Ready as I'll Ever Be

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I don’t know, I replied.

“The camp sent me here.” Nico said, “They said that help was here.” He continued, he turned so that e was facing us. “I’m Nico Di angelo by the way. Son of Hades lord of the dead and god of the underworld.” He said.

I was a bit confused about why he said what his dade’s element was. Until I realized that we were supposed to be from a complete different galaxy.

“Hello.” I said, “I’m Omega son of Lord Chaos and second most powerful creature in the universe, Chaos being first of course.” I said then I introduce my friends, using their code names of course.

“So, may I ask you a question?” Nico asked, his cold dark eyes changing a bit so they carried a bit of hope.

“Of course.” Luke replied.

No amount of training could have prepared us for his next words. No matter how much we trained mentally, his question would always catch us off guard.

“Have you by any chance ever come across a hero named Percy Jackson?” He asked us. 


That was the only word that could be used to describe the throne room after the words left Nico’s mouth. 

“You know I thought since you guys travel to different galaxies and universes I thought you might have seen him.” Nico continued.

Me and my friends all looked at Luke, he looked back at us clearly nervous.

“Umm.” He stuttered, “Why don’t you answer that question Omega?” Luke asked me, “I mean you are the one that normally answers this type of questions after all.” 

He wasn’t lying, I normally did answer these questions.

“Would you mind if we talked about this after the meeting?” I asked him and he nodded telling me that it was fine, “Oh, and I think Angel would just love to join this conversation.” 

“I would actually love to.” Bianca said honestly.

“Great.” Nico said his voice emotionless, “Thank you.” He said looking extremely grateful.

I simply nod in reply.

“So.” Zeus says, “Shall we move on to the next topic of this meeting?” He asked and everyone nods, “Great the next thing we will be discussing is the hero Perseus Jackson.” He said. 

Immediately Hera starts sobbing into his shoulder.

“He isn’t in Olympus, obviously.” Zeus says.

“He isn’t in the underworld.” Hades confirms.

“Me and mother have covered all of the ancient lands and he isn’t there or anywhere around it. We are hoping he will be somewhere else.” Persephone says.

“I have half my children on quests looking for him.” Ares says.

After the second war Ares and I actually became very good friends. He even helped me with sword practice o that I could fight harder monster easily.

“I have most of my children  asking couples on earth if they have seen him.” Aphrodite said looking guilty. Then a few seconds after she finished her sentence tears started streaming down her face.

Zoe unwrapped herself from my arm and went to hug the goddess of love. Everyone except my friends looked extremely confused.

We all knew that Aphrodite was he favorite. She never told us why, but it was quite obvious it was because of her past.

After a few seconds Zoe returned to my side and I wrapped my arms around her shoulder.

“I have almost half of the kids at camp on quests looking for him.” Dionysus said , “If anyone asks for a quest the  they get on looking for him. Well at least that was before our old enemies returned, now all of the campers are back at camp except for a few older ones.”

“I give my blessing to every hero that goes on a quest to find him.” Hera says after she pulled herself together.

“I have the hunters looking for him. One of them found a footprint under lairs of dust while trying to set up a bomb on top of half blood hill. It looked just like the shoe that Percy was wearing when he disappeared. ” Artemis says crying her eyes out.

After I gained Artemis respect we became quite good friends.

“I have some sun spirits looking for him.” Apollo said while trying to comfort his younger sister.

“I have my older children creating inventions, while my younger children are learning about him and trying to find some clues.” Athena said.

Oh and I think you should know that on Earth I have only been missing for 5 years.

I noticed that everyone had spoken except for Poseidon. I looked over at his throne for the first time and notice that he was missing. 

I truly couldn’t careless.

“Okay well I guess this is the end of the meeting then.” Zeus said.

“You could stay at the throne room while your two friends talk to Nico if you wish.” Aphrodite told my friends sweetly, she was looking at Zoe as she talked.

“That would be great.” Zoe said.

“Are you ready to talk to Nico?” Bianca asked me as we walked over to the son of death who was standing by the exit.

“Ready as I’ll ever be.” I told her.

“Ready as I’ll ever be.” I repeated mostly to myself.    

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