32. Red Lace

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Olivias POV
Words: 2081

The sky is shifting between different shades of red, purple and yellow, making it look like a palette filled with colors. My blue eyes scan the sky, taking in every color. The mixture of the colors make me feel relaxed and focused. It's soon evening and I'm looking forward too meeting Marcus. He said before that he needed to tell me something very important and that it was urgent.

Before I can meet him, I need to meet up with Devon and the others. We need to figure out what's going on with me and we need to do it fast.For around six hours ago, at two pm, I felt something in my body. Like electricity, but not the kind that I feel when Marcus touches me. It felt dark and it was unpleasant. It felt like someone was trying to mentally hurt me. 

I don't know what it is and it's scaring the shit out out of me. Maybe it could have something to do with this bad thing, that the moon goddess told me about. What if I'm the bad thing?

I feel a presence behind me, the smell of my mates testosterone fills my sences and calms my worries. Usually he doesn't smell this much testosterone, I wonder why? I tilt my head to the side so that I can see him from the corner of my eye and he smiles at me, taking small steps over to where I'm sitting. I take in a deep  breath as he sits down beside me. He slings his arm around my shoulder, bringing me closer to him and his scent is overwhelming now. 

"There's something that I need to tell you" He says and gives me a kiss on the forehead. His lips on my body feels so good. 

"Mhm" I say, trying to focus on what he's going to tell me. But I merely succeed. The only thing I can focus on is his lips. They're so soft and red.

"I've been wanting to tell you this for a while, but I haven't found the right time to do it" He continues and looks towards the forest. The big forest that keeps so many secrets.

I nod and angle my head so that I'm facing him. I can see his lips moving, but I can't hear him. He smiles as he keeps on talking and his dimples are so cute. He's so cute. 

"You understand that we'll have to leave in two days" His voice echoes through my head, sending tingles down my back. When he sees that I haven't been focusing on what he said, he sighs loudly at me and takes his arm off of my shoulder. He pinches his nose bridge and takes a deep breath. 

Well that hurt. Isa says and gives him a hurt expression.

"Huh?" I respond, shocked from the way he reacted.

"I said that the royals and I, we're leaving in two days" He speaks and stares at me with those golden brown eyes that make my knees tremble. "When we leave, I need you to come with me to the palace and live there with me. I can't risk leaving you here" he continues.

"Well that came suddenly" I reply, placing my hands in my lap, playing with my thumbs as I think about it. 

"Babe, I know. But I don't want to lose you when I travel back to the castle" He places my head against his chest and pulls me in his lap, kissing my temple. I let out a small moan when his lips touches my skin, the burning sensation gets stronger every time that he touches me. His been more touchy recently. I guess it's a good thing.

Full moon is coming up, you know. I think it's in five days. Isa says in a sarcastic tone. 

Shit. I curse and remeber that Isa and I talked a little about this for a few weeks ago. 

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