Chapter 10

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Maya and Brooke in the media box.

Chapter 10- Fight and Fall

" Fight for what you stand for."

The river near me began to rise, water cascading over the rocks and hitting my ankles. The ominous clouds began to rumble and darken. Steadily building into a thunderous deluge, icy sheets of rain began to pour mercilessly from the ever darkening sky , making the unpaved bridge awash with mud and obscuring my vision. A strike of lightning, brilliant and burning, flashed majestically. Shrieking and sobbing, the harsh wind raged through the night. Thunder rippled; the noise trapping the river and its surroundings.

The wind was demanding to be heard.

The lightning was fighting to be seen.

The storm had broken...

Pained screams broke out. Men rushed forward in all directions, shouting orders. Swords and daggers clashed. Guns fired. More shouting. More screaming. More running. The attack was fierce, efficient and deadly.

We'd walked into a war zone.

" We won't win this. The bad teams gonna get out of this alive." Jude sounded defeated as we gazed upon the scene before us. Screaming could be heard everywhere and crimson red blood stained the concrete.

"That's the thing about war." I smiled as the hopelessness in my heart made it's way into my mind. "It doesn't determine who is right, only who is left."

Jude raised his brow at me, and despite the situation, humour spiralled into his eyes. "Who said it's a war?"

"Look around Jude, it's been a war from the start." I examined the field one last time before turning back to Jude, my gun sneaking out of my pocket. "You've got to fight to kill, not injure. Get out of this breathing Jude." I instructed, looking him in the eye. He grinned at me with a cheeky smile before raising his fingers into a saluting motion. Without hesitation, he ran into the battle field until he became lost in a cloud of smoke.

I cocked the gun and moved forward, firing at the first unfamiliar person I could see. Bullets targeted and flew in all directions, narrowly missing me by seconds.

I'd be surprised if anybody survives this.

Blood screamed curses at me as I creeped around the field, studying my surroundings for anybody around me. Any potential threats.

A blood curling scream invaded my minds barrier as I recognised the voices surrounding it. My legs turned quickly into a sprint almost automatically as I ran to the noise that sounded so desperate, so pained, so broken.

Just like Asher's did.

My heart stopped at the sight in front of me.

Heavenly fire incarcerated 4 figures within a small circle. A bomb lay silently within the centre of it, the timer ticking, completely unaware of the lives surrounding it.

A small flicker of hair lay silently among them all. Jayce held his dagger over Maya's heart, blatantly ignoring the tears desperately burning her cheeks. Jude stood near them, a larger male holding a gun to his temple from behind, gazing out frantically onto the scene in front of him. Another soul was sprawled across the floor just metres away, blood oozing out of two holes in either knees.

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