Ninth Song: TARGET: LOU

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"Hello, Lou. My name's Allen Walker, this is Lavi and behind us is Howard Link. What are you doin' here all by yourself at this time? Why are you crying?" Allen asked the kid, Lou.

Lou nuzzled his head on Allen's lap and his hug tightened. He sobbed. "M-mons-t-ters…*sniff* ma-m-ma died…*sniff* mo-monste-rs *sniff* ch-chased m-m- *sniff* me… *sniff*"

"What…?" the three asked in unison as they stared at the crying kid. Could this kid be the one that the akumas are looking for? Lavi thought. It could be since the report said that the akumas don't kill people unless they are awake and seemed like they were searching for something- or someone. Furthermore, Komui told them that there is no innocence in the place so they don't have to look for it. But what are they going to do with the kid now? Lou said he was chased by the akumas. If so, then why is he alive until now? Didn't the akumas kill those who are awake? He's just a kid and easy to kill even level akuma can do it all alone. Perhaps…this kid-

"Lavi." Lavi was interrupted in his thoughts when Allen called him.


"We should take Lou with us back to the inn. It's dangerous to let him alone. We can look for the innocence tomorrow and let the finder get him-"


"Huh? What is it?"

"There's no need to look for innocence anymore. Komui told us so. And this kid-"


They was an explosion that hit them from behind, fortunately, they made it on time to dodge it.

"Uwaaaaaaahh! Papa!" the kid on Allen's arm cried while holding for his dear life as they ascended up and landed on the roof. "Shhh…It's okay, Lou. Your safe."



Link and Lavi called from the opposite side. "Are you two alright?" asked Lavi.

"Yeah! I'm sorry guys, but I didn't notice there's still an akuma!" Alen yelled when his left eye finally activated.

"What!? Where!?"

"PAPA! ABOVE US!" Lou screamed. The three looked up and saw a level three akuma smirking on them.

"Exorcists~ hand over that child~"

"Papa! No, please! Don't let the monster get me! uwaaaaaaahh!" Lou cried.

"Don't worry, Lou. I won't let you get hurt. Link! Can you put up a barrier for Lou?"

"Yes!" Link replied and jumped down the ground. Allen and Lou in his arms followed. The two looked for a safer place where they could leave the kid while they fight the akuma and Lavi activated his innocence to attack so he could buy them some time until they return. Not long after, Link and Allen found an alley that is far from where the akuma and Lavi was and safe for Lou to hide.

"Papa?" Confused, Lou asked as Allen put him down. "Stay here, Lou. Link will set up a barrier for you so you can hide here safely while we fight the monster, okay?" Allen smiled.

"But papa, when the monster fired mama she died but when it fired me it has no effect."


"Papa, if that monster fires you you'll die papa! I don't want you to die…"

Allen smiled at the kid and ruffled his hair. "I'm your papa, right? Believe me. the monster won't kill me."


"Just stay here. We'll be right back." Lou nodded his head then Allen settled him and Link put up the barrier. The two turned their backs at Lou to head where the fight between Lavi and the akuma when Lou spoke.

"Promise me you'll return, papa!"

The two halted and looked over their shoulders to face the kid behind them. Allen gave his warm and reassuring smile to him.

"I promise." He said and they set off.

The two jumped roof to roof until they reached Lavi who crouched down wincing in pain that was on his abdomen.


"Ah, Allen, Link, where's the kid?"

"We hid him. I set up a barrier." Said Link.

"Let's go." Said Allen as he activated his Crown Clown and leapt towards the akuma together with Link and Lavi and attacked simultaneously but the akuma had blocked it all with just an arm. The three backed away when it fired it's pistol which they merely dodge.

"Die~ exorcists~!" the akuma chuckled as it threw his three giant shuriken-like web to the trio. Lavi had blocked it by making his hammer huge but still, it sent him flying across and hit his back on the wall creating a huge crater on it before he fell down the ground. Link also blocked it with his binding spells for defence but he has the same fate with Lavi. Instead of sending across, he was sent down the ground and hit his back on. Like the two, Allen also blocked the attack with his Crown Clown's cloak that covered him, but unlike the two, Allen had managed to land on the ground with his feet while defending himself from the continuous acceleration of the shuriken-like web that pushed him off before it stopped and returned to its owner like a boomerang.

The three wobbled as they stood. They were about to attack when the level three akuma's weapon obliterated and turned his back on them.

"You're lucky, exorcists~ Noah-sama ordered me to retreat for now. But the next time we'll meet you'll be the dead. And oh, Noah-sama said to take care of that brat~ hahahahaha." And with that, the akuma left.

"What…was that…?" Lavi whispered to himself. He dusted himself and made his way to where Allen was kneeling while clutching his pained abdomen. Link then joined him.

"Papa! You're okay!" the kid, Lou, who supposed to be inside Link's barrier and hiding was happily running towards Allen, arms were extended for a hug. But before he could hug his 'papa', Allen dropped and used his hands for support. Allen coughed harshly.

"How- *cough* did you ge- *cough* get out- *cough* *cough*"

"A-Allen! Are you okay!?" Lavi yelled as they run to him.

"Papa! Hang on!" Lou yelled worriedly as he rubbed the back of Allen. "Papa!"

"Walker…Let's go back to the inn so you can rest." Said Link as he kneeled down.

The three of them were looking so helpless as they watched Allen cough harshly until he cough blood.

"Gwaa! *cough* *cough*"

"Allen!/Walker!/Papa!" they yelled when Allen coughed blood and fell unconscious on Lavi's arms.

"Papa! Papa!" Lou shook Allen's body while crying. "Papa! Wake up, papa! *sob* *sniff*"

"Don't worry, kid. 'Papa' is just a little bit sick. He just needs some rest. He'll wake up tomorrow so don't cry, okay?" Lavi comforted him. Lou stopped shaking Allen's body and wiped his tears away.


Link took Allen from Lavi and carried him on his back while Lavi took Lou's hand and walked back to the inn.

"Hey, Lou, right?" asked Link in which the kid in question nodded.

"How did you got out of the barrier I made?"

"I just touched it and the papers fell." Lou replied like it was the obvious thing. In his case, yes it is.

"And why did you followed us?" asked Lavi.

"I'm worried about papa."

"Is that so."

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