Chapter 69

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Luke's POV

The pre-season flew by and I stayed out of the way of Brynn. Luckily I hadn't been particularly injured or sore so that made it easier. Right at the end I found that I had official made the team and that I was going to be playing my first NHL game in our first game.

I called a whole bunch of people and I couldn't fight the smile on my face. All the guys in the locker room congratulated me as well. I then called Michelle as well because we had talked a lot over the last couple of weeks.

"I made the team," I told her.

"Congrats, we should celebrate," she suggested.

"I would like that a lot," I smiled.

We didn't talk for much longer because she had to get to a class and I think that the guys were going to drag us out to a bar as well as so I had go as well. As predicted we headed out after we were all finished to a bar.

I couldn't drink since I wasn't old enough but I didn't really care. I was more than happy to drink water and just hang out with the guys. I was seated in a booth with Sam, Matt, Sean and Calvin. The rest of the team were around us.

"How are you finding New York?" Matt asked.

"It's really nice here," I said simply.

"It's definitely grown on me a lot since I've been here. I really love it here now," Matt smiled.

They all smiled but didn't get a chance to say anything else because there was an uproar from one of the booths beside us. Ben had jumped out of this seat but not before he ended up with beer in his lap.

"What a waste of good beer," Sean muttered from beside me.

I laughed slightly and when we turned back to start talking about hockey. None of us stayed out too late since we had to be at training early in the morning and no one was too drunk either but it was still fun.

My apartment was dark so I flicked a couple of lights on and pulled my phone out once I was sitting on the bed. I had a couple of texts from Michelle about what she had done and complaining about the amount of course work that she had to do.

I thought about texting her back but I ended up calling her instead. She answered after a couple of rings and I couldn't hear anything in the background so I knew that she was alone.

"How was your day?" I asked.

I leant back against the wall and listened to her complain about her professors and how much work she had to do.

"Are you ever going to do any college work?" she asked.

"I've already thought about it but not this year. Maybe once I get more settled in and figure out what I want to do," I said softly.

"What do you think that you'd study?" she asked.

"I don't know. I didn't mind school that there wasn't that I really loved."

"Too busy playing hockey," she teased.

"Yeah, what did you do during high school?"

We could talk for hours as we learnt more about each other. We only stopped talking when I heard her yawn and I glanced at the clock to see that it was after midnight.

"Do you have time to meet up tomorrow?" she asked.

"Yeah, we have morning practice but other than that I'm free since we have our first game tomorrow," I said.

"I like you a lot Luke and I want to go out on a date with you tomorrow," she said simply.

"I would like that a lot," I smiled.

We had to hang up not long later but I was really excited for our date.

Michelle had picked somewhere to go for dinner that I didn't know. She insisted on picking up me since she knew that I didn't have a car and didn't know my way around New York I'd been at the rink for most of the day so I didn't have a lot of time.

I found a nice button up shirt in the back of my closet and pulled that one and jeans. I had to wear suits all the time for hockey so I wasn't going to wear one.

I had just finished tying my shoes when I heard someone knock on the door.

I opened the door and smiled when I saw Michelle. I stepped out to join her and locked the door.

"You ready to go?" she asked.

I nodded and we headed out together. We were walking to the restaurant even though Michelle had said one of the reasons that she was picking me up was because I didn't have a car. We talked about what we had been doing.

The restaurant that we entered was popular and we were both glad that she had made reservations and we got a table in the back corner where it was quieter. We both ordered before we really started talking again.

"Are you excited for tomorrow night?" she asked.

"Yeah, but I'm also very nervous," I admitted softly.

"You are going to be amazing," she assured me.

I nodded and we started talking about other things. The food was really good but spending the time with Michelle was even better. She was so easy to talk to even though we spent so much time talking over the last couple of weeks.

Even though we had finished our food a long time ago but we didn't want to leave but we got told that they needed the table so we had to leave. It was slightly chilly outside and I pulled her closer to me.

It didn't take us long to reach my apartment and we didn't really want to separate yet.

"Do you want to come in?" I asked.

She nodded after a second so she followed me inside and we settled on the couch. She had turned the TV on and we started to watch one of the cop shows that was on.

I could feel her drifting off to sleep beside me and I didn't want to wake her. I knew that she'd had a few early nights with classes so I knew that she was tired. Once I was ready to go to bed I lifted her up from the couch.

I was very glad that I had a spare room with a bed and I gently lay her down and pulled the covers over her. I then flicked the lights off and headed to my own room.

I couldn't believe that I had managed to find someone like Michelle and she was happy with me. I had a smile on my face as I drifted off to sleep.


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The Wise One

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