Ch. 11

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"Aww does someone not want a clean little butt?" Stein teased as Kyle tried wiggling away. Stein chuckled and changed Kyle's diaper for a dry one. He slipped on a red onesie that also had a hood. Again, he pulled the hood up over the boy's head only to reveal that there was puppy ears on the hood. Stephen smiled.
"My goodness, you two are just precious in these outfits!" he exclaimed, "Stein, can I take pictures of them?" 
"I don't see why not, I'm sure they'd love to have their pictures taken, it is a form of fawning after all," Stein agreed with a shrug. Stephen beamed happily and carried Lee to the couch setting him up.
"Just put Kyle next to his bubba," Stephen said as he got his phone and camera ready. Stein chuckled softly but did so. Stephen kneeled in front of the boys, "ok cuties, smile!" he exclaimed taking the picture. He frowned a bit seeing they hadn't smiled, "Boys, why won't you smile for Uncle Stephen's picture? It'd make it so precious......"
"Because we aren't babies, you twisted little-" Kyle was cut off by a pacifier that Stein popped in his mouth.
"Don't worry about it Stephen, he's still obviously cranky, poor baby," he said soothingly to the youngest brother. Stephen nodded slightly.
"Maybe we should give them their bottles and let them play a bit," Stephen suggested trying not to sound hurt.
Stein smiled and nodded slightly, "Sounds like a great idea, you wanna feed Lee or Kyle, baby brother?" he asked gently. Stephen thought a moment looking both boys over.
"Lee, he's nice to me."
Stein chuckled and nodded handing Lee to Stephen and picked up Kyle, "I think he has a bottle made for each boy," he said going to get the bottles made for the twins. Lee whimpered slightly not enjoying being held by a practical stranger, it was enough for Seth to hold him but now his brother too?
Stephen noticed the whimper and immediately soothingly bounced him, "Aww, don't be scared baby boy! Uncle Stephen isn't mean at all, it's ok" he cooed petting his hair. Lee took a calming breath, Stein chuckled a little bit and handed  Stephen the baby bottle.
"I bet he just misses daddy, that's all. From what I heard he's the daddy's boy of the two," Stein teased heading to the living room. Stephen chuckled following behind his second oldest brother. They sat down on the couch side by side each cradling a boy. Kyle grunted trying to squirm out of Stein's hold, "Don't struggle little man, just drink this, you'll feel better," he said bringing the bottle to his mouth.  Kyle unwillingly took it glaring at Stein who only chuckled at him.
"Goodness, daddy wasn't kidding about you, you certainly are a stubborn, mean little man aren't you? Remind me a lot of daddy when he was little like you," Kyle almost spit the formula out at Stein's words, he ended up choking on it instead. Stein pulled the bottle away patting and rubbing Kyle's back, "Careful, little guy, daddy would be upset if something bad happened to you on my watch," Kyle rolled his eyes catching his breath back after coughing. He felt sick being compared to "daddy".
Stephen smiled down at Lee who had saved himself the pain and drunk the formula without much of a struggle, "That makes you the good boy, huh? Yeah, do you like being the good boy?" Stephen cooed tickling him under the chin.
Lee squirmed a little at this, and softly whined, Stephen chuckled deciding to stop the tickling. Soon enough, with struggle or not, both boys had the bottle full of formula in their systems. "Alright, now then, Daddy and Auntie should be gone a little while longer, how about we go somewhere, huh boys?"
Kyle rolled his eyes, "Whawt's de poiwnt of adking us? Wou'll take us nanyways," he grumbled into the pacifier.
"Look at who's a smart boy," Stephen cooed petting Kyle's hair, he immediately swiped his hand away. Stein chuckled and set up the stroller and diaper bag.
"How about the aquarium? Doesn't that sound like fun?" he cooed picking both twins up strapping them in, "If you're good boys, we'll buy you a little treat after like maybe some cookies," Stein promised ruffling their hair before going around to start pushing the stroller, "let's go Steph."
"Coming!" he chirped following his older brother.
The adults pushed the boys along talking, Kyle sighed muffled to the binky, "Dis wis so tupid."
"Ayeast we wown't be home. It been getting stuffy," Lee answered laying his head back.
"Hey Wee?"
"Do you wike aww dis baby tuff?" Kyle leaned forward to look at his older twin who acted like he was in a daze while pondering his answer, he eventually sighed.
"I can't say I wike it but pighting it wown't hewp de sitation any," he finally replied, "We tuck hewe untiw we get aved."
Kyle sighed nodding before an idea came to him, he smirked past the pacifier. Lee groaned seeing his brother's look, "Kywe? Whawt wou pwanning?"
"Dey want babies? We give dem babies," was all he said, Lee arched his brow.
"Whawt awe wou saying?"
"Babies can be weal pains as we awawe, we'll give dem a taste of whawt weal babies awe wike," Lee about questioned him further until Kyle started whining and squirming spitting the pacifier out onto the ground. Lee was freaked out leaning back to try and avoid stares from strangers. Stein pulled the stroller to a stop reaching his hand out to soothingly rub Kyle's hair.
"Shhhh, it's ok baby, no need in being fussy, Uncle Stein and Stephen are here, it's ok," despite his attempts, Kyle kept up his whining.
"Here, he dropped his pacifier," Stephen said handing it to his older brother. Stein nodded cleaning off the pacifier with his shirt.
"Is this what you want Kyle?" Stein asked sliding it into Kyle's mouth only for him to keep squirming and whining. Kyle looked over to his twin brother to let him know he could join in anytime.
Lee looked down debating before sighing starting to fuss like his brother occasionally mumbling a little, soft daddy.
The two uncles looked to each other baffled, Stephen rubbed his neck awkwardly, not having much experience with kids. Stein sighed having his own little girl, "Boys, if you keep this up we won't go to the aquarium and you won't get any cookies, now stop that," he said voice tied between stern and gentle. Both boys snickered but stopped their whining allowing them to continue on to their little trip.
"Dat was wot of fun!" Lee exclaimed. Kyle laughed a little more nodding in agreement.
"Mmhmm, but we awen't downe yet," they shared a set of identical, mischievous smirks.

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