The Plan

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Zoe's P.O.V

I'll be the first one to admit it; I was scared to reveal my identity to Hazel. I mean she's like Percy's little sister and I want her to like me.

I smile slightly at the thought. I sound like a normal teenager.

I look out the window of the top bunk in one of the bunk beds in our cabin. It was now night and there were stars everywhere in the beautiful night sky. It has been a long day and I was exhausted, but I eyes simply wouldn't shut. In two nights everyone in this camp will be calling me by my first name. I don't want that to happen. I mean sure Hazel is a really cool girl, and Nico is an awesome boy but that doesn't mean that I want everyone here knowing who I am like they do. There is a possibility that if we tell them who we are then they won't respect us.

And that's why I have a plan.

I already discussed this with Bianca and Silena and they agreed with me and are onboard with this plan we created.

This will help us gain the respect of the others campers, and may I just say I honestly think it's a genius plan.

And that was the last thought I could think before darkness took over.

I woke up to the sound of birds chipping and campers practicing. I looked around the cabin and noticed that Bianca and Silena were the only ones here with me.

"Where are the others?" Was the first thing that escaped my mouth after I woke up.

"Training." Bianca responded. I nodded in understanding.

"What are you guys doing in here?" I ask.

"We were just discussing the plan." Silena says in her beautiful voice.

"Oh." I climb of my bunk and join Silena and Bianca on Silena's bunk, that was beneath mine.

"So what were you guys discussing?"

"We were thinking about how fast we will have to work if we want to get this done with be the time we reveal our identities. We came to a conclusion that it would be more effective if we didn't show them our skills by training, that way they won't know our weaknesses. Plus it would be risky if we all show our, we don't know if the enemies have any spies in camp." Bianca explained quickly.

"Good thinking." I say.

"Yeah, so we can train in here and we can keep our skills fresh." Bianca continues.

"Alright. We can ask Chaos if he can zap some training dummies in here." I say, thinking of what else we can do to train in here. There was a moment of silence.

"Guys," Silena says breaking us from our train of thoughts, "We need to make a pack."

"What do you mean?" Me and Bianca both ask at the same time.

"We need to promise each other something." She states.

"What promise?" Bianca asks.

"We need to promise each other that no matter what happen we are going to stick together and not turn our backs on each other."

"What if we disagree?" I ask thinking of what would happen in that situation.

"Then we can vote." Bianca suggests.

"Alright and if we need to vote on something we need a key word. Like if one of us says that word and is looking at the other two then we make up an excuse and we vote on it somewhere private." I say opening up to this idea.

"What word though?" Silena asks.

"Apple." I say the first word that pops into my head.

"Apple?" They both question.

"Yeah, I mean who would suspect us if one of us says the word apple?" I question them.

"Alright. Apple it is." Bianca declares after sharing a look with Silena.

There was another moment of comfortable silence as all of us became lost in our own train of thoughts.

We just sat there not saying a word.

"We won't let any of them break us apart. Got it?" I ask them.

"Any of who?" Bianca asks.

"Any of the campers. We won't let them come between us. And if we find out something that the rest of us needs to know then we'll share what we found out. Alright?"
"Alright." Bianca agrees.

"I can do that." Silena says.

"So..." Bianca starts, "You guys know what we have to do to gain their respect, right?"

"This is more than just gaining their respect." Silena says, "This is an oportunity to show them that we didn't die because we were weak, or that they survived because they are better than us." She says wisely. "This is like a second chance at this camp. We can create a new reputation for ourselves. Be the people that we never were before. We can fix our mistakes and show them that we aren't the same people as before. Zoe you can be known as Zoe the person not Zoe the huntress." She says to me before turning to Bianca, "And Bianca you can be known as the brave soldier we know today, not the girl that died because of an action figure." She finishes.

"And Silena you can be known as the sword master we know now, not some daughter of Aphrodite that cared about her looks." I say.

"This is more than just about respect." Bianca concludes, "This is about a new beginning."

"So you guys sure about this?" I ask them one last time.

"Yep." They say in sync, popping the 'p'.

"So the morning of the day that we reveal our identities we each train/fight one of the best campers here. If we win we'll have their respect. And when we reveal our identities to them they'll have the shock of their lives." I say, proud that we thought of this plan.

"When." Bianca says suddenly. I shot her a confused look.

"When we win." Silena says.

"When we win." I agree.

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