M.U.S.E Chapter 33

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Bath done, we got changed and I carried him into the kitchen. Charlie was running around in his walker outside in the garden and Aimee sat in silence on a bench with her dolly. I tried to put Finn in his zimmer frame but he cried so I cuddled him as I sat on the bench with Aimee so I could cuddle her too.

"Where's Daddy?" I asked.

She shrugged.

"Did he say where he was going?" I asked.

She shook her head.

"Did you get your breakfast?" I asked.

She shook her head.

"Ok lets go get some then," I replied. "Shall we make pancakes?"

"Daddy doesn't know how to do pancakes," she said.

"You and I do," I said. "And Finn does too."

She burst into tears and hugged me. "I've missed pancakes and I've missed you," she said making me all teary at the memory of our pancake Saturday mornings.

"I've missed you too my baby girl, come on then," I said and took them off into the kitchen, shoving Charlie along until he was inside where I could watch him. I took him out of his wheeler to make the lazy so and so walk.

Finn and Aimee sat up the table ready to make pancake mix. I found all the things we needed. They knew how to make them, I didn't have to tell them. Scooping up cups of flour, eggs, milk, butter, sugar etc. They made a bit of a mess but it was worth it. They worked wonderfully together, talking about what to put in and laughing when the cup of flour Finn dropped in made a big cloud in the air.

I got the pan ready as they tried to get the lumps out of the batter and as the first one went in the pan they cheered and clapped. Charlie joined in from over the other side of the room but didn't know what he was clapping for so crawled over to see.

"Lazy bones," I said as he used my legs to haul himself to his feet. I put him in his highchair to watch. He clapped with the others as I turned over the pancakes. He knew it was food and started yelling and reaching for it. I tried to appease him with a banana bit he threw it to the floor and screeched at the pancakes.

"Lets get up the table," Aimee said and Finn nodded in agreement as they hurried over and waited for me to get them ready. I plated them up and poured some more into the pan as I brought the first batch over.

"Tiny ones are Charlie's remember as the others will be too hot," I said.

"I'm make them nice for him," Aimee said pouring stuff on them and adding fruit etc. "Here you go baby," she said passing them to him. He shoved one straight in his mouth, followed by another and another... "Wait one at a time," she said and John walked into the room and pulled two out of Charlie's mouth.

"You're just in time," I said.

"We made them Daddy. Me and Finn," Aimee said.

"Cool," John said. "Are you ok?" he asked me quietly as the children chatted about how yummy theirs were.

I nodded.

"Finn?" he asked.

"He's talking," I pointed out. "So that is good."

He nodded.

"Here," I said passing him his.

"Thank you but I'm not hungry," he said.

"Get up that table," I said. "If they have to eat their meals you have to eat yours, breakfast, lunch and dinner!" I said and shoved the plate at him.

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