Chapter Four

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For about a week, all I could see, all I could think of, all I could do was Marina. And after I was finally happy again, she faded away. It's been a week and a half since I last heard of her, and it breaks my heart once more. Derek insists he doesn't know anything about her, but I know he's lying. Only last night I saw her car parked outside his house, and Sam has told me she's been there when she visits him.

I don't know what's worst. The fact that my best friend is not really my best friend, or that I had finally admitted to Marina that I wanted to be back with her. Not long after that, she left. But something tells me to not sit and cry. I know where she lives. If she doesn't want to be with me, she better damn tell me.

When I am about to leave my house, Alison calls me, and tells me I have to take care of Mia again. For the very first time, I think of quitting my job, because I honestly can't wait to figure out what the hell is going on with Marina. But I do what I'm supposed to, because I can't let Al down, not when she depends entirely on me whenever she can't take care of her child. Her entire family lives in the US, whilst her and her husband only live here because of business.

I end up taking the kid to the park, because she is bored and so am I. All that goes through my mind is Marina, and as I spot her in the crowd, I am almost sure my mind is making it all up. Until she sits next to me in the bench as the kid plays on a sandbox. She almost doesn't look like herself. She's got bags under her eyes, is wearing baggy clothes and for the looks of it, her hair hasn't seen a comb in days. I get such sad vibes from her, that I can't be mad at her for not calling me or answering my calls. I just sit next to her, until she decides to speak.

"What is it that keeps pulling me back to you?" She says. I turn my face to see hers. She's not looking at me.

"Did you know I'd be here?" I ask her. Her eyes meet mine but only briefly.

"No. I was looking for answers, and I saw you." I don't know what that means, or if my presence here is something good for her or not. I can only hope that it is.

"Are you alright? I've been trying to reach you." I know the answer before she speaks, it's too evident.

"No. I haven't been for a while." Her eyes seem to be glued to Mia, who is way too busy attempting to build a sandcastle to notice us.

"I can tell. What's going on? Let me help you, don't just lock yourself up, dammit." She looks at me again.

"I'm sorry. I just don't think you can help me, or anyone." It saddens me to see her like this, specially when I don't know the reason why.

"What's going on?" I ask once more. She lets out a groan.

"I'll tell you, I have to tell you... That's part of the problem. But not now, if you could just let it go for a while." I try to let it go, but all my mind does is think what could possibly be so bad that telling me becomes a part of the problem.

"Alright." I run my fingers through her hair to comb it out and try to make her look less like the crazy cat lady from the Simpsons. "I love this kid, she can take care of herself already." I say and laugh as the tiny human hits an older boy with a plastic shovel for pissing her off. "Mia, don't hit anyone!" I yell, whilst also being proud of her for doing so.

The Greek doesn't talk much for as long as we're there, she mostly holds my hand, plays with my fingers and avoids looking at me in the eyes. After a while, I take the kid for ice cream, and get one for Marina too, hoping it would make her feel slightly better. She looks small in that oversized sweater, like a kitten, and I forget she's a woman past 30.

"When do you have to take her home?" She asks, referring to the child.

"I can take her home right now, but her mum won't be there for a few hours. Do you feel like going somewhere else?"

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