M.U.S.E Chapter 30

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John flew us home. I was surprised how relaxed the children were on the plane. Aimee automatically strapped herself in for take off even thought she was still half asleep and John took Charlie with him into the cockpit. I had heard Charlie cheering and clapping as we took off and John laughing.

Aimee waited for us to level out and then shouted "Now daddy?" and when he yelled back yes she walked over to a fridge, got out a drink and a yoghurt, walked off into the cock pit and then returned to her seat where she buckled herself back in.

I heard Charlie making num num noises and giving out when a few minutes later John told him it was all gone. Aimee rolled her eyes, got up and went to fetch another one. Taking it in to him I heard John giving her a kiss and praising her for being so good to her little brother.

"That baby is too greedy," she said as she buckled herself back in. "I can't sit with daddy as there are only two seats and he has to watch Charlie all the time. I never get to sit with him as we don't have babysitters."

Her sad face looked so grown up compared to the little girl I remember.

"You can come sit with mummy and get cuddles," I reminded her.

She smiled and yelled, "Daddy I am going to cuddle mummy."

"Ok baby but remember to get back in your seat for landing please," John called back. "The film is at the side of mummy's chair."

"YES!" she said cheering. Reaching beside my chair she lifted out an Ipad and tapped away on it at speed. Until Little Mermaid came on. We both sat there watching it, wrapped in a blanket I pulled over us and I fell asleep.

"Mummy," Aimee called. "We are home."

I opened my eyes and was confused... we were in a house, not a plane.

"Daddy carried you," she said. "You've been asleep for ages and wouldn't wake up. Its dinner time."

She pulled my arm, I was still half asleep as I staggered with her to a table and sat down.

"Hi mummy," Finn said and I gave him a big kiss before thinking what the hell!!!

"He talks now," Aimee said. "Daddy fixed him."

"Where is daddy?" I asked.

"In the kitchen," she replied. "But don't move, once you are up the table, you are not allowed down until you have ate you dinner. All of it!"

"You are amazing," I said to Finn as I gave him more kisses and cuddles.

"Kiss me mummy," Aimee said getting jealous. I gave her loads too.

I heard foot steps approaching and John entered the room. He was dressed so casual in jogging bottoms and a t shirt. Charlie was in his arms, chewing a carrot.

"Hi," John said to me and I smiled. "I'll just strap him in and you can help me carry in dinner if you want," John offered.

"Yeah sure," I replied and after John put the carrot muncher in his high chair we went to fetch the dinner.

"I hope you're hungry," he said.

"Starving," I replied and stood in awe at the size of the kitchen.

"You like it?" John asked.

"Love it, wow! It's so big," I replied.

"It's ideal as Charlie whizzes around in his walker or crawls about whilst I make dinner. He's a bit too lazy to walk too far yet," John explained.

"I've seen him take a few steps," I said.

"Yeah but then he thinks, nah and sit back down," John said laughing at his son.

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