Ch. 16

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"Ok Kyle-Boo, let's get you in one first, Lee-Bug, daddy wants you to stand right there," he said sitting Lee on his feet next to the changing station then laid Kyle on the station.
"You are not putting that thing on me!"
"Kyle, don't make this any harder than it needs to be," Seth scolded getting the shoes, shirt, and shorts off him then slipping the onesie on him buttoning it at the bottom then slipped the shoes back on him, "look at daddy's handsome baby," he cooed picking Kyle up and sitting him on his feet.
He quickly grabbed his hands giving them a warning squeeze, "Kyle-Boo, if you move from this spot, daddy will spank you right here, understand me? Do you want spankies?"
Kyle looked away with a glare, "Obviously not," he grumbled. Seth smiled petting his hair back.
"I thought not. Like I said, to avoid them, stand right here like a good boy," with that Seth lifted Lee onto the station copying the process.
Kyle bounced his knee impatiently, while he was tempted to run, he wisely picked his battle this time if he would be caught after running. 
Seth put Lee in a less embarrassing onesie, it was a simple yellow one with a large smiley face on it, he then slipped the shoes back on him as well then got him off.
"There. Two handsome boys, now are you two ready to go eat?" Seth asked picking the twins up. Answering for them, their stomachs grumbled, he laughed at this slightly and carried them back out setting the enchantment younger, about 14 months. He smiled seeing the high chairs were already set up, "Wendy, could you help me buckle Lee in? He shouldn't give you any trouble unlike Kyle would," he assured.
Wendy nodded gently taking Lee and buckling him into the high chair next to Kyle's, "There, are you ready to eat, cutie pie?" Wendy cooed getting the tray on it and sitting a cut up slice of pizza, "Ohh, doesn't that look yummy?"
Lee didn't bother answering and ate one of the pieces a smile finding it's place on his lips at the taste. Wendy laughed a little at him.
"I think he likes it Seth."
"I'm sure they both will, they like eating big kid foods," he said putting Kyle's plate on the tray.
"They must like thinking they're big boys," she said sliding into one side of the booth, "are you two big boys?" she cooed to them. Kyle rolled his eyes putting his attention to eating instead of eating. Lee merely nodded though he too was distracted by his food eating it down though being sure not to eat too quick to not get a gentle scolding from Seth to slow down his pace.
Seth and Wendy started eating theirs and soon enough they all had their pizzas eaten. Seth smiled at the twins, Kyle glared back while Lee shifted nervously and embarrassedly, "Good job angels! You ate all your food! I think that means you two deserve a little snackie," he cooed to them rubbing Kyle's cheek since he was closer and grabbed a menu, "do you two want ice cream or brownie or cookie?"
"Ice cream!" Lee answered immediately making Seth chuckle and nod.
"Ok. An ice cream for daddy's Lee-Bug, what about Kyle-Wyle, hmm? What does he want as a snackie? Does he want ice cream too or something else?"
Kyle scoffed at Seth but mumbled, "Brownie."
"You boys got it. While you eat those daddy will play games to get you two prizes then you can nap on the way home, sound nice?" he cooed lovingly, "I bet my babies are sleepy."
Lee nodded shyly, since he was fed, the tiredness came to him like a natural thing. Kyle was tired as well but didn't dare show it as much as Lee was nor would he admit to it.
A waiter came over smiling, "Would you all like any desert?" Seth nodded making the teenage looking worker get out his notepad, "alright."
"We need an ice cream and a brownie."
"Alright, it'll be a few seconds!" he said before going off. Seth stood up smiling slightly.
"I'm going to play the games so the boys will still get prizes. You two behave for Wendy, your snacks will be here soon. Just don't get too full on them. Daddy has your babas for lunch time," he pecked the boy's foreheads before going off to the games to rack up tickets so the boys could still get prizes.
Just as promised, the deserts were there very quickly, but they both dug in happily. Wendy smiled grabbing a napkin to clean some ice cream on Lee's cheek and crumbs on Kyle's face, "What messy little boys you are," she cooed, "are the snacks good, hm?" Lee happily nodded, Kyle rolled his eyes.
"We aren't actually babies..."
"Well," Wendy started not going to stand for attitude from Kyle, "I see two little boys in highchairs wearing diapers and onesies, I would watch your mouth little man."
At loss of retort, Kyle angrily leaned back in the highchair and eating the brownie. It took Seth about thirty minutes to blow all the tokens he had, he then picked the twins up, "Ok so daddy won Lee-Bug 70 and Kyle-Boo 70, spend your tickets wisely," he warned and brought them to the front counter where little toys and stickers were, "ok baby boy's, just point to the ones you want so the nice man will know what you want."
Lee sighed pointing to a glow in the stick wand that was 40, a little plastic Chuckie figure rhar was 10, and five Batman stickers which together was 20.
Kyle rolled his eyes pointing to a stuff dolphin that was blue which costed 60 and got three superman stickers which left him with 2 left. Satisfied Seth buckled them back into the stroller putting their prizes in the compartment behind.
"You two can have your prizes when we get home, it's nap time now and I don't want any distractions from sleeping," he cooed giving them the bottles, "shall we walk you home Wendy?"
"Just like in high school Seth," she teased going by his side. The two talked as they walked to Wendy's home. Kyle rolled his eyes at them pulling the bottle from his mouth.
"Thus is dumb. Its like a romantic movie with sob stories for girls," he groaned. Lee pouted a little.
"Kyyy, I wike dose mowvies jus fine," he said with a lisp due to not taking the bottle out, Kyle rolled his eyes a second time but at his twin this time.
"Yeah, you would, wouldn't you," he sneered.
"Correct me if I'm wrong but I hear two naughty boys talking instead of napping like I told them to."
Lee squeaked immediately going back to drinking the bottle. Kyle scoffed at his brother and started having a hiss fit just to push Seth's buttons but quickly regretted it when the stroller was pulled to a stop just so Seth could warningly smack Kyle's leg. He huffed doing the same as Lee. Seth smirked finding the boys fast asleep by the time they reached Wendy's home. Wendy hugged him.
"Thank you for the nice day out, the boys are adorable," she said letting go moments later. Seth chuckled.
"Just because things didn't work out in high school doesn't mean we can't make it work now, right?" Wendy laughed a little nodding.
"So, do they know about their....... surprise?"
"No, they don't have a clue. I plan on keeping it that way until the day of the surprise."
"Do you think they'll really like it Sethy?"
"Absolutely love it. I know it, I know my babies well."
Another laugh from Wendy and a kiss to his cheek, "What a good dad you are, take good care of them, bye Seth."
"Have a nice night Wendy," with that, Wendy went inside and Seth started back home with the boys.

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