Chapter Sixteen

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We stand up and I push her to the bathroom inside my room, not knowing what else to do "She saw my car outside, I can't hide" she whispers and I feel in need to explain the situation.

"No, but get dressed, we're doing this today" her face automatically changes and I know she's scared, I am too, but this has to be done and the moment is now

"But I-" she starts but I cut her off "I'll go outside, entertain her and you come out whenever you're ready" after I say that I hear the main door open and immediately put the plan to work.

I walk out of my room and my mom walks past me towards the kitchen, talking on the phone. Of course, why do I even bother? I roll my eyes and sit on the couch, about thirty seconds later Marina comes out of the room and sits next to me. I think she's more nervous than I am so I hold her hand and kiss her cheek as an attempt to calm her down. She gives me a little smile and I smile back at her, then my mom is back in the living room.

"How are you doing, girls? You must be Marina" she says and my heart beats a million times per second, again.

"I am, nice to finally meet you, Miss Davis" says Marina with a smile, but I can tell she's as nervous as I am.

"Darling, you can call me Kate" good, my mom's being nice to her and smiling, for now this is good "I'll be in my room if you need anything, make yourself at home, Marina" she continues before walking to her room.

"We really have to be more careful" Marina whispers when my mom's out of sight.

"I know, sorry about that" I look at her and she moves closer to me.

"It's ok; I just would've liked it to be different"

"What do you mean?" I ask and she shrugs.

"I don't know, but I want you to know that I'm not going to lie to her."

"So, if she asks, we just tell her everything?"

"We can keep some details, but yes... Just leave it to me" I wrap my arms around her and rest my head on her chest. She holds me tightly and we stay like that for a while until I look up at her and our lips meet in a soft kiss. I feel her smiling against my lips and it makes me smile too, I pull away and we go back to watching TV. A while later, my mom walks towards the kitchen and Marina stands up and beckons me to follow her.

"So, girls, I heard you were going out tonight" says my mom as she notices our presence in the room and smiles at us

"Yes, and actually, uhm, we'd love it if you came with us" wait, Marina, what are you doing? Now I'm the nervous one here, my mom agrees and we go on Marina's car. She sits next to me on the restaurant and my mom sits in front of us, everything is going out great and I can tell the odds are definitely in our favour. But of course, the moment we weren't looking forward to had to come and the question pops up.

"So, how did you girls meet?" I look at Marina, waiting for her to unravel her plan. She holds my hand tightly under the table, and I swear, she could as well be made out of ice right now.

"We met at her school, they needed a substitute for Biology and I was the only one available" so far she's staying true to her plan, but I don't know how that is going to work.

"Have you always worked there?" my mom asks with a smile and I relax a little, knowing that the hardest part is over.

"No, that was the first thing I did, but for this year I'll be teaching on third grade" she doesn't let go of my hand, but her grip softens and I can tell she's more calm now

"I think that'll be harder" says my mom with a giggle and Marina smiles that cute little smile of hers that never fails to melt me to the very core.

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