Tenth Song: Mischief

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Somewhere around the huge dark mansion with only hanging candy-like candles as a source of life there were five shadows situated in a long dining table. Their faces couldn't be seen but their smiles that sent off a sadistic aura.

"Is it fine to let the boy with him?" one of them asked. His tone is mascular.

"He's cute~ I want to play with him." a child-like girl whined.

"Don't worry my dear children~ *hearts* don't you see that we have hit two birds in a stone~? We'll have them in due time. *hearts* ho ho ho."

+++[Angel's Last Song]+++

It was past 1:30 a.m. when the group arrived back in the inn. Link, with an unconscious Allen on his back, went inside the room followed by Lou and Lavi. He gently put Allen on bed and tuck the covers over his shoulder. When Allen was already on his bed, Lou tore his hand from Lavi and climbed to Allen's bed. He tiredly watched the sleeping figure in front of him before he decided to sleep on in Allen's side.

The two who were still awake stared at each other before they laid down on their respective beds. Link on the middle bed and Lavi on first bed which was place at the left side of the room.

"Hey, what do you think about that kid?" Lavi asked when he made sure that Lou was already asleep.

Link pondered for a moment. Recalling the events awhile ago before he answered. "I don't know what to think about him." he said without looking at Lavi but stared at the ceiling. " He seems to be a lost kid but the when he did makes me think that he's not just an ordinary kid at all. To top it all, the Noahs appear to be interested to him."

"Heh…" Lavi smiled. "Sure there is more than that. The kid could be an innocence accommodator and the Noahs want him dead, but it was the opposite. As you noticed, the akuma told us to take care of him which means he is something or someone who is important."

"Now that reminds me…" Link said before Lavi could say anything. "That kid said his mother was killed by an akuma and when the akuma fired him it didn't affect him."

"Oh, then he could be like Allen. A parasitic-type innocence accommodator. But it doesn't make sense at all. The Noahs want him for sure then there is a question that bugs me. How did he disregard your binding spell, the barrier you had set up."

"He touched it."

"Right. But how? No one can break it unless you use force."

"I don't know. Maybe we just watch him and find out more about the kid who claimed that Allen is his father."

"You're right. Well, I'll just call Komui later and tell him about this sudden turn of event."

And with that said, their conversation ended and fell asleep.

+++[Angel's Last Song]+++


Whoa! Am I in heaven~? This place… this place… it's a paradise! Lots of beautiful young ladies are everywhere smiling at me!


I dun' wanna wake up!



Lavi groaned when he felt someone shook his body.


Wh-who are you…?


Lavi stirred and mumbled some incoherent words but the figure that was shaking him caught some of it.

"Eh? Strike? Lady? Are you killing somebody in your dream Lavi?" Lou inquired as he shook Lavi in vain. He's been doing this for a good an hour already and he began to lost his patience.

"Lavi~…" he whined. If Lavi won't wake up… he thought but cut himself as he tried to shook Lavi harder. "Wake up Lavi!" he yelled directly at Lavi's ears which of course everyone would bolt up straight and kick whoever did it but not Lavi.

Note to self: Lavi is a heavy sleeper so kicking him out of the bed would be the best option. Lou thoughtfully noted to himself as he took few steps back before running towards Lavi and sent flying kick directly at Lavi's face. Surprisingly, with his body posture and age, he managed to make Lavi out of the bed with a 'thump'.

"Ow!" Lavi winced. his face planted first on the wooden floor


He heard someone from the other side of the bed and turned to see who it was. "L-Lou!?"

"Lavi…" Lou started to sob and Lavi began to panic. He immediately stood up forgetting about the pain that was still visible because of his red and swollen face.

"H-hey, kid. Don't cry. Please." Lavi run to him and tried to soothe him.

"I've been waking you up for an hour…*sob* it's already past noon *sob* and papa is still sleeping. *sob*

"Ah, Lou-chan…Allen needs 24 hours to recharge himself. You see, your papa's powers consumes most of his strength so he needs a lot of rest. He'll wake up probably at dawn…"

Lavi trailed off when he realized something. "Crap." He muttered to himself. "Hey, what time is it again?""

"Past twelve. Don't worry Lavi, Link gave me food and he told me to tell you that he already called Ko…Komo…Kuma…? Kumai?" he replied like he knew what Lavi would ask next and spoke normally as if he didn't cry at all

"Komui." Lavi corrected.

"Ah, right. Komui. He said that once papa wake up we leave as soon as possible."

"Is that so? Alright!" Lavi chirped. He stood and stretched before going at the door. "I'm hungry. Let's go."

"I'll just stay with papa Lavi."

"Are you fine with that? You'll just get bored."

"No. I'm fine." Lou said in an indifferent tone of voice. Lavi didn't failed to notice the change in the boy's aura as he spoke. He noted that he spoke like an adult and then that feeling of uneasiness that made him wary of the boy. "Besides, it's been awhile since we've been together like this." Lou finished and the air that surrounded them felt heavier.

"You can go Lavi!" suddenly, Lou's mood and expression changed into joy as if he was a different person from a second ago. "Lavi didn't eat his breakfast so you must be super hungry, right?" he tilted his head slightly to the right and smiled cutely.

Lavi sighed. For now, he will keep this new discovery for himself and once he got back to the HQ he'll talk about this with old panda.

"Heh, you're right kid. If anything happens just call me okay? I'll be downstairs." Lou nodded just before Lavi opened the door and closed it behind. Somehow…that kid's smile was almost identical to Allen's. A smile that hides the pain. He thought as he made his way to the bathroom before he eat his lunch.

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