Chapter Six

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"But, that's a good thing, isn't it?" I say, "Now it won't be risky for us and we can stop hiding."

"Not exactly, I will be still working for them, so the same rules apply, only that I'll see you less and won't get the privilege of imparting knowledge on you, even if you're never going to use it ever in your life." She says the last thing sort of as a joke, but the rest is true. I thought life was being nice to me for once, but it always has a card up its sleeve.

"Well, that sucks," I say and she nods.

"Are you hungry? I haven't offered you anything, I'm the worst human being on earth, sorry" She says as she stands up and walks towards the kitchen.

"Not really, but what do you have?" besides your head on the fridge. I think as soon as I get to the kitchen.

"There's pizza left from earlier today, but if you want me to cook something or order something I will." She says, finally getting out of the fridge.

Do you ever eat anything other than pizza? "Pizza sounds great." She grabs it and puts it in the microwave for a while and then we sit down at the table. After dinner we watch a movie Marina picked and then go back to her room. She gives me one of her baggy t-shirts to wear and wears one herself. What was the point of me even bringing my own stuff here? But I find it cute and can't help but smiling.

We lay in bed, wrapped in each other's arms, my head on her chest as I listen to her heartbeat. She runs her fingers through my hair which makes me feel like I'm about to fall asleep. I want to tell her I love her, because the feeling in my heart is unbearable and I feel like I need to get it out, but I decide not to rush things until I know she feels the same. I kiss her goodnight and fall asleep in her arms.

She will love me back, I know she will.


I wake up to her lips pressing against my cheek and her arms wrapped around me, I open my eyes and realise she's smiling. "Good morning, beautiful." She says with a raspy voice and my heart melts a little.

"Good morning, gorgeous." I say and kiss her lips softly. She looks at me for a while, then holds my face and gives me another kiss.

"You're in a good mood, aren't you?" I ask, making her laugh a little.

"Because you're here" She says with one of her smiles that melts me to the core. I feel my cheeks getting hot and realise I'm blushing. "What do you want to do today?"

"Whatever you want it's fine by me, all I want to do is be with you."

After getting dressed and having breakfast, we walked to a small coffee shop a couple of blocks from her house and stayed there talking for a while, then we just sort of walked around. She held my hand and told me more stuff about her, she told me her mom and sister live in Wales and that she goes visit them very often and that I should go with her the next time. The simple thought makes me nervous, but I stop thinking about it and focus on Marina instead.

We walk towards the park, hand in hand, past the benches and towards the trees, we sit under one of them and she wraps her arms around me. There are ducks around us but they don't seem to acknowledge us, they must be used to people already.

"I like it here, you know?" She says, looking at me.

"Why?" I ask, but she doesn't answer, she keeps looking at me as if trying to figure something out, then she leans towards me and gives me a deep, passionate kiss. "What was that for?" I can't hide the surprise in my voice, which makes her smile one of her charming smiles.

"Oh, I just felt like it," One of the ducks walks very close to us and looks as if expecting something "Not today, I've got nothing for you." It walks even closer and I remember I got us cookies for later, so I get a bit out of my bag and put it on my hand, reaching out to the duck. It looks at my hand and in the blink of an eye, the cookie bit is gone. "You're spoiling him"

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