Identity Game

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Percy's P.O.V

Suddenly a breathless Lee interrupts our conversation.

"Guys you need to come." He says in between his gaps for breath.

"Did you find them?" I ask eagerly.

"Yeah, and it's not good." He says before turning and running in the direction of the arena, leaving us no option but to run after him.

As we ran to the arena I noticed a few things that I hadn't noticed before. One of those things being that there was no one here except for us, so they must all at the arena. Another thing is that the whole camp was silent except for the screams that were coming from the arena. So can only mean one thing; there was something happening in the arena. And the fact that the girls are there doesn't make things any better.

I didn't notice tat we had arrived at the arena until we all stopped running and Lee spoke once again,

"Beckendorf is already in there." He said before pushing past the campers with us following.

Once we made our way to the front of the crowd I got a good look at what was happening, and let me tell it wasn't pretty.

Zoe and Annabeth both had their daggers out and were slashing and dodging furiously. But that wasn't the worst part. The worst part was that Piper was making her way to them, also with her dagger in hand, obviously she was going to try and stop it.

And just like I thought seconds later Annabeth had been pushed out of the way and Piper was in her current position, fighting Zoe.

"What do you thing you are doing?" Piper yells, making the whole arena go silent.

"We were practicing." Zoe responds.

Her response had surprised Piper, she obviously expected Zoe to ignore her. However, her distraction wasn't caught unnoticed by Zoe, who decided to use it against her by swinging at her sword arm. Making Piper scream in pain and drop her weapon.

"Hey!" I heard a familiar voice yell from behind Piper.

Jason, I thought.

In the blink of an eye Jason was standing in front of Piper his eyes holding anger, weapon drawn, slashing at Zoe's leg. Being distracted by the previous events Zoe didn't see it coming, therefore making her lose her balance and fall to the floor. Just as Jason was about to slash at Zoe's fallen figure I decided to to stop the fight.

So, I took out my sword and ran so I was in front of Zoe just in time to defend Jason's attack. We slashed and dodged for a few minutes before I pushed him to the floor, making his sword fall out of his hand.

"Enough of this foolishness." I demand in a high, commanding voice.

This wasn't like me at all. But he had hurt Zoe, and nobody hurts my girlfriend.

"They started it." Jason replies after regaining his balance.

"No. They were simply practicing before Piper decided to interfere." I retort in my normal voice.

"Well, they should have said so before they started to fight." Jason said, "Plus, this is our camp and we don't injure our own."

"Well, guess what?" Zoe asks.

It was only now that I noticed that the whole army was behind me and that Jason's friends were behind him. No one was bleeding anymore, but they did have a bandage wrapped around their bounds so you could still tell a fight had occurred a few minutes before.

"What?" Annabeth asks.

"We aren't one of your own anymore." Silena says, her voice had and edge to it. It was like she was taunting them.

"Well," Leo starts but is cut off by Annabeth,


And it was in that moment that I realized Silena's mistake. It doesn't take long for the army to fall silent, but when it does I know exactly what to do.

"That's right." I say.

"So you were one of us before." Piper says.

"Yep." Bianca says casually, popping the 'P'.

What are you doing? Forge MMes us.

Hey they are going to be told tonight anyway, I say.

Might as well get it over with, Bianca finishes.

You sure? Luke asks us.

Yes, Bianca and I reply.

"Did we know you?" Leo asks.

"Most of us." I reply.

"So some of you went to the Roman camp?" Jason asks.

"No. Some of us were dead by the time you came." Zoe replies from beside me.

"Dead?" Frank breath.

"That's right." Beckendorf says, speaking up for the first time.

"So stop acting like some big shot. Because compared to us, you aren't." Luke says. I could tell that he was angry about the fight, I mean so was I but I wasn't saying anything like that.

A soft chuckle leaves my mouth as I realize what Luke has said.

"We aren't acting like anything." Frank defends. His voice wasn't rough like Luke's, meaning that he doesn't want to start a fight.

Let's get this over with, I think to myself.

I take a step forward and extend my right arm, Luke was standing on my right side, stopping a furious Luke from attacking.

And I say 5 words.

Might not seem like much, but mind you these words are powerful.

(A/N I was going to stop there but I decided to be nice and continue.)

Percy's P.O.V

"Give them a break, Luke."

At this everyone in the arena that has ever heard or experienced the titan war gasped. Everything went silent once again, I could almost hear the outside world is I tried hard enough.

"Luke?" Annabeth asks. her voice shaking slightly as confusion clouded her grey eyes.

Luke pulls is hoodie down, allowing everyone to see his face, but ignores Annabeth's question.

"Zoe, tell your boyfriend to keep his mouth shut. Please." Luke whines turning to Zoe who also pulls her hood down.

"Impossible." I hear Grover whisper from somewhere beside Jason.

"Bianca, tell your boyfriend to stop whining. Please." She says turning to Bianca who also pulls her hood down.

"Silena, will you charm speak them so they shut it. Please." Bianca says mocking Zoe and Luke.

Silena does the same thing as the others before turning to Beckendorf and speaking.

"Charlie, will you please tell them to speak directly to each other." She pleads to Beckendorf who's face was also in the view of everyone.

"I don't know. Should I, Lee?" He asks Lee, who does the same thing as the other sand reveals his identity.

"Not sure. Pollux?" He asks the son of Dionysus who's hood is also down.

He thinks about what he is going to say before turning to me and breaking the eery silence that had formed in the arena.

"Percy, keep your mouth shut." He says returning to Luke's previous plead.

I laugh and shake my head before pulling my hood down.

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