Date Gone Wrong

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**Be happy, this is a very early update. I'm literally posting this before I leave my car to go to my statistics lecture - ur welcome. I hope you guys like it! Let me know whatcha think!**

Troy's POV

Picking you up in five. I typed before sending the text message. A giddy smile took over my face at the prospect of getting to see her – it's all I could think about the entire day. I wondered what she would wear. I told her nothing too formal, but I knew exactly how girls were; they raided through their entire closet before deciding they couldn't go anymore because they had nothing to wear. Then, they went shopping. It was pretty much a never ending cycle.

My phone buzzed once again as I spritzed myself with whatever cologne my mom bought me for me last birthday. Opening the message, I instantly laughed.

You're such an ass hat. I'm not even ready yet! Her text read.

Careful baby. With all these terms of endearment you're throwing my way I may start to think you actually like me. I teased; hoping the cheekiness of my reply was accurately relayed through the text message.

Whatever. Just pick me up at the front of my dorm. I'll hopefully be ready.

Tucking my phone away in my pocket, I grabbed my dorm key before heading out, too excited to wait to pick her up.

Being as most athletes lived in the same living quarters, I ran into the entire cheer and dance squad in the lobby. They all had matching workout clothes on, so I'm assuming they just got done with practice. I tried my best to stride past quickly without being stopped or noticed, but apparently my luck had just run out.

"Troy! Baby, where are you going?" Naomi called out, her sickly sweet voice equally as annoying as nails on a chalkboard. Her squad of minions that were currently surrounding her turned to look at me, waiting on bated breath for my reply. I had no doubt in my mind she'd fed the whole lot of them her fucked up fantasy of me playing hard to get with her. What a joke.

"Don't call me that." I bit out, totally annoyed with the little show she was trying to put on for her audience. She knew better than to try and stake a claim on me like that. She'd done the same thing all throughout high school. We were never, and will never be, a thing. "And to answer your question, I'm going on a date." I said shortly before turning and making a beeline for the doors. I had my hand on the door when her words caused me to freeze.

"Excuse me?" She screeched, but I chose to ignore her. This would only make me late for picking up Aurora, and God knows that Naomi wasn't even close to being worth that.

Finally pulling up in the little drop off area of Aurora's dorm, I shifted the gear of my truck into park and got out. Leaning up against the passenger side door, I crossed one foot over the other while doing the same with my arms over my chest. I didn't have to wait long before she sauntered out with...wet hair? She got close enough that she could finally register the confusion on my face.

"Don't give me that look! I told you I wasn't ready. I'll have to stick my head out the window and hope it dries that way. Shit's so damn thick." She grumbled, pointing to her long tresses.

"Either way, you look amazing." I responded, and boy did I mean it. She was wearing an old roughed up pair or overall shorts with one of the straps undone and hanging loosely. There was a plain, baby pink t-shirt underneath that stopped just a hair short, exposing a small sliver of her tanned stomach. Her face had a light trace of makeup, but I could still see the faint dotting of freckles here and there around her nose – no doubt they were from being out in the sun. To top it all off, she had on an old pair muddy, white converse that had definitely served their purpose through the years.

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