26. Moon Goddess

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(Short chapter! SORRY!)

Words: 1309

You know that white light that everybody talks about, that white light that you're supposed to see when you die. I always thought it was bullshit, but it isn't. The only thing that I'm seeing now is white light. I shift my gaze around, trying to something else than whiteness. But it's the only thing that I can see. I didn't think I would die this soon. I mean I'm turning nineteen in a few weeks. I don't want to die so soon. I haven't lived yet. The whiteness in this place keeps getting brighter my every second that passes.  Where am I?

We're going to die! Isa whines and she starts to run around in circles.

I know! I scream back to her and I also starts to walk in small circles in panic.

I move my hands to my hair and I grab it, almost pulling it of my head. My breathing is uneven and my mouth is dry like the desert. I crouch down on the ground of this weird place and put my arms around my knees, resting my head on them.  I try to calm myself my I merely succeed.

I don't know how I got here. The last thing I remember is returning to the Skylar pack with Ina and her mate. Then everything went black and I couldn't stop it. I'm probably going to get send to hell for all the people that I've killed, but it was worth it. Especially those rouges that tried to take Ina.

Some people in this world really deserves to die, but in a way they don't. When I kill people I kill them because I know that nothing can change them or because I can't really control my anger.

I'm not going to die(If I ain't already) before I've spoken to Marcus and the others that I care for. It wouldn't be right. I can't leave them like this. I don't want to leave them like this.

I glance up quickly and I'm meet by a strong light, blinding me. I quickly cover my eyes with my hands, shutting my eyes completely closed. I open my eyes again, but I'm holding up my hands, shielding myself from the strong light.

"You're not going to die, dear" I hear a feminine voice call out. I remove my hands from shielding my eyes and I try to see who's talking to me.

My eyes land on a beautiful female standing in front of me. Her long blonde hair falls in big curls over her back, making it look unreal and magical. Her eyes are brown and filled with care and power. She's wearing a long white dress that flows down her body and onto the ground.

"Who are you?" I ask looking at her with a suspicious face. I eye her up and down, taking in here full presence. I take a small sniff of the air around us and the only thing that I could pick up is her scent. A very powerful scent. I've never met someone who reeks so much power.

"You can call me Alissa, but I go with moon goddess" She answers me and smiles brightly at me. As soon as those words slipped from her mouth. My eyes widend and I fall to my knees as quicklty as I can.

"No, no. You don't have to bow for me" She says walking towards me with her arms open.

"I disrespected you my moon goddess" I say, still sitting on my knees.

"I understand why you acted like you did. I mean, if I woke up in a place like this I would probably be as suspicious and direspectful like you were. It's nothing to worry about and call me Alissa, not moon goddess" She says grabbing my arms carefully and bringing me up to my feet.

"Why am I here, Alissa?" I ask her with a very respectful voice. The moon goddess is the most powerful creature in the werewolf world. She can curse you if you disrespect her or curse her name and so on. I'm suprised she didn't curse me with some weird shit.

"You are here because I need to talk to you about things and explain stuff about you're life" She answers me turning her back to me and starting to walk away. She soon gestures for me to follow her and I do.

"I've been following you since you were born. Looking after you...." She trails of, keeping her stare straight forward.

"I was the one who turned you into a hybrid and I did it because I knew back then that you were going to do great thing with your abilities and I was right" She says and I just follow her quietly.

It explains a lot. I always wondered how I could be a hybrid because my both parents are werewolves and it wouldn't be possible to bread to werewolves and get a young with vampire genes.

"You think you are a mix between the vampire kind and the werewolf kind, right?" She asks me and stops walking. She turns around so that she is facing me and I turn around to her too.

"Yes, Alissa" I answer her and she nods her head approvingly at me for saying her name. If it even is her name.

"You're not. You're a mixture between werewolf, vampire and the witch kind" She says looking at me like she's searching for a reaction.

"But w-" I try to ask her something but she cuts me of, by putting her index finger in the air. I go silent and wait for her.

"Let me speak" She says and removes her finger from my face. " I chose you because I know that you know what to do in difficult situations and you've already proved that I was right" She says and sends me a calm smile. I give her one in return.'

"Why do I have two mates?" I ask her lowering my head at her. She lets out a loud sigh when she hears my question.

"I f*cked it up" She says throwing her hands in the air. "I chose the wrong person for you and now you have to choose" She continues and lets out a high sigh.

"Oh gosh, we don't have much time left. I need to get you back down on earth" She says and starts to walk back to where we came from.

We walk a little bit before we come to a stop. She brings me in for a tight hug and I wrap my arms around her and hug her back. We both let go of each other and we look each other in the eyes. She starts to walk away from me, but she turns around again facing me.

"Wait there is something that I need to tell you" She says and hysterically walks back to me.

"There is something bad coming for you and the entire werewolf kind. You are their only hope" And that's the last thing she says before she disapears into the whiteness, leaving me alone with so many unanswered questions.

Well, that didn't put much pressure on us at all. Isa sighs loudly.

Mmm, girl I feel you. I answer her.

All these thougths in my head is flying around hysterically, making me slightly dizzy. Who is my real mate? What is coming for us? Am I their only hope?

The white light soon disapears and is replaced with darkness. I hate the darkness. I have no control over it.


Sorry for this short chapter!!!

I think I'm going to publish more often and try to keep the chapter as long as before. It's just  that this chapter became very short....

Thanks for your support and everything!!

Love, Ebba.

The HybridOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora