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Kyle woke up on the couch and grunted confused, he expected​ to wake up in a crib like he had the day before. He sighed softly​ and closed his eyes, had it been a nightmare? He waited patiently to hear Nicky running to jump on him and hug him, maybe Lee, Sam, or Dean, coming to check on him. He calmed hearing footsteps approaching him, but the voice that came out made his blood run cold, "Rise and shine, big boys don't get to sleep in."
Kyle bolted up right and sure enough his eyes met the man, he snarled in disgust, "How could this not be a dream?" he mumbled.
"You were dreaming? Well, you need to go to work I'm afraid, I fixed you some coffee, the address of the work place it with that," the man listed off, "and before you go, one little man wants to tell his big brother bye," he picked Lee up who was still in his baby attire, "go on Baby Lee, tell your big brother bye bye," Lee was clearly uncomfortable about being a baby while his younger twin brother wasn't.
"Bye bye Kywe..."
Kyle couldn't help but smirk at how it was set up, he was always picked on by Lee for being 3 minutes younger, now was a chance for payback, "Bye bye baby brother, be a good little boy for daddy, don't get too fussy, now," Lee glared at Kyle who snorted amused and went to grab the things the man had set up for him.
He approached a big building called James & Westley Enterprise. He took in a breath to calm himself down and entered the big glass doors. Automatically he was greeted by a woman with frizzy orange hair and a violet business suit, "Good morning Kyle," he nodded in response.
"Um good morning to you as well, what floor do I go to?" the lady laughed.
"Kyle, you're hilarious! Floor 3," Kyle nodded quickly going to the elevator. He pressed 3 and the doors shut. He listened to the music as he waited. Finally the doors opened again, it's there he saw a lot of personal offices with computers and such and large men, they each stood about 1-3 feet taller than Kyle. He sighed but walked in.
"Hey, it's our favorite little guy, Kyle!" Kyle stifled a growl.
"I'm not little."
Then men all sorted and laughed amused, "You're the littlest guy here, but no shame there, you're our favorite little guy," one guy teased ruffling Kyle's hair. He swiped the man's larger hands away.
"Hey, stop, leave my hair alone," he demanded making all the men laugh again.
"Aww, sounds like our little Kyle's getting grumpy."
"Maybe he missed his morning nap," Kyle groaned as the men continued laughing. Kyle walked to a desk sitting down, he put the cup of coffee onto the desk and went online seeing if he could contact his cousins, Bobby, or Nickolas in any way. With no help he racked his brain until it finally came to him. He grinned grabbing the office phone.
Kyle quickly dialed in Bobby's number, it rang once, twice, three times. He about have up until it made a noise meaning someone picked up. "Yeah?"
"Bobby, it's Kyle."
"Kyle? Where have you been, boy? Nickolas has been worried sick," Kyle felt tears prick his eyes at the mention of his baby brother being scared, he took in a little, shaky breath so he wouldn't sound sad.
"Nicky... How is he? Is he ok?"
"He's fine, he's with me for right now, when exactly do you and Lee plan on being back?"
"We're... Working on that. To be honest, I'm not real sure when..."
"What do you mean you don't know??" Bobby snapped making Kyle wince a little.
"I mean I don't know, Bobby. We're in some sorta situation....."
"What situation did you idjits get into now?"
"Certainly not a normal one... Look just.. can Sam and Dean at least attempt to find us? We definitely can't get out on our own."
"Yeah, I'll tell them, where are you?" Kyle about answered until a beep went off. He looked up to see a blonde man who turned it off.
"Now are we going to have to supervise your phone calls, little man?" he teased ruffling Kyle's hair again and taking the phone. Kyle gasped a little going to grab the phone until the man held it far out of his reach.
"Come on!! Give me that phone, it was an important call!!"
"To who? You're little girlfriend?"
"Not even close, now give it back, now!"
"Awwww, someone sounds even more grumpy," he smirked struggling not to snicker, "tell you what, if you just drink your coffee and promise not to call that number again, I'll give you the phone back."
Kyle rolled his eyes but grabbed the cup, anything would be worth having the phone back, 'I'll have to be more careful than that' Kyle thought as he brought the cup to his lips. The warm liquid flowed down his throat, was there a hint of peppermint in the coffee? He shrugged it off, finishing it quickly, as soon as he had it empty he held his hand out for the phone. The blonde man was fair to the agreement and placed it into Kyle's hand.
"Now see? If I hadn't made you drink it, it would've gotten cold."
"And if I like cold coffee?" Kyle grumbled acting like he was doing work on the computer.
"Little Kyle, that's called ice coffee and it's totally different from regular cold coffee."
"Oh bite me," Kyle groaned wanting a few moments of peace and alone-time. The men slowly left him be, doing their own work, this satisfied Kyle as he did research on his situation until an awfully familiar feeling danced around in his bladder area. He stiffened and went towards a bathroom door only to find it locked. Kyle hissed struggling not to dance around like a little child, a few men looked to him confused, finally one spoke up.
"Need something, Little Kyle?"
"Th-the bathroom," he replied frantically.
"You're gonna have to wait, Danny is in there."
"Why in the world do we only have one.freaking.stall??!??"
"Having more than one guy in there is weird, but I guess you'd be ok with it," the man teased making a red coat Kyle's cheeks.
"I-I'm not gay, I just n-need to use th-the bathroom, severally," he said allowing himself to squirm around slightly growing very impatient.
"Aww, someone's doing their little potty dance," a dark haired man taunted laughing with the others. Kyle tightly shut his eyes, pain came through his bladder begging for release. Beads of sweat started trickling down his face.
"C-cmon, this isn't funny. Isn't there another bathroom??"
"Yeah, in the GIRL'S WARD."
"C'mon little Kyle, you're a grown up aren't you? You can handle holding it, can't you?"
"Of course I can!!" he snapped, it was just at that moment however that some squirted through. Kyle tensed not moving. If he could just stay this way long enough to get to the toilet he'd be fine. A small sigh of relief at the thought made more come out tensing Kyle up again immediately.
"Kyle, are you seriously about to wet your pants?" one mad questioned, humored watching the young man struggle.
"N-no, I can hold it......"
"Sure doesn't seem that way....." Kyle ignored the comment, the door opened, right before he went in his bladder released fully. There he stood in front of men at a business work place with his pants soaked. The men all roared with laughter as Kyle looked down like an ashamed second grader.
"Aww, don't sweat it, little guy, this was all just a test," one guy said swinging his arm around the humiliated Kyle.
"Yeah, this was just a test set up by your daddy, to see how grown up you are... Though, sorry to say, you failed," another guy said with a shrug.
"Think about it like this, you won't have to worry about this as daddy's little baby, he'll take care of everything for you."
"I certainly will," a voice said by the exit door, it was enough to send chills down Kyle's spine, "now, is my little baby boy ready for the adult world or was daddy right?"
Kyle sighed biting his lip not to answer. "Daddy" smiled picking Kyle up, "That's ok, pumpkin, daddy already knows your answer, now let's get home."

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