Chapter 12

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Readers p.o.v

We arrived at my house and went inside. I looked around and it was a mess. Tables had been turned over, photos smashed, cushions ripped up. My eyes watered up as all my precious memories had been destroyed. Slender wrapped his arms around me and held me close.

"Don't worry Y/n, I wont let them get you" I nodded and held onto him, slightly wiping my eyes

"Th-thank you" He stroked my cheek then let go

"But we better be quick, they could be back at any moment, so grab whatever you can find" I nodded then went around my house, grabbing a few things that hadn't been touched and also collected a small bag with some clothes inside it. I looked at my bedside cabinet then saw my mothers ring that she had given to me as a gift. It was all scratched up, and the gem had cracked in the middle. I sighed and held the ring close to my heart then placed it back down. It hurt to see how broken it had become.

I looked at the door way and saw slender looking at me and I walked past him

"I have everything...lets go" I went downstairs and after a few moments heard him close the door and follow after me. He picked up my bags for me then walked out the back door and back into the woods. I followed him and stayed close to him, gently leaning against his side. Even though I was happy that I had some of my things, I wish I hadn't gone back. It not only reminded me of how much danger I was in, but also reminded me that I would never see my family again.

I didn't see them that much anyway as they lived in another country to me, but seeing them a few times a year was good enough for me, but now I would never see them. I stayed quiet as we walked, and arrived at the mansion. When we walked inside Jeff ran over to us, a smirk on his face.

"So how was your-" Slender hissed

"Jeff not right now"

"Why boss what's wrong?"

"Y/n is just rather upset right now so leave her alone" He then took me upstairs and brought up my bags. I slowly started unpacking, but slender suddenly wrapped his arms around me and I hugged back tightly. He stroked my hair then pulled back. "Y/n if you need me, I will be in my office" I nodded and he placed a gentle 'kiss' on my head before leaving and shutting my door.

Slenderman's p.o.v

I left Y/n's room and walked back downstairs. I looked at everyone

"If Y/n needs anything please look after her, I just need to go and see Jason about something" They all nodded, not pestering me and I left the mansion, heading straight for Jason's abandoned toy shop. I reached into my pocket and pulled out the ring Y/n had been looking at in her room. I could tell that it was very important to her, and trusted that Jason would be able to fix it.

I got to the toy shop and walked inside, looking around for Jason until I found him.

"Hello Jason, I need to ask a favour of you" He turned around holding a doll in his hands, his claws out and his eyes glowing emerald green.

"First Slender, what do you think of my doll?" He held it out and I sighed

"Its wonderful Ja-"

"You haven't seen what it can do yet!" He then put it on the ground and it stumbled towards me, then exploded, throwing confetti around the room. He started to laugh and I huffed then he stopped and wiped his face.

"Its great Jason, now may I ask you a favour?" He crossed his arms and looked at me

"Depends on what the favour is boss" I held out the ring and he took it from my hands

"I was wondering if you would be able to fix this ring"

"What for?"

"Just a friend of mine" He then looked at me and smirked

"Oh you mean your little human?" I looked at him

"How do you know about her?"

"Lj told me earlier, well if this is for your special lady then yes, I will fix it" I sighed but nodded

"Thank you Jason" He nodded then took it over to his working desk and started to work on the ring.

Readers p.o.v

I stayed, laid down on my bed for which felt like forever. A few of the others had come to check on me a few times, including Jeff, which I found strange, but it was nice that he cared. I had put my things out, a few photos on the vanity in the room, a few cushions on my bed, and some books that I had found, stacked up on a shelf in the room. My clothes were neatly folded under my bed, with a few pairs of shoes.

I stared up at the ceiling, until the door opened once again and I looked to see Slender walk inside. I sat up and he looked around the room

"It looks nice Y/n" I nodded slightly

"Thank you.." I replied quietly. He then sat next to me.

"I have something for you Y/n" I looked at him.

"What is it?"? I then felt him take my hand and place something small in the palm of it. I looked at my hand and my eyes widened and watered up. My mothers ring was fixed. No longer scratched, the gem no longer cracked. I held it and looked at him.

"How did you-"

"I know a guy" Tears started to go down my face and I hugged him tightly and he hugged me back. After a few moments he pulled back and gently slid the ring onto my finger. I looked at him

"Thank you so much slender" He 'kissed' my hand and looked at him

"Anything for you my dear human" I blushed lightly and hugged him again then laid down on my bed with him, and just stayed quiet, enjoying being close to him. I could no longer deny how fast my heart beat when I was close to him. I was in love, in love with the Slenderman.

((Thank you for reading and happy valentines day everyone! <3))

Slenderman x reader - Experiment BreachDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora