Frat Attack

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**Don't worry, you don't need to profess your undying love to me for this double update - I already know how much ya'll love me. I HOPE YOU ENJOY THIS CHAPTER AND THE DOUBLE UPDATE!!**

Troy's POV

A week. An entire fucking week. That's how long it's been since Aurora and I last talked. I couldn't get her out of my damn head. She's been the single thing on my mind every second of every day. Call me desperate or insane or obsessive – maybe all three, even – but I couldn't keep myself from checking in on her each night. I knew from the little time that we had talked, and also during when she'd she helped me with assignments, that she always went to this one special spot in the library every night from six-thirty to ten. Sometimes later depending on her workload.

"It's the perfect time to go. Everyone has usually already had dinner, people are tired from having classes all day, and they are usually busting to get things done. I'm telling you, it's prime homework or study time." She'd once told me. I remember making fun of her for it back when she'd said it, but she was so right. I knew exactly where her 'special place' was as well, so it was impossible to keep myself from going and just watching her. The way her eyebrows scrunched together in either confusion or determination was absolutely adorable.

This could probably be considered stalking, but dammit I just wanted to make sure she was okay! We'd never discussed it, because I could never figure out how to bring it up, but she was always jumpy around most people. I could see it everywhere we'd gone together.

Even now, as my biology book slipped from the small makeshift desktop I'd put together, she jumped a mile high in her seat while glancing around frantically. I cursed at myself under my breath. My cover was for sure going to be blown. There was no doubt in my mind that she would see me, and then she wouldn't come here anymore. That would mean I wouldn't have any way of making sure she was okay at all times. Fuck, fuck, fuck.

Like I'd predicted, her eyes skimmed over my staggering form cooped up in the small armchair. I'm sure the sight itself was comical to say the least. The things I do for her I thought to myself while fidgeting uncomfortably. I could see her body tense as her eyes darted back over and made contact with my own. Her eyes narrowed the slightest bit before she rolled them and began to pack her things away. Glancing down at my watch, I knew something was up because it was only 8:45.

Not wanting to continue watching her from afar, I decided I'd waited more than an ample amount of time to talk to her. It was about time she gave me some answers. Quickly shoving my shit into my backpack, I stormed over to where she was perched behind the desk. I didn't want to give her a chance to slip away before I could confront her about everything that had happened between us all those nights ago.

Throwing my bag on the floor, I dropped into a squat between her legs, forcing her to make eye contact with me.

"Why?" I asked simply. She looked uncomfortable with how close I was to her, but I didn't give a shit.

"Please just go, Troy. I have things I need to get done." She spoke while squirming under my intense gaze.

"Well too damn bad! I do too, and I can't get jack shit done because you're all I can think about. 24/7. Do you know how infuriating that is?" I said vehemently. She sighed in annoyance while crossing her arms over her chest.

"If you think you can just sweet talk your way into forgiveness, then you're wrong!" She said with a pointed glare.

"How the fuck am I supposed to be forgiven when I don't even know what I did wrong in the first place!" I argued back. She was giving me so many mixed signals, it was making my head hurt.

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