Chapter 11: A Walking Cliché

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Standing in a room with a bunch of half-naked guys was on my agenda today, but actually standing in the middle is intimidating. They're all casually walking around, talking to each other, and some are standing near the tables filled with food. There's a wardrobe station, hair and makeup, and then the set that's changing for each month.

Lukas is July. Also known as the hottest month in Florida.

The calendar will be this year, along with the next since this year almost halfway over. I didn't think I'd be able to make this possible, but it's happening.

The photographer, Maggie, is finishing up with the guy for June. He's a boy named Dorian with a heavy background in different languages. Since he's been here, he's spoken Italian, French, and Arabic. His hair is dark and he has eyes to match. The lashes that frame his eyes are thick and easily highlight his features. Even his facial hair is nicely sculpted, making his jaw look sharper than it already is. I'm not the only one staring either. Jess and her friends are standing by the wall with smiles on their faces.

"Careful, duchess," Lukas says, "you're about to start drooling."

I snap my mouth shut and turn to him. He's sitting in a chair at one of the vanity's while one of Jess's friends goes to work on his face, which is perfect the way it is already. "Shut up," I retort. "How'd you meet him anyway?"

"He was an exchange student from Dubai during our senior year. He went home though, but came back a few months ago. Dorian isn't even his real name."

I nod slowly. "Sounds interesting. Thanks for helping me get all of this together."

"I should be thanking you. You're helping me out a lot." He smirks at me. "And one day, I'll repay the favor."

I sigh. "I won't hold my breath, Lukas."

He chuckles. "Just wait."

The girl preparing Lukas starts painting red, white, and blue stripes on his cheek. His hair is fixed so it looks like it's been drenched in water. "Are they gonna put me in a leather jacket next?" He jokes.

I laugh. "It would add a nice touch, but it'd hide your tattoos."

"You like my tattoos?"

"I think they're beautiful," I answer and glance towards the set. "They're almost ready for you."

The girl finishes up the paint smears on his cheek and he stands. I think the paint actually feels like the most Lukas thing out of all of this. That was my idea too. Most of this was, but I had help with others.

I pick up the body oil that you spray on and start on Lukas. His skin instantly starts to glisten and his muscles start to stand out. Once I finish, I tell him to rub it in. "What? You won't do that for me too?"

"In your dreams."

"Only the wildest."

I reach up and smear my fingers across his collarbone. "You forgot a spot," I murmur. "You look...good. The bad boy next door."

Lukas takes my hand away from his chest and cups it between his palms. "What are you doing after this?"

"I have to go through pictures and build a calendar," I say weakly. "Why?"

"Can we talk again like we did the other night?"

My heart skips. "I'll call you after dinner."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2020 ⏰

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