Chapter 22

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Luke's POV

Our game this week was a home game which was nice because it meant that we didn't have to travel. Brynn and I had spent our last couple of lunch times in the library together. She continued to work on her Bio assignment and I did some of my other homework.

I don't know how the topic came up but she said that she was going to be at the game. I didn't push her to explain why she decided to come now and I think she liked that. We were all sitting in the locker room and Coach was going on about playing a clean game.

I wasn't really listening, instead fiddling with my skate laces and tape on my stick. Soon enough he was finished and we were out of the locker room and onto the ice to start to game. I was on the bench when the game started and I took the opportunity to scan the crowd.

I saw Brynn sitting opposite the benches. She wouldn't know that I was looking at her but it felt nice to have someone watching my game for once. I watched the game unfolding in front of me and the puck seemed to bouncing up and down the ice without either team really having a chance to do much.

Coach finally sent my line over the boards and I could tell that this game was different. The first time that I got checked it was lot harder than other the other school games that I've played. We got a couple shots on goal but nothing that hit the back of the net.

I got annoyed when I was standing on the bench. I could see a few opportunities that got missed and it was annoying that I couldn't do anything about it. I finally got back on the ice and immediately made a difference.

I noticed how the other players were moving and I could see a shooting lane was about to open. I called for the puck and luckily Kris noticed in time. I got the puck and seconds later it was hitting the back of the net.

My teammates celebrated with me as we skated over the bench. The next time that I was on the ice I felt that the goal had made them more aggressive. I got checked into the boards and it took me a minute to get my breath back.

By that point the puck was already half way down the ice the other way and had to push myself to reach the puck. We didn't score again on this shift but I got pushed around a couple of times and needed the break once I got off the ice.

They scored while I was on the bench making it a tied game again. No one scored again and time counted down and soon there was only two minutes left. Mark's line had been on the ice for a long shift now and I knew that they looked tired and would have to come off the ice soon.

"Come on, send us on," I complained at Coach.

He glared at me and didn't say anything.

"We aren't going to fucking win with a tired and shitty line on the ice," I told him honestly.

He didn't say anything for a second and eventually sent us on with just over a minute left in the game. Both teams wanted this win a lot and it got more aggressive. We finally managed to get the puck into our offensive zone.

I got the puck and I could see a defenseman skating right at me. I watched the way that the rest of his teammates moved and I could see that if I held the puck for a couple more seconds James would have an open shot.

The thing was I had to hold it for as long as possible which is easier said than done with another player rushing at you. Right before he got to me I sent the pass away and I didn't get the chance to see what happened because I was slammed to the ice.

I could hear the crowd cheer and I assumed that the puck went in. I took a moment to lie on the ice before sitting up and watching my teammates celebrate in the corner. Justin was the only one that skated over to me and offered me a hand.

I grabbed it and pulled myself up. My ribs hurt a bit from being slammed so hard into the ice but other than that I was fine. I didn't bother celebrating with my teammates because they clearly didn't care. Instead I headed straight into the locker room to change so that I could leave.

I was half changed when everyone else came in and the locker room became loud and noisy. I continued to change and didn't bother saying anything to any of them. No one noticed that I slipped out of the room and headed out.

I was surprised to see Brynn waiting outside for me.

"Are you alright?" she asked.

I nodded and offered a smile.

"I was happy to see that you came," I said.

"Of course, I told you that I would be here and I was," she said earnestly.

"I know, I guess that it has just been a long time since anyone came to watch me."

"What do you mean?"

"My Mom hasn't had time to come to a hockey game in years. I guess that I have just got used to it."

She didn't say anything for a minute and we headed out before I could run into any of my teammates.

"Do you want to go somewhere for food?" she asked.

I was a little bit surprised at the suggestion but I was hungry and didn't mind spending more time Brynn so I nodded. She had her car and wouldn't tell me where we were going. I was more than happy to sit back and talk to her as she drove.

We ended up in front small restaurant that I didn't recognised but I hadn't been to many different places in Pittsburgh yet. We headed inside and Brynn got as a table and a couple of menus. We sat down at one of the booths and started to read the menus.

I felt relaxed after we ordered and settled into conversation. She knew more about hockey than I thought and we shared our thoughts about the game for a while before the conversation moved away from the game and more about ourselves.

"My Mom works a lot and I've never known my Dad," I said.


"Never, I used to ask my Mom about it a bit when I was younger but she never wanted to talk about it so I gave up," I explained.

"My parents work a bit and I guess that I take it for granted. I still get to spend a bit of time with them and I think that I would hate it if I didn't have them," I mused.

"Everyone says that but I've got used to it. I've learnt to look out for myself," I said softly.

We talked the whole time that we were in the restaurant, even when we had food in front of us. Brynn offered me a lift home and I took it because I didn't really know where I was. Our conversations started to slow as we drove home and we were a bit more tired as it was dark and late.

I had to give her my address and I didn't really mind because we have become closer friends recently.

"Thanks for the lift," I said as I was about to get out.

"Thanks for spending time with me. You are a good guy," she said softly.

I smiled slightly and she pressed a kiss to my cheek just before I climbed out of the car. I didn't have time to react before the car door shut behind me and she drove away. All I could think about was the fact that I liked it.


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The Wise One

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