Ch. 15

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Kyle scrunched his nose up a little at all of the excited screams and laughter of the kids, the occasional wailing of one not wanting to go home. It was all one major headache for him.
Lee, however, differed from his twin brother. He looked around with as much excitement as the children themselves, a large grin on his face seeing all the classic games that he knew how to play perfectly well, with the stray newer ones, and of course the few rides. All the same, it was endless fun.
Seth got them each two little cups of tokens, "Ok, so, daddy's gonna let you boys out of the stroller. Wendy's gonna stay back this time to wait on the pizza, you boys need to stay by my side at all times, ok?"
Lee nodded already attempting to unbuckle himself free, Kyle huffed, "It's not like we'll get hurt here. They have plenty of staff out today," he mumbled angrily. Seth sighed kneeling to free them from the binds of the stroller.
"Kyle-Wyle, can't you at least act a little happy? Daddy's trying to do something fun with you," Seth said standing up. The twins immediately did the same, greatful to be out where they could actually move around freely. Seth and Wendy laughed a bit at the boys. She folded up the stroller so it wouldn't take up too much room in the kiddie restaurant, and he  held his hand out to the twins.
They both attempted to avoid it and walk in opposite directions but Seth cleared his throat grabbing both of their hands, "What did I tell you two? If you aren't going to follow the rules then you aren't going to play the games here," he warned. The boys traded looks before sighing in defeat making Seth chuckle again and move his hand quick enough to ruffle their hair.
"There's my two well behaved babies, now let's go play some games.  Pumpkin Pie, see any you want to start with?" he asked looking to Lee. Lee eagerly pointed to one of the games where you had to roll a ball and land it into holes all of which had different amounts of points you could get. Kyle rolled his eyes already aware that it'd be Lee's pick.
Seth smiled at Lee's joy over the simple game and nodded walking over with the boys and put a token in two game slots. A row of balls came rushing down and a timer started. Lee happily rolled the balls up the slope and into one of the labeled holes. Kyle did the same but lacked interest to rack up any high points.
In the end, Lee managed to get up to 240 which earned him five tickets while Kyle only got 120 getting him three. "Good job Lee-Bug, you did a great job!" Seth praised pecking his forehead to which Lee surprisingly didn't wince away from making "daddy" smile, he then looked to Kyle, "You did a very good job too, sweetheart," he cooed twirling his hair ultimately rendering Kyle helpless to enjoyment, "now, what game does Kyle-boo wanna play, Hmmm?" he asked once he stopped twirling the boys hair.
Kyle shuttered still uncomfortable at how easily he fell into delight over the action but looked around at the machines. He eventually pointed to an air hockey machine. Seth nodded bringing them over to it and put another set of tokens into the two game slots letting the boys play against each other.
It only lasted about three minutes, but in the end, Kyle ended up winning making Lee pout, "Not fair," he whined, "I want a rematch."
"Oh, so eager to loose again, Lee?" Kyle asked cockily with a smirk to go with his attitude.
"I won't! I'm gonna win this time!"
"The only way you'd win is if I let you."
"Not true!!"
"Yes it is."
"No it's not!"
"Yes it is."
"Is not!"
"Is so."
"Is no-"
"Boys, I don't want any fighting here. Big boys take winnings and looses as they are given and you two are my big boys today, aren't you?" "Daddy" questioned with a raised brow. They all stood in awkward silence, "Aren't you?"
"Yeeeah," Lee answered twisting a little like a shy kid, Kyle rolled his eyes at his older-twin brother.
"While we are "big boys", we aren't yours," Seth raised a brow at Kyle's reply.
"Young man, I don't like that attitude," he warned.
"Oh well boo hoo for you. I don't like you posing as our dad and treating us like babies but it's happening. Life isn't fair sometimes."
"Kyle, you have to the count of three to apologise to daddy for your rude behavior before you loose all big boy privileges for the day. 1...." Seth said starting to count.
"Oh no, what'll happen when you get to three will I be sent to the corner to think about what I did??" Kyle sneered slamming his hands on to the game machine.
"2..." Seth continued not replying to his remarks but obviously very annoyed by them. Lee looked between Seth and Kyle before keeping his focus on his twin brother.
"Ky, maybe you should really stop," Lee warned nervously not wanting Kyle to be hurt or humiliated, especially at a place like this where everyone would be bound to stare if some scene went on.
"Shut your mouth Lee, I don't need your advice on what to do. I'm capable of taking care of myself, unlike you, apparently," Kyle replied clearly on a roll with his rude, harsh opinions.
"3," Seth finished picking Kyle up and giving a harsh swat to his bum, "you will not talk to daddy or bubby like that," Seth started walking to the bathroom. Lee was confused and paralyzed trying to think of what to do for a moment before rushing to catch up, latching himself onto one of Seth's arms.
"Wait d-daddy!" he pleaded in the most childish voice he could manage, Seth looked at him from over his shoulder, adjusting his arm enough to soothingly rub Lee's arm.
"What is it Sugar Pie? What's wrong? Seth asked with a loving coo though he frowned confused.
"D-don't take K-.....b-bubby," he pleaded again in a childish voice shyly nuzzling Seth, even so, he kept his face out just enough for his hazel eyes to show.
"Aww snookum, bubby was bad, he needs to be punished," Seth explained with a gentle tone.
"What wou gonna do wit him?" Lee whimpered out looking to Kyle. Their eyes locked a moment before Kyle looked away.
"Exactly what I told you boys I'd do if you gave daddy a hard time. If you can't act like big boys, you won't look nor be treated like ones."
"You are not putting me in an onesie!" Kyle snapped making "daddy" turn all his attention to him.
"Someone's getting grumpy just like he did last night," Seth crooned bouncing Kyle on his hip, "I hope you aren't ready for a nappy yet, daddy planned on doing that after you ate your pizza," he said tickling Kyle's stomach with a finger. Kyle squirmed a little clearly disliking that, Seth smiled slightly before looking back to Lee who was planning his reply.
Lee took a hesitant breath before pulling puppy eyes, "I-I wanna be wour wittle boy too."
Seth was taken slightly taken back by this but smiled none the less, "Are you sure you want too sweetheart? Daddy won't make you if you don't want to. You've been a good boy unlike your brother."
Lee took one look at his twin brother, again hesitating. He wasn't able to read Kyle's expression. He was still hurt by that, as kids they could tell just by glancing at each other. As if wanting to fix his brother's pain, a flash of pleading came to Kyle's eyes, asking him to do it with him. That was all Lee needed to nod, eagerly. Seth sighed and nodded.
He picked Lee up, "Ok, maybe later daddy will try and play the games so my boys don't leave empty handed," he said and brought the boy's to their booth where Wendy was. She looked between Seth and the twins confused as Seth dug through the diaper bag to get the onesies.
"Oh no, did you boys get in trouble?" she asked.
"Kyle-Wyle did because he decided to be a rude little mister but Lee just wants to be daddy's little boy," he said cooing on Lee's part making him blush. "Daddy" picked the boy's up, "we'll be back once I get the boy's dressed. Our pizza should be here by then, right?"
Wendy nodded and replied, "Yeah, it should be."
"Alright, can you request two high chairs for the boys?"
"Of course!"
"Wonderful, thanks doll, we'll be right back," and with that Seth brought the boy's to the bathroom.

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