M.U.S.E Chapter 32

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"You win, it was cute snore," John said as he hung over me in the morning.

I smiled half asleep.

"I'll go make the breakfast whilst you get in that bath I ran for you," he said.

"Are you spoiling me or do I smell?" I asked.

"Both," he said teasing me. "But if you are going to let anyone spoil you I hope its me."

For a moment I thought I felt him pinch my bum until I looked down to see Charlie chomping on the duvet.

"Told you he was like a goat," John said and lifted him up. "Give mummy a kiss," he said to Charlie.

Charlie was not in the mood for kissing he just wanted breakfast so John carried him off into the kitchen as I lay there feeling so chilled and relaxed I could have floated on air.

"MUMMY," Aimee yelled and ran to my bed covering me in kisses. "I love you mummy," she said squeezing me tight.

"I love you too pumpkin," I said loving every minute it.

"MUMMY!" I heard Finn call and remembered he wouldn't be able to get out his bed.

"It's ok I'm getting him," John yelled. A few moments later a smiling Finn wheeled himself through the bedroom in his new zimmer frame.

"Ohhhh look at you," I said beaming with pride.

"Hurray!" Aimee said clapping. "My little brother is getting strong again."

I loved hearing that. Her supporting and accepting her siblings. We sat in bed having cuddles and watching Finn show off with his new frame.

We were interrupted by the sound of raised voices, one of which was John's. Aimee looked scared.

"You two stay here," I said and got out of bed heading towards the kitchen where I heard John and his father arguing.

"I said, get out," John replied.

"You are not thinking rationally," his father replied.

"I told you all to stay away," John replied. "I promised her you would stay away."

"I'm not going to stand by and watch you make the biggest mistake of your life," his father yelled and slammed his hand down on the side.

I stood in the door way staring. John turned to face me and his face dropped as he realised I was there and had overheard his father.

I looked from him to his father and as my heart speed up I lost the ability to swallow or breath properly and began to walk back to the bedroom.

"NO!" John yelled and ran in front of me. "Wait," he said and put his hands on my arms. "Please don't go. I will get rid of him," he said panicking that I was leaving.

I couldn't focus. It was deja vu and hearing the authority in his father voice again that even John struggled to challenge made me terrified. I shook my head, sobs escaping from throat as tears raced down my cheeks and my chest heaved.

"Mummy!" Aimee said and ran into the hallway hugging my legs. "Don't go mummy!"

I hadn't said I was going but I was... and they knew it too.

"Mummy, has to go baby," I said trying to pull her off.

She screamed hysterically, clinging on for dear life.

"I'm coming with you mummy, wait for me please. Don't leave me mummy," she said running to get her bag. The sound of her sobbing and panicking as she ran into her room was heartbreaking.

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