Chapter 46

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Luke's POV

Cameron had got my address and the car was coming around five. I don't really know why because I wouldn't get there until ten at night and I wasn't sure that the billet family would like that. I didn't question to though and Brynn, Dylan and Justin joined me at the apartment around three.

I had packed everything up but I didn't have much stuff anyway. There was literally a suitcase and my hockey bag. Mom and I hadn't spoken since I told her that I was going and I didn't really mind. It was clear that we needed some time apart.

We talked a little bit but there wasn't a huge amount to say. We mostly tried to stay away from talking about hockey and the time flew by before I had to leave. Someone knocked on the door and I opened to see someone that I didn't recognised.

"Are you Luke Crosby?" he asked.

"Yeah," I said softly.

"I'm Richard Hill, your billet Dad," he said.

"You didn't have to come pick me up," I said.

"I wanted to. Do you have much stuff to bring down?"

I shook my head and invited him in. He introduced himself to my friends and offered to take my bag but I wouldn't let him.

I didn't say much as we headed downstairs and I stuffed my bag into the back of his car.

"I'll give you a few minutes to say goodbye to your friends," he said.

I nodded and turned to face my three friends.

"Tear it up," Justin said.

I nodded and wrapped him in a hug. I hugged Dylan as well before turning to face Brynn.

"I call when I can," I assured her.

She nodded and wrapped me in tightest hug. She rested her head on my shoulder for a second and she kissed me as she broke apart.

"I might even come to your games when you play in Erie if I can," she smiled.

I nodded and kissed her once more before getting into the car with Richard and waving goodbye to him. Neither of us talked for a while as Richard drove and I watched the scenery flash by.

"What is Flint like?" I asked.

"It's got a population of 100,000. The weather isn't too bad and I like it there," he said.

"Have you been to any Firebirds any good?" I asked.

"This year they seem like they should be better than they are. They all seem like good kids though."

I nodded and rested my head against the window. We continued to talk about hockey until he pulled into a small diner on the side of the road. We both ordered and we didn't hang around long after we had finished eating. There was still a three hour drive ahead of us.

Once we were back in the car I realise that I was exhausted and I drifted off to sleep as soon as I rested my head against the window. The lull of the car helped put me to sleep and I didn't wake until Richard was shaking me awake and telling me we were there.

I blinked sleep out of my eyes and climbed out of the car. Richard handed me my hockey back but wouldn't let me carry my suitcase as well. We hadn't even reached the door when it opened and a women came out that I assumed was Richard's wife Belinda.

Richard would be about my height and had dark eyes and hair. His wife was quite a few inches shorter and had red hair and dark eyes. She walked down the path and wrapped me in a tight hug. Richard must have notice my expression because he laughed.

"Belinda is a hugger," he smiled.

I smiled slightly and she stepped back and smiled at me.

"Aren't you a good looking boy? I'm Belinda," she said.

"I'm Luke, thanks for having me," I said.

"It's no problem. We are looking forward to having you."

I nodded and she ushered me inside the house.

"Have you eaten? Are you hungry?" she asked.

"I'm fine, thanks," I said and she showed me my bedroom.

It was simple but I wasn't complaining. I didn't need anything more and I dumped my bags on the ground. I headed into the kitchen with Belinda but all I really wanted to do was fall asleep. I wasn't sure what to do yet and watched Belinda move around in the kitchen.

"Are you sure that you don't want something to eat?" she asked again.

"I'm really fine," I assured her.

"He probably wants to go to bed," Richard said from behind me.

Belinda glanced at me and must have seen a slightly guilty look on my face because she smiled and told me to go to bed.

"The Firebirds have training here tomorrow so you will go and meet them before you go to school on Monday," she added as I was just leaving the room.

I nodded and shut the bedroom door behind me as I slipped inside. I moved across the room and just sat down on the bed. I already had a message from Brynn and it was just wishing me a good trip. I knew that she would be asleep but I still responded.

I tucked my feet underneath myself and just sat there as I thought what was going to happen tomorrow. I was scared because I hadn't played anything other like the OHL before and these players were good.

Eventually I changed and brushed my teeth before climbed into bed. It felt weird because I had got used to my bed and this one felt different. I tossed a couple of times before finally getting comfortable and I was able to drift off to sleep.


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