Have We Met Before?

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**If you don't follow me and didn't see my message about the update, I had the most impossibly busy day yesterday and had 0 time to update this story. Sorry about that guys!! I hope you enjoy this chapter and let me know what you think!!

P.S. that microbiology exam I took didn't actually ruin me - I got an A. Let's all just say a silent thank u Jesus for keeping my grade lit for one more day.**

Troy's POV

"Are you sure your mom isn't going to hate me for stealing you away for the majority of the break? I mean, you only spent one of the four weeks of break with her..." I trailed off, making my guilt known.

"She'll be fine. We don't ever see each other on a normal basis so it's not like it's anything new. The entire week was fucking awkward as hell anyway. Especially when her snotty, stuck up, rich, fuck-headed kids came home for holiday, too. I swear on everything holy that gouging my eyes out sounded more appealing than sticking around and playing house with those assholes." She grumbled before averting her gaze out the plane window once again. I knew that deep down she was truly hurt by her mother's actions over the years just from the things she's told me, but I wasn't going to say anything. This is how she chose to cope with the situation and all I could do was be there for her when she needed me; whether it be to provide silent comfort or to listen to her vent when she needed it.

"And besides," She continued, "your mom said that your dad made some progress with my brother's case and that is so much more important to me." She spoke, a relieved sigh following her words. A small smile graced my face as I placed a delicate kiss on the back of her hand. The pilot's voice echoed throughout first class, letting us know that we would be landing within the next half hour. A familiar feeling of giddiness settled in my stomach at the thought of seeing my family again. I missed them like crazy. Having to postpone going home by a week due to our bowl game wasn't exactly ideal, but it ended up working out perfectly for both Aurora to come back early so we could book our flight together.

"I can't wait to meet Greg! After everything you've told me about him, he sounds amazing." She gushed with a happy smile. She'd been just as relieved as Chad and I had been to find out that the emergency surgery they had to do on him had gone smoothly. Though his cancer isn't completely gone, his doctor is confident that with a few more months of chemo, he'll be cancer free once again.

"He'll love you. He's always wanted a daughter, but his... ex wife didn't want anymore kids after Chad. From what Chad's told me, it used to cause some pretty nasty fights while he was growing up." I said. Just the mere thought of that horrible woman left a bad taste in my mouth. I did, however, find it a little odd that during the entire duration of Chad and I's friendship, I never once got to meet his mom. I've never even seen a picture of her. It was probably because she'd never been home when I was at his house and the majority of our time together was spent at our favorite field or my house.

We quickly made our way off the plane and to the baggage claim. I gathered the luggage for the both of us as I watched Aurora rush toward my family. She was quickly enveloped into a tight embrace by my mother - who looked totally overjoyed to have Aurora visiting once again. As I was making my way towards the small group, I noticed Aurora's cheeks go bright red as my father whispered something into her ear while returning her hug.

"What did you say?" I questioned with a raised brow as I wrapped my free arm around Aurora's waist.

"Oh, just that the pool house has finally been finished so the two of you can participate in whatever...activities you do so choose while you're here." My dad said with a smug laugh. I rolled my eyes at his antics as my mother slapped his stomach with the back of her hand. He raised his arms in surrender before intertwining their fingers and leading us to my dad's large SUV.

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