A/N - Get to Know Me

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So I did one of these on Knox's Girl and it was a ton of fun, so I figured I'm bored so I'll go ahead and do another one. 

what is your name: Wouldn't you like to know....

what are your nicknames: My name is one of those weird ones where it can't be shortened to form a nickname and there's just really no good ways to derive a nickname from it. All my life I've just been called by my name!

where were you born and raised: Nebraska

what is your star sign: Capricorn - every zodiac thing I've read where it's like "most likely to die first in an apocalypse" or like "where the signs will be in 10 years" ARE ALWAYS FUCKING ACCURATE. Read em and it's literally me holla.   

what is your occupation: Full-time, broke ass college student. I also am a CNA during the summer though, gotta pay those student loan bills somehow. 

what was the last thing you bought: Becca opal highlighter fuck ME UP Becca. 

what color are your eyes: Blue with a ring of green around them. The shade of them changes depending on the color I'm wearing. 

what's your best features: Eyebrows bish fuck me up my threading lady is my savior I swear. 

do you have braces: I did for six years from the middle of middle (lol) school to my sophomore year of high school and they were the actual worst. 

do you have any piercings: I have three lobe piercings in my ears, but that's it. I've always thought nipple piercings were cool but my abnormal (anything other than lobe) piercings never heal so no thank u. 

do you have any tattoos: Yep! I have Philippians 4:13 on my foot.   

do you have any pets: I have a dog and she is the dog of all dogs. 

are you left handed or right handed: Right, but I can't wipe my ass with my right I have to wipe with the left. Anyone else???

mac or pc: Mac, you gotta love yourself. 

ios or android: IOS. Refer to the answer above. 

dogs or cats: DOGS. Fuck cats man. Like, I love all of ya'll and if you like cats that cool because everyone is entitled to their own wrong opinion, but FUCK cats. Why the hell do u wanna own something that's gonna ignore the fuck outta you and just sits there and then shits in a box, walks all through it, and then climbs up all over your god damn counters and tables where you prepare and eat food and shit like ya'll got me fucked up. 

who is your best friend: I have a few whose names will remain anonymous bc privacy and shit, but my number one main hoe is my mom. She my girl. 

what is your favorite sport: Football if I'm actually watching the sport and paying attention, baseball if we talkin' looks you know what I'm saying. 

when was your first real vacation: My family never travels so if you count going to Indiana to visit my grandpa when I was so little I don't remember it then there ya go :-)

what was the last concert you went to: ...I wanna say Maroon five like years and years ago. Tbh I hate concerts hah (on the real I'm petty as fuck so if u come for me imma come for u so peace and blessings). 

what's your favorite color: Tiffany blue. 

what's your favorite restaurants: Anything with barbecue. My midwest ass loves some BBQ. 

what's your favorite magazine: Does anyone honestly read magazines anymore? 

what's your favorite season: Winter, I'm a sweaty ass bitch and I pay a lot for my makeup so fuck summer time honestly. 

how are you currently feeling: Like I need a glass of wine and a good rom com. 

who was the last person you messaged: My mom. 

are you single or taken: Single and not emotionally stable enough to mingle. 

do you want children one day: Hell yeah bruh. My kids are gonna be the kids beatin hoes up at recess and imma be the mom cheering them on behind the fence. 

do you want to be married one day: Hell yeah. Unless my marriage is like my parents then I'm gonna be Jimmy Neutron gotta blast outta here. 

where do you want to live: Honestly, I really love where I live now. I could never live somewhere southern bc I hate heat and I don't ever want to go to cali because I hate traffic and I've watched too much Law and Order: SVU to know the shit that goes down on the east coast so...options are limited folks. 

do you believe in God: Absolutely. Always have, always will. He > I no matter what. I think it's awesome when people talk about their faith and can be passionate about it. No hate to atheists or whatever, but I read something somewhere a while back that really stuck with me and it's this: no body cares if you're an atheist, but the second you start to praise your God people have something to say. 

I don't know, that may come off kinda attacky, but that's not how I mean it. I wish people felt more open about talking about God (those who believe) with one another instead of feeling ashamed of being so amazed by man who (I personally) believed created us and everything around us. Sorry for getting preachy, lol, this is just something I'm really passionate about. 

do you believe in miracles: Yes! Kinda ties in with my faith again. With God, anything is possible in my eyes. 

do you believe in love at first sight: Yes, in some cases. 

do you believe in ghosts: hell yes I do. I DO NOT fuck with that shit like get tf outta here with your ouija board nuh uh HELL NO. I don't fuck with ghost movies either. No. Never. 

do you believe in aliens: nah. If they wan't to come rekt shit up they would've done it by now. 

do you believe in soul mates: Yes. I've seen some individuals in my life time that I truly believe were made for each other. 

do you believe in heaven or hell: ....obviously lol. 

do you believe in kissing on the first date: Everyone is different. If you both feel inclined to, then why not? 

do you believe in yourself: I have my moments, yeah. They do say "you are your own worst critic". 

do you sing in the shower: I host my own concerts hoe what do I look like. 

where was the last place you traveled: My kitchen to get a banana. 

would you go skydiving: It's on my bucket list. It sounds so, SO fun!

if you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be: I've ALWAYS wanted to go to Ireland. Seriously, dream vacation. I've never been to a real beach and I'd still want to go to ireland over a real beach. 

if you had a million dollars what would you do with it: Pay off my student loans and all of my parents bills, probably buy myself a nice house and pay it off. Practical shit dude. 

can you whistle: Not well, and I'm really sad about it tbh. 

can you speak another language: No, but I really want to learn Italian. 

what's most important in your life: My family, friends, and faith. 

have you ever had surgery: I had my wisdom teeth removed a few years back but that's about it. 

3 fears that you have: Disappointing/letting down those who believe in me, dying at a young age, or not being able to have my own children naturally. 

Ight so that's it. Feel free to comment back with your own answers! If you bash someone else or say something rude, your comment will be deleted lol don't be nasty ok. Love u all, kisses. 

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