Ch. 12

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They soon arrived to the aquarium, "Look at all the pretty fish," Stein coos to the boys. Kyle scoffed rolling his eyes.
"Dun wike dem," Kyle said stubbornly turning away. Stein sighed rubbing Kyle's hair gently only stopping when he started fussing again.
"Someone's just not having a good day," the older man cooed. Lee took a different approach and cooed to the fish, tapping on the glass and putting his hand up to it. Stephen was quick to try and end that.
"Uh uh, Lee, we don't touch the glass, no, no, you'll scare the nice fishies. Just look at them. Just look, no touchies." 
Lee poutily glared up at Uncle Stephen before continuing anyways. Stein paused tending to Kyle to assist Stephen with Lee. He gently smacked Lee's hands, "Lee, Uncle Stephen told you to stop, that means stop," he scolded.  Lee faked a little sniffle before starting to "cry". This, of course, only made Kyle have an even bigger hiss fit. Stein was quickly getting fed up he went around to the front if the stroller kneeling to the twins, "Boys. Uncle Stephen and I brought you here to have fun, you can still have fun looking at all the other fish and without touching the glass. However, if this behavior continues we're going right home."
Lee hushed at the mention of home, despite the baby stuff, he was enjoying the time out from Seth's home. Kyle continued for a moment but eventually quieted so they could stay. Stein nodded going back to the other side and started pushing the stroller.
The trip was mostly a success from there. Kyle kept his act up of looking away from the fish mostly due to lack of interest but Lee actually looked around happily, almost with child-like awe. Kyle found his brother's amazement rather ridiculous. Afterwards Stein decided both boys were good enough to have a treat like he told them and got them both one sugar cookie each.
"See? Wasn't that fun? And in just enough time to be home for daddy," he cooed to the twins. Kyle rolled his eyes but ate the cookie just enjoying the fact it wasn't baby food. Lee enjoyed it for the fact it was sweet and sugary. Stein chuckled at them as he pushed them along back to their home.
"They're so cute!" Stephen exclaimed softly, the older brother nodded in agreement.
"Yeah, they definitely are," he smiled as they approached the home seeing the car parked. He faked a gasp, "oh boys! Look! Daddy's already home, aren't you two so happy?" Kyle rolled his eyes less than thrilled.
"Hawdwy," he grumbled into the blue pacifier.
As if hearing Stein, Seth opened the door walking to the porch, "There's daddy's baby boys! Did you two have fun with your uncles?" Stein chuckled as he pushed the stroller inside Stephen following his brother. Seth shut the door behind himself and his younger brothers.
"Hello handsome little men," Stella cooed going up and gently undoing the boys letting them out of the stroller. She laughed softly as both boy's faces hand crumbs from the cookies on them, "did two twins get a little messy with their snacky?" she cooed again.
Seth laughed softly, "So far they've gotten messy with any big kid food they had. They threw pancakes at each other this morning," he said folding up the stroller to put it away for now, "Stephen will you get Stella a paper towel to clean the boys up?" the youngest demon nodded heading to do so.
The only sister smiled and picked her nephews up, "Auntie's turn to see the precious little men."
"Be careful, Kyle's been fussy all day, haven't you little guy," Stein cooed. Kyle glared slightly at all the attention being on him, Lee snickered softly at his younger-twin brother.
"Did someone not get a long enough nappy?" Stella asked sweetly as she gently twirled Kyle's hair. He tensed only a brief moment before relaxing completely, a soft sigh of content leaving him.
"I think he likes that Stell," Seth said sitting next to his sister. She giggled nodding in agreement.
"Sure looks like it. Have we found little Kyle's sweet weakness?" she teased continuing. Kyle wanted to say some rude retort but found himself speechless, he was enjoying it, very much so.
Stephen came back in with the paper towels, Seth smiled gently taking them, "Thanks Steph."
"You're welcome!" he chirped. Seth chuckled at his youngest brother and wiped the boy's face clean of the crumbs.
"So were they good boys for you besides daddy's little Kyle-boo being all grumpy-wumpy, he's definitely going to bedy bye early tonight," "Daddy" decided with a nod, crooning to Kyle a moment, "Yes he is, oh yes he is, Kyle-Wyle is gonna get a lot of sleepies tonight and so will daddy's little Lee-Bug."
"Well Lee misbehaved a little, but it wasn't anything horrible, he just wanted to mess with the glass at the aquarium. But once he stopped he actually seemed to enjoy it," Stein explained. Seth nodded chuckling slightly looking to Lee.
"Someone felt adventurous, he's usually the good boy," he admitted to his siblings, "Did my baby Lee feel like being a naughty boy, hm? Hm? Was he?" he hummed talking to him like he was a baby.
Lee shifted uncomfortably with everyone's eyes in him now. It was now Kyle's turn to smirk at his brother.
"So do you boys wanna see what your daddy and I got you?" she cooed carrying them to a few bags. She set them on the floor handing two bags to them each and left one between them, "These two are just for Kyle and these two are just for Lee and this one," she paused a moment to point to the one set in the middle of them, "is for both of you."
"Go on baby boys, you can open them," Seth encouraged after the two sat there awkwardly for a moment. The twins sighed simultaneously but did so.
In Lee's two bags there was a Funshine Carebear plushie, three new pacifiers (one was green, one was blue and red striped, and the other was plain red with a heart on it), two onesies (one was a red and white vertically striped one, the other was a white one with the words "Diaper loading" on it above a loading bar similar to one on a computer), some Carebear and Precious Moments stickers for his crib, a Little Ensteins coloring book, and a pair of footie pajamas decorated in teddy bears and blocks. 
Kyle's was similar, he had a Grumpy Bear Carebear plush, also three pacifiers but with different designs (one was blue and black poka-doted, another was white with blue brims with a bird on it, and a greyish blueish one with a shark on it), two onesies (one was a matching "Diaper loading" one but the other was a forest green with a little deer and big dear with the words "Daddy's little buck" written in brown underneath it), he got Precious Moments and Wow Wow Wubzie stickers for his crib, a Land Before Time coloring book, and a matching pair of footies. 
Finally they looked into the middle bag, inside it were some cartoon movies like more Carebears, Rugrats, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Inside Out, Dumbo, Peppa Pig, and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and a lamp. One half of it was decorated with teddy bears, a few of the Carebear tummy marks, and Paw Patrol, at the top was Lee's name written in blue bubble letters. The other half had blocks, Blue's Clues, and race cars with Kyle's name written at the top in red cursive. 
"Wasn't that nice," Stein said smiling, Seth chuckled.
"Nothing is too good for my sweet babies. We'll put the stickers on your guys cribs before you two go to bed and your new lamp can be your nightlight so you don't get scared in the dark."
Kyle rolled his eyes looking to his twin somewhat surprised seeing him actually hugging the Funshine stuffie. Seth picked the boys up putting them into the play pen.
"Alrighty, we'll leave you boys here to watch a movie and play. Daddy's gonna start dinner and your uncles and aunt are gonna come with me so we can talk," he explained, "Stephen, put in the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse DVD please," he said handing Kyle his Grumpy Bear plush before gathering the rest other the things to set them up in the nursery.
Stephen nodded doing so while Stella gathered up the remaining DVD'S to put them with the rest. Once it was all settled up the adults disappeared into the kitchen. Kyle took full opertunity to spit the pacifier out, "Why are you cuddling that thing?" he questioned picking up his own to inspect it trying to see what made them so special to Lee.
The older twin shrugged loosely spitting his binky out as well, "What, I can't enjoy a toy? Dad used to put Carebears on for us all the time, we liked it then."
"Yeah, when we were like four. You do know it's aimed for like a female audience right?"
"It is not," Lee groaned glaring at his brother, "guys could watch it too, it was popular," Kyle started snickering which automatically made Lee sit up defensively, "what's so funny??" he snapped.
"I'm sorry but....... You're actually acting like a baby, that's what he was aiming for, you're aware of that, right?" Lee's cheeks turned red at his brother's accusations.
"That's not what's happening at all!" Lee said glaring harder, Kyle scoffed pointing to the bear plushie that Lee was still clutching close and tight.
"Really now?"
"Yes and you have no room to talk! You enjoyed it when that woman twirled your hair!"
Kyle went stiff but glared as well, "Mom used to do that when I was sad or scared, Lee," was all he grumbled sounding a little hurt.
Lee sighed, "I'm sorry I brought it up, but for the record, I only enjoy this because on some days when it was just me and dad, he'd nudge me tell me this was his favorite bear of them all....."
They both stayed in awkward silence that seemed impossible to shatter. Lee sighed after some time and said, "Kyle? I'm sorry..."
Kyle sighed scratching the back of his head, "I'm sorry too... I guess there are just some lines neither of us need to cross.." 
Lee nodded in agreement and hugged his brother. Kyle huffed but hugged back. "Awww, isn't that sweet, my two boys are being all cuddly together!" Seth cooed. The twins quickly pulled apart, Seth chuckled at this and picked them up, "Well, any case, come on sweetie pies, it's time for some nummies then we'll tell everyone bye bye then it'll be bed time," he hummed as he carried them to the high chairs and buckled them into them before buckling on the trays and setting two plates of mashed potatoes and green beans on their trays, "Ok boys, eat up!"
"Sethy," Stella started frowning concerned, "are you sure they need to eat that alone? You said so yourself that they get messy with their big kid food."
Seth hummed a moment looking at the boys who silently prayed he would shrug off the idea, "Ya know Stell, you're right," he said nodding and pulled a chair up to the boys who both groaned.
Seth chuckled scooping up some of both foods from Kyle's plate, "Open up for the choo choo train," he cooed and proceeded to make ridiculous train noises as he brought the fork to Kyle's mouth. He quickly turned away, Seth sighed, "Baby, don't be stubborn," he pleaded, "just open up for daddy," Kyle huffed remaining stubborn and kept his mouth shut.
Seth narrowed his eyes, "Kyle-boo, open your mouth right now or else you can go to bed without the treat daddy got you," Kyle rolled his eyes at the sad attempt of a bribe. Moments went by and Kyle still kept his mouth shut. Seth sighed deciding to try Lee seeing as he was the more willing of the two. Despite a blush at the train noises fone for him as well he did open his mouth.
"There's a good boy!" Stella praised making Stein chuckle but join in as well.
"What a big boy Lee is, opening his mouth," Stein said. Lee's blush seemed to darken at the childish approval he was getting. Kyle rolled his eyes and opened his mouth so his brother wouldn't have to suffer through it alone.
"Good job Kyle!" Stella called cooing to him.
"See, opening your mouth for daddy isn't that bad," Seth cooed feeding both boys another bite before taking a bite of his own from his plate. This was how dinner went until everyone was done.
"Tell them bye bye," Seth cooed to the twins as the three siblings waited by the door, "Say bye bye Auntie and Uncies, go ahead."
"Bye bye," they said in unison having a lisp now that they had pacifiers in their mouths. They all bid their goodbyes before leaving. Seth sighed happily.
"Alright, let's get my baby boys ready for bedy bye," he crooned carrying them upstairs. The boys noticed the stickers already on their cribs and the lamp set up. Seth first laid Lee into the crib carrying Kyle to the changing table.
"We won't put you two in your new jamies," he cooed slipping the onsie off of Kyle, "we wouldn't want it soaked through tonight," he teased swapping the daytime diaper for a night time one then slipping on a pair of footies that were decorated in Spiderman.
He then lays him in the crib and gets Lee out to do the same only he put him in a Toy Story themed footies. He then lays him in the crib going to get them their bottles. Once given to them he pecks both boys foreheads and flip the lamp on providing a light blue glow, "Nighty night baby boys, daddy will see you tomorrow," he whispers leaving the door ajar. 
Lee easily fell asleep, Kyle however kept himself awake. The lamp provided him a good view of the room. Good enough that he could see the window clearly. A thought came to mind. While he struggled to get out of the crib he managed to do so wincing at the thud he landed with. He quickly made his way to the window but as he was opening it the door slammed open and the main light flipping on, "Kyle-boo, what are you doing out of bed?" Seth said stalking over to him.

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