The New Start

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I don't own PJO or HoO ( heroes of olympus)

Percy P.O.V

I was chasing David Brown from planet 224. He murdered too many to count, both adults and children. He was tired and out of breath but I wasn't even sweating.

Must be because of the trainning Chaos gave me, I thought

Finally he made his mistake by turning into a street that led to a dead end. I took out my bow and arrow and continued chasing him. When he stopped running and turned to face me he asked "Who are you?"

"My name is Omega, son of Chaos and second most powerful being in the universe after Chaos of course" I replied.

Why are you chasing me?" he asked "I did nothing" even though his voice had no guilt his eyes told a different story, they made it obvious he knew why I was chasing him.

"You know why I'm chasing you David Brown. We both know you do" was my replie before I shot him in the heart with a arrow.

After that his body turned to dust just as all the bodies do from the people of planet 224.

I teleportad myself back to planet Chaos, where I now live. I quickly went to my room, 'cause it was late in the nigh and went to bed. That was a big mistake because as soon as my head hit the pillow I had a horrible nightmare about my last day on earth, 2000 years ago.

It was a normal day at camp Half-Blood, or so I thought. The campers were all playing and practicing, that is until I walked by because as soon as they saw me they would glare at me as best as they could.

It's been like this at camp ever since my half brother Nathan arrived. He has a huge ego and thinks he's the best at everything, he has black hair and sea-green eyes just like me but we still look different from each other. He loves being in charge at everything, so when he found out I was the camp leader he would do anything to break me. At first it was only stupid jokes and mean comments, so naturally I just ignored him. That was probably the stupidest thing I have ever done, because that only made him mader so he kicked it up a notch and starting doing things and blaming them on me. First it was messing with Kate Gardener's flowers. Then stealing Thaila's bow and arrows. One by one I lost all my friends until I only had Annabeth. Speakin of Annabeth I hadn't seen her in a while that's when I decided to look for her.

It took me 30 minutes but I finally found her in the beach. And she was't alone. Nathan was there with her and they were kissing. I decided that it was only a mistake, that is until I heard what Nathan said next.

"Annabeth why are you still with that loser brother of mine? I'm much better, and you love me don't you?"

"Of course I do Nathan, and I'll break up with Percy today after dinner." That broke my heart, so I decided to speak up.

"Annabeth, what are you doing?" I asked her.

"Percy I-I din't see you there" she said her voice full of guilt. "Percy it's not what it looks like." she continued.

"Then what is it?" I asked her quietly.

This time it was Nathan that replied. "Look percy Annabeth likes me now. So just go away no one wants you here."

So I ran to my cabin packed a back pack and just as I was a bout to leave Poseidon appeared in front of me. He was looking at me with both madness and sadness in his eyes. "Percy" he said "How could you kill your own mother".

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"This." And with that He raised his hand and there was a image with two bloody bodies in my mom's appartment. It took me a few seconds to realize that it was my mom and step-dad, Paul. In my mom's shirt there were words made out of blood they said: Percy was here.

"But I didn't kill her!" I replied

"Enough lies Perceus I here by disown you!" He yelled and right on cue lightning boomed in the sky.

That was it I ran out of the cabin with my back-pack up to Thaila's pinetree. There I saw 3 figures but I only recognised two of them, they were my uncles Hades and Zeus. We had grown close since Nathan arrived and now we were even good freinds.

"Uncles!" I yelled happily and hugged them they hugged me back. When we broke apart Zeus spoke.

"Percy good to see you again! Oh and this is Lord Chaos creator of the universe and the most powerful being in the universe."

After Zeus finished speaking I bowed and said polietly: "Lord Chaos, why are you here?"

"Please don't bow. And to answer your question I need a new commander for my army in planet Chaos and I would like that to be you."

I looked up at him to see if he was kidding, but he wasn't. This was also the first time I looked at him closely, he had black hair and a bussiness suit with stars and comets on them his eyes looked just like the unniverse they had stars abd galaxies on them.

As if he was reading my mind he said "No percy I'm not kidding. Also if you join my army you will see some of your dead friends. I also wish you to be my son."

"Sure" I replied "I have no more home, and my dad disowned me so I would love to be your son and commander of your army. But what do you mean my dead friends?"

"Well me and Hades have a acient deal that I can take any soul from the underworld so they can join my army and it just so happens that your fruends are all really great fighters I. Now cone my son we shall go to your new home." He said and took while opening a portal. Insude the portal there was a city where all the building were black and had stars on them the roads and streets were the same thing except the people just looked like the normal peopke you would see walking on a street every day. Then without looking back I entered the portal with my new father, ready to leave the old behind, ready to see my dead friends, ready for a new start, ready for a new life.

I woke up with someone shaking my shoulder I looked up and saw my very pretty girlfriend her name is...

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