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Percy’s P.O.V

We all groan as the horn is blown three times signalizing breakfast time. I know none of us want to say it, but the only reason that we aren’t complaining about being back here is because that would just make things worst. 

It’s our third day here in camp and so far we haven’t been doing much. Me and the boys have been training outside of the, but we have kept our distance from all the campers except for Hazel and Nico. As for the girls, they have been training inside the camp and discussing their ‘plan’ for something. Me and the boys are okay with that, except for the fact that won’t let us train with them, so we have to train outside. 

It seems like the more time we spend here the slower the time passes, and if I’m being completely honest with myself I sometimes hope that the giants and titans come over to camp and attack it already just so we can leave here. 

As we take our seats at our table I decide it’s time to ask the question we have all been dreading,

“Are you guys ready to reveal your identities to everyone?”

“Don’t remind me.” Luke says, frustrated.

“Yeah, don’t remind me. I’m trying to forget.” Forge states.

“Same.” Lee and Pollux agree.

“Why? It’s not that bad.” Silena says.

“You guys are just being pussies.” Zoe says agreeing with Silena.

“You’re right. It’s horrible.” Pollux says with a serious expression on his face making everyone chuckle.

“Look at the bright side.” Bianca says.

“What bright side?” Lee asks glumly.

“We get to be completely different people now.” 

“Huh?” I ask.

“Now everyone at camp will see us as the ‘Warriors of Chaos’ ” She explains putting air quotes on the title that we have been given since we arrived at camp, “We will no longer be seen as those young campers that died form mostly foolish reasons. We are now strong warriors that are respected through the whole galaxy. We can be the real us and not have to worry about fitting the description that comes with who our parents are. We can ignore the stupid mistakes that we did when we were here and look at what we have accomplished now. We can be anyone.” Bianca finishes taking a deep breath.

In a way she was right. I had never thought of it that way, I was too blinded by all the bad things that could come out of this. Now I actually have something to look forward to. The that I thought about it the better it looked, Bianca might have just saved me from a long day of mourning and worrying.

“Plus imagine the faces of the campers when they find out who we are.” Silena says brightly, trying to lighten the mood.

“It’s going to be wicked.” I agree, helping her out a bit.

“Yeah, I bet the Aphrodite kids are going to pass out.” Luke says excitedly after pushing his empty plate in front of him

“And the Demeter kids are going to make the strawberries grow ten feet high.” Pollux says with a dazed look on his eyes, probably imagining that happening.

“Oh, and the Ares campers are going to hunt us down.” Lee says with fake excitement.

We all laughed at the last one even though it’s a likely possibility. 

“Relax, they would never do that.” Zoe says, “They need us, remember? We are their last hope.” She says making us all go into a thoughtful state.

“Hey guys, do you want to leave after we reveal our identities?” Pollux suggests, playfully, out of the blue.

“Don’t give them any ideas.” Luke says sternly.

This makes us go back to our happy selves again.

Let’s see how long this will last after you reveal your identities, A small voice says inside my head.

*30 Minutes Later*

“It’s been fifteen minutes since we last saw them in the dinning hall, and they aren’t in the cabin.” I say exhausted.

Luke, Beckendorf, and I were currently looking for the girls. Pollux and Lee were also looking for them, except they were looking at a different area of the camp.

“I know.” Beckendorf says in the same tone as me.

“Where are they?” Luke asks rhetorically.

“Maybe they ran away.” Beckendorf offers.

“I wouldn’t blame them.” I say humorlessly.

“Same.” Luke agrees.

“Yeah, but they could have at least taken us with them.” Beckendorf states seriously.

Luke groaned in annoyance,

“Do you guys know anything about this plan they have created?” He asks.

“I over heard them says that they would have to pick campers for some reason. Bianca and Silena picked the Hermes twins, while Zoe picked Annabeth. And if Zoe picked Annabeth for something, it can’t be good.”

“I heard Bianca saying something about respect, and something about a new start.” Luke says.

“When did you guys ear this?” I ask.

I myself have not heard anything about this plan they have created. But for some reason I have a bad feeling about this. I mean Bianca and Silena picking the Hermes twins for something is not that bad. But for Zoe to pick Annabeth for something is awful, which means their plan isn’t going to be good. At least for the campers.

“They are up to no good.” I say echoing my thoughts, “Well, for the campers that is.” 

“Yeah, they are probably going to do something awful to them.” Luke says earning weird stares from me and Beckendorf, “Come on for Zoe to pick Annabeth of all people just screams death.” He says casually.

“I hate this.” Beckendorf blurts out.

“Their plan?” I ask, “Same.”

“No. How casually we talk about death and stuff like that. I mean we are teenager for the sake of Chaos, we are supposed to be talking about videos, and complaining about mean teachers. Not talking what our girlfriends could be doing to people they hate in a camp for half gods, and complaining about how hard a mission on a different galaxy was or how some god wants us dead because we are better than them.” Thunder boomed through the sky when he said the las sentence.

“Oh, suck it up.” Beckenford grumbled.

“We just have to deal with it I guess.” Luke says.

“It’s not fair.” He complains.

As I think about it I realize that the son of fire is right. We are never going to have the chance to take our girlfriends out on normal dates . Or celebrating Christmas with our full family. And we will never be able to have too many childhood friends, if any at all.

 “He’s right it’s not fair that we are not normal.” I agree.

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