6. Birthday Part 2

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Words: 2035

It'a been two weeks since I left my old pack. Nobody has tried to contact me. Mabye because I blocked my brothers, parents and Kyles phonenumbers. Neither has he.. I miss my family so much. I wonder how they're doing without me.

Devon told me that he and the others will teach me how to fight, defend, how to use my powers and some history after that I've turned eighteen. So I guess that we'll start tomorrow or something. I'm really excited about it.

He also told me that he couldn't start training me until I turned eighteen and that it had to do with my powers or so.

Ina and Em are bying the last things before we're going back home. I bought a lot of stuff. T-shirts, jeans, skirts, hoodies, shoes, caps, underwear and so on. I bought a dress for tonight. It's black with a open back and it ends over my knees. I paired it up with some black high heels. I hope the guys don't mind....

"Are you daydreaming again O?" Em asks as she grabs some of the shopping bags.

"No, I was just thinking" I say and stand up, taking a few bags.

"Mhm" she says and starts to walk to the exit.

The clock is around two pm, so we have a lot of time to get ready when we get home. We walk out of the shopping center and towards the car. Em and Ina starts to talk about tonight, how excited they are.

The weater has changed since we went into the mall. It's quite shinny and warm now. I look up at the sun, I immediatly regret it and look down again. To shinny... When we reach the car I throw the bags into the trunk and Em and Ina does the same.

I turn around to walk to my bike when I see a few guys walking into the mall. I know them. They're from my pack! They stop a man who's walking out from the mall and show him a picture of something. He nods his head and points at the mall. They guys then walk past him and into the shopping center.

"Ina! Em! We need to go now, my pack is here" I tell them jogging over to my bike. They jump into the car and wait for me. I put my helmet on and start the bike. Then we drive home.


"Guys! We're back!" I yell as soon as we walk into the house.

"Hey" They yell back at the same time.

"I'm going to go up and unpack all my stuff. I'll be down in twenty" I speak to the girls and walk up with my bags.

As soon as I close the door I colapse on my bed. I've never bought so much clothes in my entire life and I'm never doing it again. I almost died in there. I roll over on my back and raise to my feet.

I grab all the bags and walk into the wic. I start to unpack the clothes and as the freak I am, I color coordinate all the clothes. I place the shirts, hoodies, jackets, dresses, jumpsuits, to my right and to my left, jeans, skirts, shorts, sweatpants. Further in I put my underwear, bras, bikinis, my shoes and my bike gear.

Taking out all the clothes and placing them into the right places took about twenty minutes, so I'm heading downstirs to the others. When I take the last step down on the ground floor, a sweet smell embraces my senses. I follow the smell into the kitchen and I'm met by a flying cupcake. I dodge just before it hits my head. I get up from the floor and see that it's Cameron and Josh.

"Wha? Seriously. On my birthday?" I ask them throwing my hands in the air.

They look at me and then at each other. Smiles occure on their faces and they raises their hands with cupcakes in them. They try to throw them at me, but I move away again and this time the cupcakes doesn't land on the wall. They land on Mason and Jason.

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