M.U.S.E Chapter 8

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Sleep lasted an entire 2 hours 47 mins before "Arrrgggggghhhhh," Aimee crying from the front room not squealing in delight.

I bolted out of the bed and ran to her.

"What's wrong?" I asked my heart pounding.

"Santa's been," she cried.

"Yeah that's good isn't it," I said.

"No, he forgot my daddy," she cried.

She had obviously forgot he was here or thought she dreamt it.

"Well maybe Santa did bring him and you just haven't found him yet," I said hinting.

"No he hasn't. Get him on the phone," she demanded.

"Who daddy, I don't have his number," I said.

"No Santa, I want to complain," she said her arms folded.

"But look at all the toys you got," I reasoned.

"I don't want them, he can take them back. I wanted my daddy. I told him quite clearly mummy, I don't need any toys I just need to see my daddy, even for a little bit," she said huffing and making my heart swell as I tried not to laugh.

"Maybe you should just check again," I suggested as I saw John peaking through the bedroom door.

"I'm not blind," she said exasperated, rolling her eyes, "Look at the mess he's made with his boots has he never heard of wiping his feet," I had to turn my head away as I stifled a giggle.

"Just look. I mean you said you asked him quite clearly. Maybe he hid him somewhere and only you can find him. Now where would I put a daddy if I was father Christmas..... Hmmm did you check your stocking on end of your bed?" I asked.

"He won't fit in there even with magic," she said.

"Erm, the kitchen then," I said and ran into it checking cupboards. She reluctantly helped.

"See," she said and stormed off to the phone. Picking it up she dialled a number, "Hello operator can you put me through to Santa please I want to make a complaint," she said.

"Put that down," I said to her.

She held her finger to her mouth telling me to shush. She was so serious I was nearly peeing myself laughing. Her hand went to her hip as she sighed.

"Hello Santa," she said making me do a double take. "My name is Aimee Cole and I am 4, you met me at the store in town," she said. "Mmmm hmmm," she said. "Well I don't mean to sound ungrateful but I would like to return the toys please," she said listening to someone on the other side. "Yes all of them," she said. "I don't know what a no returns policy means, I am 4," she replied to whatever they had said at the other end. "I'll do you a trade then," she offered. "All of the toys if you put my daddy on the phone so I can wish him happy Christmas and blow him a kiss," she said. I went from giggling to nearly crying in the blink of an eye. "I quite clearly asked for just one thing for Christmas and that was my daddy and he is not here," she said. "Yes I checked there.... Ahhh haaa, yes and there.... Yes he won't fit even with magic," she said and shook her head at me, she hated having to repeat herself. "No I didn't check there," she said. "Hold the line I'll go check," she said and tottered off to the my room.

She walked back out, her face indescribable, "Hello Santa," she whispered. "Yes he is there. He's asleep. Sorry for disturbing you," she said. "Ohhh Santa, is it ok if I keep the presents?" she asked. "Thank you and don't forget to wipe your feet next time," she said before hanging up and looking up at me. "He's in your bed," she whispered as she jabbed a finger in the air accusingly.

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