Ch. 24

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It took about half a hour due to the boys not being very motivated to eat the food. "Why are we still in these?" Kyle growled out pressing his hands against the tray to get it away. Crowley leaned against the wall watching the younger twin amusedly.
"Auntie has a treat for you boys and we want to make sure you'll be nice and clean before we head out," he explained with a smirk.
"Ok sweet boys!" Stella cried happily sitting a case of something on the table and opening it, "Are you ready?"
"Just show us!" Kyle snapped gritting his teeth against his tongue ignoring the slight pain caused by this action.
"Calm down grumpy, I'm getting it," Stella called teasingly pretending she merely heard an impatient toddler and turned around revealing three cupcakes.
"Tada! Something as equally sweet as you three," she cooed lovingly and sat the sugary sweets on the high chair trays. Crowley smirked further as he pushed himself off the wall.
"Hold on there, Stell, we best get the paper off for them. They'll eat it by not knowing any better," he insisted grinning mockingly to the twins and their little brother.
Stella gasped, "Oh right. Will you help me with that?" she asked grabbing Nick's and peeling the paper off. Crowley had that devious twinkle in his eyes again that everyone seemed to miss again. He started on Lee's talking very degradingly.
"Yes, we wouldn't want little Nicholas to choke or get hurt, would we? Thank goodness some adults were here, little Iron and Friendly Toddlers wouldn't have been big enough to catch that."
Lee scowled angrily, how dare Crowley say he wouldn't be big enough to catch it? He still reminded Nick to take the paper off when having cupcakes, despite the 12 year old's insistence of knowing by now and not needing the reminders, he still did so just in case. Crowley sat it down and moved on to Kyle's. Lee slumped back glaring at the male and female, both were now officially starting to get on his last nerve.
"There!" Stella chirpped once all three cupcakes were paperless, "Now go ahead honeys, eat up!" they all were hesitant until the slight headspace syrium in the twins kicked in. They only instinctively traded looks before taking a bite, copying each other's moves, including wiping their mouths after it. Crowley gave a humored snort. Seeing that his big brothers were ok with it, Nicky took his first bite however, the sweetness made him take the second with no hesitation. All three continued to eat, the syrium causing Lee and Kyle to hold their cupcakes a little awkwardly getting icing on their faces. Stella laughed a little at this, "Who would've guessed the bigger boys would make more of a mess on themselves?"
"Well they're only babies, Stel."
"True," she says with a smile as she grabbed a baby wipe wiping off the boys face and hands, "Well there we go! Three, handsome little boys! You got everything Crowley?" Stella asked getting Nick and Kyle out of their highchairs.
"I sure enough do, are we going to take them for a walk or car ride, hmm?"
"Car ride, we'll be doing enough walking as is. These little sweeties get to take it easy and ride the whole way," she cooed as she finally lifted the two boys up leaving Lee to Crowley. They carried them out to Stella's car, Kyle tensed at the carseat design choices.
It was much worse than what Seth had, it was decorated in blue and white pocadots and had trays with mocking devil traps with a mark through each one signifying that the demon could get through. Hanging from above in the middle, where the smallest carseat was, was a t.v. screen. She buckled Nick in first then Kyle while Crowley only did Lee.
The king dug through the diaper bag pulling out a DVD of Piglet's Big Movie.
"A movie to match your outfits. Figured it'd make your moods a bit better," he teased putting it in.
"Oh aren't you so kind," Kyle sneered. Crowley shrugged looking through the bag again and putting out a pacifier reading "Baby Boy" and put it in his mouth.
"Now, someone just needs their mute button," he then looked to Lee and Nick, "either of you got a rude comment?" the two were fast to shake their heads.
Satisfied, he put the bag down and hit play on the movie, "Ok sweeties, just watch your movie, we'll be there soon," Stella cooed going to the drivers seat, Crowley in the passenger.
Kyle darted his eyes to anywhere but the screen. Nick got settled into the carseat paying only half attention while the movie had all of Lee's. It was a little less than half way into the movie, about 35 minutes probably when the car came to a stop. Nick and Kyle scanned around to see their surroundings, while Lee didn't seem to notice. Kyle narrowed his eyes seeing the clear words "ZOO" written on a sign.
"Alright sweeties, I hope you're ready to see some animals!" Stella cooed getting them out as Crowley got out the stroller. He had "accidentally" forgotten the third one and gave a gasp as he "realized his mistake".
"Oh dear, it seems I've left the third one at home. I guess one of them will have to be carried," Lee looked at Crowley narrowing his eyes angrily, it only made Crowley smirk, "I'll carry Nick, after all, he's smaller and you don't need to be getting too tired, Stella dear."
The female was hesitant, looking down to Nick who was clearly worried about being held by the evil king.
"He looks scared..."
"He just needs to warm up. Another reason for me to," Stella sighed nodding and kissed Nick's forehead.
"At least go with him a little while, we'll switch out later if need be," she promised. She traded Nick for Lee buckling the twins into the stroller despite Lee squirming wildly.
"My, my, someone's excited," Crowley teased, his smirk growing as Lee glared daggers.
With a light chuckle, Crowley turned his attention to Nick gently bouncing him. Nick squeaked frightendly, not expecting it, due to not much control of his bladder he wet his diaper a little but Crowley pretended not to notice.
They then pushed and walked towards the zoo, "Should we put the enchantments on?" Stella whispered to Crowley who pondered on it. They'd get embarrassed either way, but then again, it'd be a hilarious sight to see them all getting frustrated at their words not being understood. After a moment, he nodded.
"For some of the trip. We'll take it off about lunch?"
"Why?" she tilted her head not at all having the agenda of intentionally embarrassing the boys on her mind.
"So everyone can see them as both. There's more likely to be other kids too up in this area, we wouldn't want them to get embarrassed," Stella thought on the reasons before nodding. With a wave of her hand, the reality changed. The twins, to everyone but her and Crowley, would appear to be a month or two over one year old while Nick would only look 6 months.
With it settled they continued on, "How many?" the worker asked with a smile.
"Two adults, three children," Stella replied going to pull out her money but Crowley stopped her.
"Don't worry yourself with it, I have more than enough," he insisted pulling out enough to pay. The worker smiled counting it out just in case before nodding.
"Ok. And what shapes can you two say?" she cooed to the twins while digging through a box hidden behind her little podium like thing in front of her.
"Oh are you kidding me?? I think we can say them all!" Kyle snapped but the woman only saw a fussy toddler. She laughed a little at this.
"Ok, sorry for asking, tough guy, how about a star, hmm?" she held up a star stamp before grabbing out a small case of blue ink pressing the star shape onto the ink, "Just need everyone to hold out their hands," Stella and Crowley did so with no trouble. Lee hesitantly doing the same but Kyle was too stubborn to and Nick was focused on his fear.
"Oh Kyle, Nicky, don't be shy. Crowley, will you help Nicky?" Stella asked as she went around managing to pull on of Kyle's hands away for the worker to stamp it.
Crowley smirked at Nick frightening him more he whimpered as Crowley actually rather gently grabbed his wrist holding it out. The worker stamped a little further up to ensure the little one couldn't possibly get a hold of it.
She waved to the five as they then enter, "Bye bye kiddos! Have fun!" Kyle growled a little leaning back in the stroller as Stella stepped to a large map grabbing a smaller one and opening it.
"Alright, sweeties, what do you all wanna see first? The elephants maybe?"
"Oh Stella, little Nicky here loves the insects," Crowley informed looking to Nick. The younger boys eyes seemed to light up a little, it was true, but on any trip to the zoo, they avoided it, for Lee's sake. Lee's always had a huge fear of bugs of really any kind, and his job really didn't help with this fear on multiple occasions.
Stella smiled, "Well then, we'll head that way first, then we'll let the twins pick some animals."
"Sounds like a plan," it took quite a bit of walking to get to the area with butterflies in it as well as a few other insects in glass cases on the sides. Nick looked around with awe. While Lee would've normally been happy to see Nick happy, he was a little too busy avoiding the butterflies that flew too close to his face for his liking.
He whimpered a little at a red one, Kyle glanced over, "Lee, you're fine, they're harmless animals. They're freaking butterflies, come on now," he scolded though his voice wasn't as stern as he usually held it.
"Th-they're still so freaky, their multiple legs and eyes a-and," he stopped knowing if he went on he'd only scare himself more.
Crowley had it all going just to plan, he glanced to the twins before speaking up, "Oh dear, someone's looking rather pale, are you ok, Friendly Toddler?"
This alerted Stella as she immediately leaned forward frowning at Lee's clearly petrified face. Regardless he gulped trying to pull a brave one, "I'm fine... thanks."
"Oh sweetie," Stella cooed going over and unbucklung Lee and got him out bouncing gently as she held him, "if you're scared you need to tell me or Crowley, we don't want you to be frightened," she kissed his forehead. If Lee wasn't surrounded by bugs he'd definately be squirming to get away, "how about we switch now, huh?"
Lee tensed at this, while he'd rather not, he knew Crowley freaked Nick out, which was the only reason he nodded.
"Should we switch their ages, so people won't get concerned?"
Stella nodded, "Probably for the best," she agreed doing so. They then traded boys, Stella gently buckled Nick in and kissed his forehead looking to Crowley and Lee frowning again at Lee's still scared nature.
"Ok honeys time to go, maybe if we have time after everything else we'll stop by again," she promised turning around. Crowley chuckled a bit as he carried Lee next to Stella and the stroller.
"Well, see where that fear got you now? Ruining your brothers fun, guess that proves how much of a baby you are," Crowley said with a shrug.
Lee casted his gaze down, trying to find his words before finally finding them again, "I don't think that matters to him as much as getting away from you..."
"Then I guess you don't know your brother that well."
This triggered something in Lee as he tensed up looking up as he glared, "Who are you to say that?? I know Nicky better than anyone else, especially you!!"
"Oh my someone's fussy," the sound of a new voice made Lee look. It was a male with strawberry blonde hair with a little 4 year old girl in a stroller looking around amazed with an ice cream in her hand.
"Oh yes, all three are," Crowley replied with a slight grin after glancing to Lee and starting to bounce him, "Stella, be a dear and grab one of the dummys, won't you?" he asked. Stella, of course, did so.
"Three, man, best of luck to you," the man replied waving as he walked off. Crowley chuckled leaning in close to Lee's ear.
"I'd get out all your temper tantrums before lunch cause after that the enchantment comes off and how embarrassing for an adult to not only look but act like a toddler too?" Lee growled as Stella handed Crowley the pacifier to which was automatically pressed into his mouth.
"Now, let's go see the elephants," Stella smiled as she spoke pushing the stroller once more, Crowley still tagging on next to her.

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