Chapter 23

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I get out of bed and get dressed while Alia continues to sleep. I leave the room, going down to the dining hall where everyone is at having breakfast.

I head over to the table of food where I see mother.

"I was just making you and Alia a plate." Mother says as I walk over to her at the long table filled with food.

"Thanks," I tell her.

"How is Alia?" She smiles over at me, continuing to fill the plates with food.

"She's fine, her heat should pass soon." I stand here watching her place food on the plate, waiting for her to finish so I can get back to Alia. A female heat is addictive. When Kayla goes into heat, we can't get Freddy to leave her side until her heat is over. The second I left the room with Alia. Our instinct tells us to stay with them, to keep the other males away.

"When will your uncle Tim be back?" She asks.

"They didn't say," Father said they were leaving to track down the other firstborn Alphas, so I guess once they do that they'll return here with them.

Mother gives me a nod, sitting the two plates of food on a tray, along with two glasses of orange juice, and hand it to me. I take the tray from her, before looking over to where the guys are sitting.

"Freddy after breakfast I want you to take them to the training room to train." He gives me a nod and I make my way towards the door, leaving out the dining hall.

Once I get back to the room I see Alia laying on the bed awake now. She smiles over at me, sitting up against the headboard.

"Good morning." I give her a smile, walking over to the bed with the food. "How do you feel?" I ask her as I take a seat on the bed next to her, sitting the tray in front of us.

"I'm fine,  just hungry and really tired." She lets out a yawn. Once a female heat starts to pass it leaves the female drained, so she'll probably be sleeping a lot today.

"Your heat doesn't smell as strong as it did yesterday." It may not be as strong, but it's still there. After all the sex that we had yesterday, I still have this uncontrollable urge to take her here and now.

"Yesterday I felt fine, then out of nowhere, I started to feel weird. I realized I was going into heat, but by then it was too late. Di-did anyone gets hurt?" I can hear the worry in her voice.

"Everyone's fine," I tell her, easing her worry. She let out a sigh of relief, knowing that no one was hurt.

We sit and talk while we eat. Once we were done I place the plates and glasses on the tray and leave the room, going back to the dining hall.

I walk over to the table and sit the tray down next to the other dishes to be washed. I look over, seeing Adam who's sitting next to the little girl from yesterday, laughing as they eat.

I smile a little as leaving the dining hall, going back to the room. I walk into the room to see that Alia is already asleep again, knowing She'll probably sleep most of the day. I walk over and pull the covers over her. I frown as I look down at her, remembering that her family is locked away here.

I leave back out the room and make my way through the castle, leaving out the front entrance, heading over to the prison. Once I get to the prison door I twist the lock and push the door open. The scent of blood fill my nose, as I walk in closing the door behind me.

I make my way through the prison, passing the empty cells, until my eyes land on Alia's mother laying in a ball on the small bunk crying.

She frowns a bit, looking up at me. "Wh-what are you doing here BJ? Where Al-Alia? Where's my baby?" She asks getting up from the small bunk, moving closer to the silver bars with tears rolling down her face.

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