Chapter 68

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Luke's POV

Training the next morning was just as tough but I still loved it. There were a couple of players that I could already tell weren't going to make the team. I didn't hang around after training long because I was going out for lunch with Calvin.

"What do you think of the team so far?" he asked.

We were getting food at a local Italian that looked really good.

"They seem really nice and they are been so nice to me, Matt and Sam especially. I can't quite remember everyone's names yet," I admitted.

"I can't remember all the new players yet either so it's fine. It's good to know that you like the team," he said.

"Do you think the team will be better this season?" I asked.

"I don't know. Last season we couldn't win close games at all. I don't know if this year will be better but I hope so," he said honestly.

I nodded and we both ordered.

"So, I've obviously done my research but tell me about yourself and your hockey journey," he said.

"I'm originally from Denver and I moved around with my Mom quite a bit so that is why I never got spotted at first. I then moved to Pittsburgh and played for my high school team. There was a scout that came to one of the games and I ended up moving to Flint about two weeks later."

"I don't exactly know how it worked since it wasn't the beginning of the season but I just played. We played well and I trained hard over summer. I played in Flint again and was selected the US World Juniors and then we won the OHL championship and the Memorial Cup," I finished.

"How come you moved so much?" he asked.

"It's a long story. I don't really want to talk about it," I said simply.

He nodded and we started talking about hockey instead. The food was good and we talked about the players and training camp this year. He was good and easy to talk to so lunch was easy.

"I'll see you tomorrow," I said after we were finished.

"Yeah, see you then," he said.

I headed back to my apartment and then I had to get a bed for the spare room. I needed to get it now because Jamie and Alex were promising to come up and I needed a bed for them else they would have to sleep on the floor.

I didn't know much about mattresses but I tried them and found one that seemed nice and organised getting it delivered. I had literally made it two steps out of the store when I almost ran into a girl.

I grabbed her arm to stop her falling into me and when we both stood up I realised it was the same girl that I had helped at the grocery store. It was Michelle.

"Hey, it's Michelle, right?" I asked.

"Yeah, I wanted to get your number and I forgot," she said.

"Same, I didn't realise until you had left."

We both grabbed our phones and exchanged numbers.

"Thank you for again for helping me yesterday," she added.

"It's alright. You seem like a really nice person and you just needed someone to talk to," I explained.

She nodded and hugged me once before glancing at her watch.

"I need to go so I'll text you later," she smiled.

I nodded and we both headed our separate ways.

Two weeks into training camp was the first time that I had to go to the physios' room again. I'd gone slightly wrong into the boards and my shoulder was aching slightly. Sean was already stretched out on one of benches and getting attended to by one of the trainers.

I took a seat and talked to George about what I had done.

"It's good to see that you finally decided to grace us with your presence," he teased.

I laughed knowing that he was teasing me.

"Lie down and I'll help you," he smiled.

I stretched out and relaxed. Despite the fact that my shoulder was sore I liked having his fingers digging into my shoulder. It made my shoulder feel so much better. Once he was done I sat up and slowly rotated my shoulder.

"Is it feeling better?" he asked.

"Yeah, thanks," I smiled.

"Can you do a favour for me?" he asked.

I nodded and he smiled.

"Brynn is in the back room organising stuff and I don't want to ask you but can you help?" he asked.

I really didn't want to agree but he really looked like he needed help so I did nod again. I headed out and found Brynn organising medical tape. Neither of us said anything to each other and I moved to the other side of the room and started to organise other things.

I didn't mind helping and I put headphones in and started doing my own thing. I didn't have anything else to do either. It didn't take long to get it all done and when I was I pulled my headphones out and turned to face Brynn.

"How come you were helping?" she asked.

"Your uncle asked me to help and I don't have anything better to do," I said simply.

"Oh, is your Mom staying with you at the moment?" she asked.

I looked at her in confusion. I don't know why she thought she could or should ask or why my Mom would be here with me.

"I mean because it's your first year and to just get settled in and stuff," she continued.

"I don't know why you are asking because we aren't friends but if we were I would tell you that Mom and I don't talk and I don't want her to be here," I snapped.

"What do you mean that we aren't friends?" she asked.

"We haven't talked to in like two years. Of course we aren't friends."

"Wow, you are ruder than I remember."

"And you're more of a bitch than before," I snapped.

She glared at me and I just shrugged. She wasn't worth it so I headed out. Most of the guys had already left so I grabbed my stuff and headed out. Despite arguing with Brynn I'd had a good day and I felt more and more comfortable on the team and I found myself fitting in and I liked it.

I was more hopeful that ever that I might make the team.


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