Chapter Fifteen

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Today I'm full of happiness and optimism; everything will finally go back to normal. Not that I didn't enjoy my days in Greece, it was loads of fun, but I'm glad to be back in London. My sweet Marina should be here anytime soon and it will be perfect again. I catch my mom right before she goes to work and decide it's time to drop the bomb... But only partially.

"Uhm... Mom?" I say as she's about to walk out of the door, she turns around and I'm no longer sure that I can do this.

"Yes, darling?" I can't, I don't know, my heart starts racing and I feel like I have to say something, it seems like I've waited forever to say a word and my mom gives me a weird look. Fuck, it's too late now, I have to do this.

"I'm going out with my girlfriend tonight, just letting you know" I almost choke at the word 'girlfriend' it was so hard to get it out, I hadn't even told my mom I like girls let alone the fact I'm in a relationship, I never tell her anything about my personal life.

I am expecting her to at least be surprised but she just smiles and says "Marina?" What the fuck? Has she known about us the entire time? No, that's impossible.

"How do you- wait, do you- do you know her?" I speak way too fast, a million questions run through my brain at the same time.

"No, but I've heard you on the phone, and from months ago you've been acting different... A good different, though" she explains and I calm down, it was just that, of course, what was I thinking? I should've expected that, how come that didn't cross my mind at any point?

"Is it ok, then?" I ask nervously and she smiles again.

"Of course, I'm late for work but you can keep telling me about her later, ok?" I nod and she leaves. As soon as I hear her car start I sigh in relief, for a second I thought she knew about everything, and it scared me. But sooner or later she'll know, and I can't postpone it forever, and it might be too soon to say this but I've realized that I want to spend the rest of my life with her, so there's no use on hiding anymore. I wonder how is it going to be when she knows, will she like Marina? Will she turn against us? I'd hate it if the last one were to be true, but it's a possibility and I can't just ignore it. I guess it's only a matter of time before I know the answer.

I don't want to be alone today and I have a lot to tell Amy and Caroline so I text them to come over, we haven't seen each other since graduation night so I'm guessing we're going to have a good time. When they get here we sit on the couch and talk about everything, I tell them about Marina, her family and Greece. She's supposed to be here but I don't know what time she's landing and she hasn't answered my calls or texts, at one point I have to put my phone in another room because I can't stop looking at it nervously, waiting for an answer. They tell me about prom, how Caroline began dating her eternal crush and how Amy got a new dog. We order a huge pizza for lunch and the two lazy bastards don't even move when the doorbell rings. I'm expecting the delivery guy, so imagine my surprise when I see Marina instead, a feeling of happiness and relief runs through my body and I run into her arms

"I didn't know you were going to get here so early" I say, she hugs me back and lifts me off the ground before kissing me.

"I didn't either, I forgot there was a time difference and it's about two hours later there" she explains with a smile.

"I've been calling you but you wouldn't take my calls, I was getting worried" I say as I give her another hug.

"My phone is somewhere in my suitcase, I'm sorry. I haven't unpacked yet, I couldn't wait to see you" she says as we walk inside the house.

"By the way, Amy and Caroline are here"

She barely lets me finish the sentence when she yells a loud "oh, hi girls!" and sits on the couch, I sit next to her and we talk until the actual delivery guy shows up.

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