Chapter 1

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Kellin's P.O.V

I was in my room minding my own buissness when iheard a loud bang and my mother crying for someone to stop. I cracked my door open to see what was happening. I saw a pool of blood and above that was where my father lays. dead. My mother was on the floor hugging her knees to her chest rocking back and forth in the corner of the living room. 

"NO PLEASE!" she was begging the strange intruder. 

A masked man came into the room with a pistol, and he bent over to my moms face.

"where is it?" he asked sternly. I didn't know what he was searching for, but it probably had something to do with value. money maybe? My mom looked my way, I really wish she hadn't because the strange man was walking my way. I ran quickly, but quietly to my closet and hid behind my pile of clothes. He walked in searching throug my things, making a mess, and fnally leaving. I made sure he wasn't anywhere near me, and I went to find a phone to call 9-1-1. I finally found my mom's cellphone in the bathroom across the hall from my room ,and had the number ready to be called when everything went black.


I woke up checking my surroundings when I finally found out that I was in the foster home. I still have that dream from the horrible memory of when I was 10. I still don't know what happened to my mom because when I woke up from blacking out, I was in the hospital. I still miss my parents, but you know what they always say 'they're in a better place'. Well I should really introduce myself, so my name is Kellin Quinn Botswick (I go by Kellin Quinn), I'm 16, I've been jumping from foster parents to foster parents over the past 6 years, I like to sing and listen to music, and I jump from school to school so much I barely have any friends.

"Kellin! Some very nice people want to meet you!" says the devil himself, Mr. Roulette, our house father thing.

Well I guess I might be adopted, maybe not, but I hope I am because I REALLY hate this place. 


"Alright I'm coming Mr.Roulette." 

I quickly got up, got dressed, brushed my teeth and hair, and ran downstairs. When I walk into the livng area I see an older man and woman. Oh boy I hope they are nice.

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