40. Queen

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Olivia's POV:

Words: 1117

"You know we're gonna have to talk about it" He says placing his hands on my hips. 

"Um... Talk about what exactly?" I say with a hint of nervousity in my voice. He places a light kiss on my shoulder and looks me in the eyes through the window. 

"You know, your thing" 

"Yeah I know" I reply, turning around and facing him. I place a light kiss on his lips before I put my shoes on.

"But we need to go and have dinner with your family first" His smile turns into a frown and he pouts with his lips, trying to get me to change my mind. I shake my head in respons and grabs his hand pulling him out with me through the bedroom.

He's one step behind me as we walk through the hallways of the castle, until one of the warrior appear in the hallway and he's up by my side. He puts his arm around my waist in a protective way and brings me closer. 

I roll my eyes at him and he sees me and sends me a stern expression. He's always like this when another man enters the same room as me or when I'm training. I don't really mind him being a little protectiv of me, but sometimes it gets really annoying. 

We walk up the stairs to the dinner room and I can hear the people in there, talking and eating. Which makes me a little nervous because I haven't really met the royal pack yet. 

You smell like me 

His thought take me by surprise and he laughs a little at me. He opens the door in front of us and a wave of noises and scents come falling down on me. I keep my head high and keep walking on Marcus' side. Making our way over to his parents table. 

"Oh, isn't she just gorgeous" A women sqeuls and practically runs up to me. She throws her arms around me and kisses på cheek. I just stand there looking completaly shocked and out of breath.

My mother, the queen.

"She sure is" This voice is deeper and is filled with power and dominance. The king I figure and I turn around looking for the King. My eyes land on Marcus who stands by his father. Marcus really is his son. They have the same body shape, facestructure and eyes. Oh, their eyes look almost exactly like one anothers. 

"Hello?" It comes out more as a question then as a greeting. I walk over to Marcus and he gestures for me to sit down beside him.

"Look at her, nothing besides venom"

"Eww, how can he want her?

"That's a disgrace to our kind"

Those things are whispered across the entire room. My eyes cross with Em's eyes and she sends me a understanding smile and nods at me. I guess she heard those things about me too. It doesn't really hurt hearing them say bad things about me, because I'm used to it and I don't really care. I mean, what are they gonna do? That's right, nothing.

"So how are you doing here at the castle?" I'm thrown out of my miserable thoughts and pushed into reality by a question asked by the queen. My ocean blue eyes lock with hers and we sit like that for a second before I answer. Her eyes are filled with kindness and love.

"It's been amazing. To come here with Marcus and meet all of you" A true lie, but I hope they believe it and so they do. They all smile at each other and when I say all of them, I mean his mother, father and three others that I do not know who they are.

"That's wonderful to hear. We wouldn't want the next queen to feel like she wants to run from us" She says and everybody in the room freezes. I choke on my food and Marcus pounds on my back, staring at his mother. 

"What? She will be so why not just say it" She keeps on eating her food and I can finally breath again. 

The room turned cold the second she uttered the 'Q'-word and everybody froze. Like the world froze for me when I saw him for the first time. I can feel their stares at me. At my back and it's like I've become a target. The first one who get's my head will become Marcus'. 

The conversations start again and I feel the pressure of the stares faint away, but there are still a few on my back and these ones are harmless. I turn my head to the side and I'm meet by Em's eyes. She gives me an understanding smile and nod. One of the stares at my back pushes itself through my skin, making me feel warm. 

I need to run


Their chairs are pushed back at the exact same time. They all stand up, making a smile errupt on my lips. Marcus notices and raises his eyes to the ones who've stood up. 

"If you'll excuse me, I have some things I need to take care of" I say to the Queen and King, pushing my chair back carefully and standing up. They nod their heads at me and I push my chair back in it's place.

They turn their faces towards the big doors where we first entered. My pack stands there waiting for me to come and join them. I avoid his eyes as I walk to the doors. I avoid everybodies eyes as I stride down the big room. 

I can feel the warmth of the outside of this room and I hold in my breath as Devon opens the doors. He comes running towards me and in reflex I move to the side letting him fall to the ground behind me. His blue uniform has blood all over it, on the front, back, on his legs. Everywhere.



Well, I did do promise you that I would write..

Love, Ebba.

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