Chapter 9: Bathroom Is Over There

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***This has definitely been a long time coming, so here it is, chapter nine!!


My mom hands me a knife and instructs me to start slicing onions and peppers. The knife glides through the vegetables like it's slipping through butter.

            "So," she starts and begins chopping potatoes next to me. "I haven't seen you and Nina much this summer. I'm guessing you've made some friends."

            I nod and finish up slicing a small yellow pepper. "Yeah, we've met some nice people."

            "And I'm assuming Nina is staying out of trouble as well?"

            "Yeah, Mom," I reply. "Is that why Aunt Steph wanted her to spend the summer with us?"

            Mom sighs. "Partly. And you know Steph. She still acts like a teenager. Nina actually wanted to come with us. It was her idea and of course her mother doesn't care where she goes as long as she isn't around."

            I frown. "I don't understand how a parent couldn't care about their own kid. I can't imagine you and Dad basically abandoning me."

            "And we wouldn't," she assures. "We'll never abandon Nina either. It's nice to see you two hanging out and spending time together."

            Speaking of, Nina strolls into the kitchen with a smile on her face. "It smells amazing," she comments. "Is there anything I can help with?"

            "Um, you can set the table if you'd like," Mom replies. "Thank you, honey."

            Nina sets off to set the table, leaving me alone with my mom again. We continue cooking, my dad's music playing in the background still. He's in the cellar, looking for the perfect bottle of wine for tonight's dinner. He returns minutes later, holding up a bottle of white wine instead of red. If they drink the whole bottle, they'll be in bed before eight.

            After dinner, my parents take what's left of the bottle of wine and go sit on the balcony that resides on the second floor. Nina and I go up to my room, pile on my bed, and attempt to find a movie on Netflix.

            "Did Sam invite you to the beach tomorrow?" I ask her.

            "He did," she replies. "I'm guessing Lukas invited you, then."

            I nod. "It was nice hanging out with him today. I learn more about him and now I think I might have a middle school crush on him."

            Nina laughs and nudges me with her elbow. "You're just now realizing you have a crush on Lukas, Kath? That ship has sailed the moment you saw him."

            "Or the moment he laughed when I punched Kyle in the face," I murmur.

            "There's that too. Tomorrow, we're gonna have even more fun."

            I glance at her with a small smile. "Yeah, we are."


Nina helps me decide on what to wear to the beach. She settles on a white bikini and the sundress Lukas had picked out when we went to the mall that day. She didn't have a clue that it had been Lukas's doing. I leave my hair in its natural waves and cross my fingers that it doesn't completely frizz up before the day's over.

            Once Nina gets ready, we let my parents know we're leaving, and walk out the front door. Lukas messaged me the spot and they decided to use Kyle's private beach behind his house. It shouldn't be too bad, but it still takes a bit to calm my nerves.

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