Chapter 7

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Readers p.o.v

I didn't know how, but we needed to escape. Not only was Slenderman in danger, but so was I. And I wasn't ready to die, not yet. I stayed up for a while, trying to think of every possibility. We could refuse to do any experiments, but then they would gas us, and we usually had no choice. We could refuse to eat, but then I had never seen the Slenderman eat. I sighed and rested my back against the wall whilst closing my eyes.

Slenderman was next to me, one of his long arms gently wrapped around my shoulders. Even though I was meant to be, I wasn't afraid of him. He was actually sweet. But I think if I told him that, he would have killed me.

Eventually I came up with something. It was very risky, but the only thing I could think of. I sat up gently and looked over at him

"I have an idea" Slenderman then looked

"What is it?"

"I think it would be best if you read my mind, its a lot to explain, and they might be listening" He nodded and then read my mind. I couldn't feel him read my mind, but I could tell as he looked concentrated.

"Y/n are you sure?"

"I know its risky...but I trust that you wont kill me" He then sighed

"Well you shouldn't trust me. If I start to attack you, I may not be able to stop myself from killing you, even if its just pretend"

"Then lets just hope the guards get here in time if that happens" I smiled slightly and he nodded

"Fine, but don't say I didn't warn you"

Slendermans p.o.v

This human was either incredibly stupid, or incredibly brave, but I couldn't tell which. Then again, if I ended up killing her, I wouldn't care. She was just another human after all.

"So, when should do it?" I looked at her

"" I sighed and stood up

"Are you sure you want to do this?" I looked at her and she nodded and stood

"I'm sure, stop worrying" I growled lightly

"I am not worrying" She nodded and I turned away from her and opened my mouth, my claws growing from my hands.

"Then let us begin"

Readers p.o.v

Suddenly I was pinned up against the wall harshly. I let out a yelp, as it actually hurt, but I just ignored the pain. I made myself tremble and look away from him

"N-no please don't" Even though the cameras watching us couldn't pick up sound, I had to make myself seem as scared as possible.

Slenderman then hissed and his tendrils came out of his back and wrapped around my neck, but not too hard. They then lifted me from the ground, sliding my back up the wall, his clawed hands resting against my stomach. He made several growling and hissing sounds, and I just closed my eyes whilst looking away from him. My hands pushed against his chest, but he got closer to me, making resisting impossible.

Suddenly, I heard a faint hissing sound, and the smell of gas went up my nose. My eyes then widened

"Oh no, I forgot about that" he then dropped me and one of his tendrils wrapped around the small machine that pumped the gas into the room, and ripped it from the wall, crushing it in the process. He then smashed it against the wall, right next to me and it shattered into tiny pieces.

My body was starting to tremble, and it was no longer pretend. He turned around and faced me, his toothy mouth now forming a deadly smirk, and his long snake like tongue hanging out his mouth. I looked at him and my eyes widened. Something was seriously wrong.

((Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed!))

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