Chapter 18

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Chapter 18- Death and Destruction

"Life hurts a lot more than death."

" Bec?" I called out, stuffing my knife into my sock.

" Yeah?" She replied from the bathroom.

" Remember the thing we did before any of our old missions?" I questioned, thing my laces tightly before looking up too her.

A bright smile highlighted her face, " Hell yeah. Wanna do it?" She asked, sticking out her hand which I took securely.

" Luctor et emergo. Non ego duco, ducere. Si non posset movere caelum et infernum tolles. In omnia paratus. Nos pugnare. Ut unum. Ut sorores,"

I struggle and emerge. I am not lead, I lead. If I cannot move heaven, I will raise hell. Ready for anything. We fight. As one. As sisters.

" We shall fight. We shall live. I promise to survive. I will not die. I will not surrender. We will fight. We will not die. And if we surrender, we will surrender as one. If we die, we will die as one. As sisters"

Our hands came apart as I smiled at my sister.

" One last time. And then we'll go to Mexico, just like we said. " I promised, beaming at my best friend, my sister.

" One last time."


" Jake!?" I shouted in confusion. " Becca?!"

I gazed around me but stopped once I saw the man in front of me.

I flicked my knife out and stared at him dangerously.

A flicker of metal caught my attention as I turned to the gun in his hands. He aimed it at my leg and pulled the trigger. I gritted my teeth and resisted the urge to scream.

" That wasn't very nice." I spoke, using my knife to cut the bullet out of my leg. Something hit my side and I fell over. I turned around to face another man but he was masked this time.

A wave of blonde hair became visible through the hood and I almost brought out my gun and shot them both right there.


But I couldn't let them know I had it, not yet anyway.

I guess I'll just have to play their little game.

" Oh my god Jayce?! You're still alive!" I exclaimed, faking excitement.

" Yeah, no thanks to you." He mumbled, shaking his head.

I put my hands up, feigning forgiveness. " Hey! I thought you was dead."

He growled at me before looking at the other dude. " Gun in waistband, a knife in both her socks, probably got one in her sleeve. Just make sure she's not got any weapons on her before we take her to boss."

I looked at him unsurprised. The familiar feeling of betrayal haunted my mind as the man removed all my weapons from me and tied my hands behind my back with loose ropes.

" You'll regret this." I said, just before the man shoved a gag in my mouth.

The man pulled me forward, far away from Jayce yet I swear I heard him whisper to himself. " I already do."

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