The Deal

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Hazel’s P.O.V

I look around the room, eyeing each of the soldiers of Chaos.

Do they seriously think that I’m stupid? I think.

It’s so obvious they have been here before. I have no idea how the others didn’t notice, especially Annabeth. But then again she hasn’t been in the best state of mind since Percy left.


Just thinking his name brings back memories. Bot good and bad. How could the Greeks campers have been so stupid. I would have never, ever, done that to someone. Wether they were my friend or not you can’t just betray someone you have known for years because of something that someone that just arrived at camp said or did. It’s just not right. 

I can’t believe the campers could do that, especially Grover and Annabeth they were the ones that have known Percy the longest. I know I already forgave Annabeth for making Percy run away but there is still a little part of me that blames her, there is still a little voice in my head telling me to blame her for everything. 

“I’m not stupid.” I tell the soldiers of Chaos.

“We never said you were.” The girl with the beautiful voice said.

“Then don’t act as if it was impossible for me to find out that you guys are former campers.”

“Just tell us how you found out.” The boy sitting next to Omega’s girlfriend said calmly.

“I’ll make you a deal.” I said as a new idea pops into my head.

“What type of deal?” omega asks me softly.

I don’t know why everyone treats him like he’s a bomb that can explode at any second. I just met him and I feel like I’ve known him my whole life. He can’t be that bad.

“A deal where both of us win.” I sate simply.

This deal was really anything but that. It was a deal where I got to find out information and they got to keep their secret a secret.

I know that may sound selfish but I can’t help but feel like they have some sort of connection to Percy and i want to find out everything I can about him. I may not have been here when everything happened to Percy but I can still feel the pain that he felt when he was betrayed and abandoned.

I think the thing that hurt the most was that the Roman camp was paying for a mistake that the Greek camp did. The fact that Percy didn’t even bother to say goodbye before he left, possibly forever, simply broke my heart.

Percy was always anything but selfish. He would always put others wants before his needs, and I truthfully couldn’t believe my ears when the Greeks told me that he had run away. Percy wouldn’t just back his bags and leave with saying a simple ‘goodbye’ before.

I was determined to get my big brother back. No matter what the cost and if that meant I would have to make a deal with the soldiers of Chaos then that is what I shall do. 

“What do you want?” The girl next to Hero asks. I remember Omega introducing her as Angel.

In this short time that I had spent with the soldiers I noticed a few things:

Hero is one of the more mature ones. He has a good sense of humor but he’s still the one that makes some of the mature decisions.

Arrow is the one that asks the most questions. If I had to guess I would say that he was, and is, a son of either Apollo or Athena. But he doesn’t ask questions out of curiosity, he asks them to make sure everything is in order. So that means that he is a son of Apollo. I’m almost sure, I just need to see him in the archery station to be sure.

Star is the one with the most powerful aura around her. I can sense this strong hatred towards Annabeth. That gives me the idea that she must be close to Percy, so that means that they know Percy. I can’t guess which god is her parent though.

Beauty is the one with the pretty voice. I can only imagine what she looks like behind the black hood that they all wear. She seems very brave. By the sound of her voice I would have guessed that she is a daughter of Aphrodite, one that has the ability to charm speak. But as I said before she is brave so I’m not so sure. However Piper is brave and she’s a daughter of Aphrodite so you never know.

Beaty’s boyfriend, Forge, is a son of Hephaestus. That is the only one of the only ones that I’m sure of, he just seems like a son of the god of blacksmithing. He is mysterious and very protective of Beauty, you can tell by how close they are. 

Sugar is more outgoing and funny. He has a great sense of humor, the best out of the whole group. If I had to guess I would definitely say that he was a son of Dionysus. 

Angel is a daughter of Hades, or Pluto. I can feel that deep in my guts. She’s the one that you don’t want to make a deal with. I’m the daughter of the Lord of the dead myself and I know that if you make a deal with us you won’t win, it’s like trying to trick death. So something tells me that if I make a deal with her we will both win, you know since we are both daughters of Hades.

Omega is the only one that I’m not so sure about. He seems more powerful than Star, but he doesn’t show it. It’s like if he shows how powerful he is then we will find something out that we shouldn’t. That is one of the things that is confusing about him. Another thing that sets me of about him is how Grover was looking at him, we asked him about it and all he said was that he had a weird feeling about him. I know that he is their leader, though. The way that he introduced himself and them. 

I don’t know why but I had a good feeling about this deal. Like I’m going to find out more things than i think I will.

Only one way to find out.

“Well, daughter of the dead, I’ll tell you how I know that you have been here before if you tell me your identities.” I say. Their mouth were hanging open at my daughter of the dead comment.

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