[The Talk]

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       When I arrived at the lab, I knew something was going on. I walked inside and looked around for Dr. Wu, but I couldn't find him in the main room where we kept the eggs and watched them as they hatched. So I walked towards his office where I knew he was going to be at.

      I walked inside to see him sitting at his desk and he looked up and saw me. I stood in front of him and he smiled and laid down whatever he was reading. "Nice to see you Victoria, since you haven't been at the lab hardly these past few weeks."

      "I've been helping Owen with the raptors, but I'm not here to talk about that." I stated and he got up from his desk. "Then what do you want to talk about?" "I know that you're behind the creation of the Indominus, and it's now your fault that he is loose." Dr. Wu didn't look surprised when I told him it escaped, either he already knew that, or he knew it was going to happen.

     "Did you know this was going to happen?" I asked and he only sighed. "When they created the Indominus Rex, I knew he would escape from it's enclosure." "But why? Why did you create it if you know it would do that?" "The Indominus was supposed to be the first genetic hybrid we made. Nothing in Jurassic World is pure, so I gave Clarie want she asked for. A creature with high intelligence, or something that's faster, bigger, and with more teeth, if you want to know what Claire personally said to me."

      I sighed, having a mixture of emotions flow through me. I was angry at Dr. Wu for creating it, but I was mostly angry at Clarie because she was the start of all this, just because the park wasn't very popular anymore like it used to be.

       I thanked him and walked out, but I stopped when I heard a familiar voice. I looked up at the screens and saw Owen yelling at a man to let him inside and I quickly ran out and went to where I saw him. Owen was being blocked by a officer who stood guard at the entrance that lead inside the lab.

     I walked over to them and laid my hand on the officer's shoulder, "It's ok, he's with me." I showed him my ID and he nodded and walked back to his post. "What did Clarie say?" I asked but Owen only pulled me along and pushed me into a empty room that broken lab devices were put up.

      "What did Clarie say?" "She said the exact same thing. They sent them out to bring the Indominus back in, but everyone of them was slaughtered." I gasped and sighed knowing that now the Idominus already took innocent lives. "Dr. Wu said that they made the Indominus to be smarter than other dinosaurs." "I think we already figured that out." Owen said and I nodded.

      "What are you planning to do?" I asked, hoping he wasn't going to do anything drastic. "I'm going out there." I widened my eyes, "But you can't!" "V, I have to before that creature kills anymore people." "Then I'm going with you!" "No your not, you're going to stay with the Barry and the raptors, even though I thought you went there before but I find you here."

      Owen gave me his normal look and I smiled at him, but it didn't really work. "Well technically, I found you here." "And technically, I told you to go to the raptor enclosure and stay there."

      I sighed and said fine and Owen nodded and we walked back out. I followed behind him as Owen walked outside and towards his motorcycle. He sat down and I sat behind him, wrapping my arms around his waist as he started the engine and drove off towards the paddock.

     Owen dropped me off and drove off and I sighed and walked up the stairs. Barry was looking down at Delta and I walked beside him and looked down as well. "Hey Barry." I said and he looked up at me. "Hello V, surprised to see you here." I smiled and looked back down, but instead I watched Blue. "I suppose you already heard the news." I said and Barry nodded, "About the Idominus Rex escaping, they never learn."

      I sighed and nodded knowing at least Owen, Barry, and I knew that it was a very bad idea to create the Idominus. Though Clarie, Wu, Masrani, and Hoskins don't agree with us, but I think Clarie would soon know.

      I said bye to Barry, but as I walked, the corner of my eye caught Blue following me from below. I stopped and looked down and Blue chirped up at me and I smiled and waved at him. His tail seemed to wag like a dog and I chuckle as I walked down the stairs. I greeted the other workers that helped keep the raptors under harms ways or kept them healthy and fed as I went to where the raptors were kept when they weren't in the paddock.

     I opened the doors and looked inside already seeing them cleaned. I looked around behind me, guessing someone already did it for me. Another job of mine instead of working in the lab and helping Owen, was cleaning Blue, Echo, Delta, and Charlie's cages. I smiled knowing I had a break today from doing it and I walked back outside.

     I walked towards a small building that was beside the paddock and I went inside. This building was used for people that needed to stay overnight near the raptors so they could keep an eye on them if they had surgery or got hurt. But these building was mostly only used by Owen, Barry, and I, since we were mostly the only ones that actually cared about the raptors.

     I laid on top of a bed in the building and I took a deep breath. Owen asked me to stay here, but I couldn't bare the thoughts of him getting hurt looking for the Idominus, while I was stuck here unable to do anything. I sighed and turned to my side, feeling sleep over me.

      I didn't want to go to sleep because I didn't know if I would be needed with something or if the Indominus went this way, since he is now loose and could be anywhere. I yawned and tried to keep my eyes open, but it didn't work and I soon closed my eyes and fell asleep. But before I did, I could of swore I heard a loud roar far away from where I was at.

The Raptor's Girl [Male Blue x OC x Male Indominus Rex] ✓Where stories live. Discover now