breakfast, he told Kalee he had alot of work to do and some clients to meet with, but he promised he would swing by the bar that evening for dinner. So Kalee spent the rest of the morning doing laundry, and cleaning up, Madison decided to take the girls to the zoo for the day, so Kalee would see Ali after work. Once all the laundry was taken care of and apartment back in order, Kalee decided to spend a bit of her extra money to get her nails filled in. She had noticed a long time ago that nice manicured nails seemed to help her get better tips, plus she just enjoyed the free time. After visiting the nail salon she had just enough time to run back home to shower before work.

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