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Blake POV

A week has passed since I killed the alpha king. Wolves have continued to arrive at the castle. Most of them are coming here from being locked away at the vampire's covens after Draven ordered for all the covens to release the wolves that were being held as prisoners. Things are starting to feel the way it once did before everything happened.

As I make my way through the castle, I see Andy leaving with Adam. Tammy told me Andy would be coming to get Adam so he can meet his family.

"Andy," I call his name, getting his attention as I make my way down the stairs, stopping in front of him. I've been waiting for him to show up to speak with him.

"I want to thank you," I tell him.

"Thank me for what?" He asks with a raised brow.

"I wanted to thank you for being a father to the twins and taking care of them while I wasn't able to. Just because I'm back doesn't mean I'm here to push you away. You're family to them now." I look over at Adam standing next to Andy and reach out ruffling his hair, causing him to smile. "And just so we're clear, I understand that Adam is your son. I'm not trying to take you spot as his father, but I will treat him with the same love and care that you've shown with the twins." I tell him.

It takes a special kind of male to do what Andy did. Most males see a mateless female with pups as damaged or unworthy. But Andy treated Tammy as if she was his true mate, and the twins as if they were his owns. I have the utmost respect for Andy and I want him to know that.

"I have the utmost respect for you. You've grown into an honorable male." I reach out to give his shoulder a light squeeze. I've known Andy since he was ten years old. He has always been a good person. Andy is a good male who's been dealt a rough hand in life, but everything happens for a reason that we may not understand. I'm sure the goddess with bless him.

Once I Finish taking with Andy I head to the training room where I know I'll find BJ training his pack. I walk into the training room and see BJ standing there watching his pack train. He reminds me so much of myself.

I walk over standing next to him, looking over at Fred as he helps train BJ's pack. "You know you don't have to leave. You can stay here if you want. There's enough room here for your pack." I say looking over at him. BJ has bought land for his pack and is now having houses built for them.

I've just gotten back and only had a short time living under the same roof as the twins. Now Lisa is with her mate and BJ will be leaving once everything is situated for his pack. I guess I thought we would be together as a family, but that time has passed for them. They're all grown up and is ready to be out on their own.

A part of me sees them as my little runts, but they're not kids anymore. While I was locked away, they were growing up and I had no clue that they even existed. I thought Tammy and Fred were dead. I thought Tim was the only family I had left, but I guess I was wrong.

"Yeah I know, but I just want to do my own thing while leaning to lead my pack." He says looking over at me. I give him a nod. Leading his pack isn't really something he'll have to learn. He's a natural leader. It's in his nature to lead. One day he'll have to lead more than just his pack when he becomes king.

"Well, I suggest you get used to me come to your pack to visit because we have a lot of father and son time to catch up on," I say causing him to let out a low chuckle. I barely know anything about him and his sister, but soon I'll know every little detail about them.

"Yeah, plus you owe me a rematch old man." He says smirking. I smile knowing he'll be receiving many beatings from me over and over again, the same way my father did with me. I'm looking forward to our sparing matches.

"Don't let my age fool you. I still got a lot of fight left in these old bones." I say causing him to laugh. I look back over at his pack as they train. I remember starting Fred off with some of these drills when he was four. They have a long way to go.

I watch as Fred and his boys make their way over to BJ and I.

"You did a pretty good job training all of them," I tell Fred. Fred has trained the twins and his boys well. I know Freddy, Frank, and Fin are going to stick by BJ side, but I'm sure if any one of them wanted to lead a pack of their own they could. They may be betas wolves, but the power they hold will make others want to follow them as their alpha.

"Yeah, all five of them were little hard-headed shits growing up," Fred says causing me to let out a low chuckle. I guess Fred had to deal with what I had to deal with while raising him. Him having his wolf at such a young age made him more of a pain in my ass. "I use to tell them stories about you all the time, but they thought I was telling lies just to boost you up. They didn't believe you were as strong as I said you were, but I'm sure they believe it now." Fred says smirking as he looks at BJ and his boys.

I smile a little wondering what stories Fred told them. Fred is the first person that I felt the emotion of love for. There are many stories he could've told them. We have a lifetime of memories together.

"Tim and I are back," Tammy tells me through the mind link. She and Tim left a few hours ago to go get the rest of her things from her old place.

"I'll see you guys at dinner," I tell Fred and the boys, before leaving the training room. Everyone slightly bows their heads to me as I make my way through the halls, following Tammy scent. His scent leads me to our room where I find her moving boxes around.

"Hey." She gives me a smile and sits the box down, before walking over placing a kiss on my lips. "Did Andy come to get Adam?" She asks.

"Yeah, they left a while ago," I tell her, looking at all the boxes.

"What's wrong, I can feel that something is bothering you." She asks with a raised brow.

I let out a sigh as I walk over taking a seat on the bed. "Lisa's gone and soon BJ and Fred boys will be gone too. I just got back and it kinda feels like I'm losing my family again." It's hard seeing them leave, but they're not kids and I can't stop them.

Tammy walks over taking a seat next to me. "I understand that feeling of not wanting them to leave. I was really sad when they first decided to move out on their own. It took me a while to get used to them not living under the same roof as me." She leans over, laying her head on my shoulder. "But they won't be far, we'll go visit them all the time." She says.

"I know. I guess I'm just having a hard time dealing with me not being there to see them grow into who they are today. When I first found out you were pregnant, I was really excited about being a father. I was excited about being able to hold our babies for the first time." I was looking forward to doing all the little things like changing a diaper, waking up through the night to feed them, bathing them, just all the things a new father get to do with his babies.

"I got something for you," Tammy says as she gets up and walks over to one of the boxes. I watch as she takes out a photo album and brings it over to me. I open the album and the first picture I see is two small babies dressed in pink and blue onesies. I smile as I reach out, tracing the tips of my fingers over the picture of my babies.

I start to slowly flip through the album, watching as the twins and Fred boys grow the more I turn the pages. It kinda feels like I'm living through some of the memories that I missed.

I look over at Tammy as she takes a seat next to me with a laptop. I watch as she slides a USB drive into to computer. Seconds later she brings up a video, then hands me the laptop.

I smile as I see the twins and Andy's daughter running around laughing as Andy chases them. "They were five in this video." Tammy leans over, laying her head on my shoulder, looking at the video with me.

I let out a low chuckle as I watch the video. "Do you have more?" I ask not taking my eyes off the screen.

"Yeah, there plenty on there." She tells me. I'm going to watch every last one of them.

I smile as I continue to watch the video of the twins. I probably wasn't there to watch them grow, but I'm here now and nothing will take me away from my family again.

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