Chapter 2: Not Playing Monopoly With You

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Song: Don't Threaten Me With A Good Time by Panic! At The Disco

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Song: Don't Threaten Me With A Good Time by Panic! At The Disco

"I've told you time and time again
I'm not as think as you drunk I am
And we all fell down when the sun came up
I think we've had enough."

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We've been in Florida for almost a week now and nothing too eventful has happened. I go for my morning run on the beach, shower, and probably spend the rest of the day at the beach. Nina sleeps until noon and stays inside the whole time.

            Right now, I'm helping my parents cook dinner.

            My mom grew up loving to cook and I'm starting to find a love for it, too. She now owns three restaurants and will possibly own a fourth by the end of the summer. Sometimes she likes to go all out on her dinners, but sometimes I have to beg for simple mac and cheese, which is never simple. I got grounded once for buying boxed mac and cheese, and I laughed so hard she had to unground me.

            Dad's in charge of chopping on the island and I'm in charge of stirring while Mom is making other preparations. Nina's setting the table while talking to her mom on the phone. In the background, Dad has his eighties playlist going. My mom used to get upset about music while cooking, but I've caught them dancing in the kitchen together before, so she didn't really hate it as much as she said she did.

            Once dinner is finished, it's all brought to the table and we sit.

            "So, how are you guys liking Florida?" Mom asks.

            "Fine," I answer and glance at Nina.

            She smiles at my mom. "It's perfect."

            "Have you done any exploring yet?" Dad inquires.

            "Not yet," Nina answers ahead. "But I'd like to go to St. Augustine sometime next week maybe. Wouldn't that be fun, Kath?"

            I blink twice, focusing back on Nina. "Uh, yeah, that would be really fun."

            "It's good to see you girls getting along," Mom beams. "I think we need to rent another car so we don't fight over the only one."

            Dad snorts. "You're just now thinking about that?"

            Mom rolls her eyes. "I've thought about it, but this is the first time I've talked about it. It's a good idea then."

            Yes. It's a great idea.

            The rest of dinner is my parents talking about the antique shops they found in Jacksonville with their friends. I'm not sure if they're friends from home or if they've had friends in Florida before. For some reason, I don't feel inclined to ask.

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