The Voice

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I looked up and saw my very pretty girlfriend. Her name is Zoe Nightshade daughter of Atlas. But now she's known as Star third in command of the army of Chaos. Her name is now Star because of her death and how she later got turned into stars in the night sky.

"Hey Star" I said getting up from bed and putting my jacket on and putting my hood up.

"Hey Omega" She said walking up to me and kissing my lightly on the lips.

"So what brings you here?" I asked when we separated.

"Oh yeah Lord Chaos called us, we are having a meeting. The whole section A is there" she replied.

"Ok how long until the meeting?" I asked while putting my arms around her waist.

"About 3 minutes" she said kissing me.

We must have been kissing for more than three minutes because after sometime Hero came into the room and found us kissing.

"Ehhh" he said "Star you were suppose to get him for the meeting not start making out with him." he said teasingly. Me and Star quickly broke apart, but my arms were still around her waist, and headed to the meeting with Hero.

When we got there everyone was already waiting.

"What took you so long?" Angel asked us.

"They were making out." Hero answered for us while teasing us.

"Were not!" me and Star replied at the same time making everyone in the room start laughing.

I guess I should tell you who's in sector A now. So sector A is made out of all my old dead friends. They are:

Hero= Luke
Angel= Bianca Di Angelo
Forge= Beckford
Beauty= Seleana
Star= Zoe
Arrow= Lee (son of Apollo, died in war)
Sugar= Pollux ( son of Dionysus died in the battle of the labyrith)

There were also somo couples in sector A thise were :
Me and Star
Forge and Beauty
Hero and Angel

Anyway, a few minutes later Chaos entered the room to find 6 laughing demigods and me and Star glaring at them. As soon as Chaos steeped in to the room everything turned quiet and everyone stoped laughing. Chaos walked over to his throne that had stars and comets on them and sat down. He waved his hand and eight chairs appeared in front of us. Me, Hero, Sugar, and forge sat on the chairs while Star sat on my lap, Angel sat on Hero's lap, and beauty sat on foger's lap.

Chaos sighed quietly when he saw how we were sitting but didn't comment on it instead he just said "I have a new mission for you guys, Gaea and Kronos are rising and are now qorking together so I need you to go to planet 3 and help the demigos and the olympians." ( planet 3 is Earth).He looked at us expecting to see some sort of reaction or just waiting for us to start screaming. And when we didn't he continued. "We will be leaving in one hour. We will first go to Olympus and tell the Olympians we will be helping them then you will be going to camp Half-Blood where you will stay until this war is over. Now you must go and pack your things, wear your hoods and masks. You can reveal yourselfs whenever you wish, but on the third night at camp you must all reveal your identities even you Omega"

"Yes, Lord Chaos" we said in union. Our voices had pure hate in all of them and it was obvious.

With that we left the meeting room without another word and went to pack. We all knew that neither of us wanted to go back there but we had to because we were warriors of Chaos.

-----------------------------Line Break------------------------------

We were in Olympus in the middle of the meeting room of the gods and non of them have noticed us yet, they were all too busy fighting. Finally I had enough of this so I cleared my throat loudly but non of them noticed.

When will they notice us, Hero asked me trough his mind.

Don't know but I'm tired of this, I replied taking a decision to speak up

"You done yet?" I asked the gods. They all shut up and turned to look at us.

"Who are you, and how dare you interupt a merting of the gods!?!" Zeus yelled. As soon as the words left his mouth Hades gasped realizing who I am. He whispered something in Zeus ear, Zeus and Hades both smiled and jumped out of their and came over and embraced me I gladly hugged them back.

"I know who you are." A familiar voice came from behind Hades and Zeus. 

A voice that I hoped I would never hear again.

A voice that  had once ruined my life.

A voice that still haunts my nightmares. 

The voice that belonges to...

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