Chapter 4

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Sorry for the short chapters and all, but I sometimes have the attention span of a 2 year old, anyways I hope you like this chapter ;)

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I get a call on my phone from Tony, whom is one of my bestfriends, and he tells me that there is basically a sleepover at his house. He already knows about Kellin being brought in to the family, so all need to do is to get him to come. How will I ask him this without sounding gay.

Hey Kellin come to a sleepover at Mike's boyfriend's house with me?


Hey Kellin, there's this sleepover at my friend, Tony's house, and basicaly would you like to go?

That sounds about right, so I walk straight in to Kellin's room. When I get there he turns around with his kissable, plump lips basically taunting me. Maybe I should kiss him. I decide not to.

"Hey Kellin. Do you want to go to a sleepover at my friend, Tony's house?" nice one Vic.

"Sure just let me pack my stuff." he replies.

I leave the room, and then I turn around doing something that I probably should've waited to do. I kissed him.

I'm so stupid, I knew he wouldn't like me, so I pull away from him and try to escape my well known fate of Kellin hating me. I feel him grab at my wrist to soon pull me back in to place. He then KISSES ME. We stand there making out for about five minutes until my beloved father walks in. Well goodbye everyone because I'm dead.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TWO DOING?!!!?!?!!?!?" My dad basically screams.

"I'm having a tongue battle with your son, sir." fucking hell Kellin, really we are dead now.

" I will not allow this kind of sin in my house." great now here comes preacher Victor.

" Being of the gay culture is a way of sin considering that liking the same gender is wrong and that we should never even do anything of the sexual nature towards the same gender. Also, you guys are now brothers, so that is incest and it is completely discusting and is never aloud under this roof." he finishes, well I hope he is done.

He finally leaves with a look of disapointment on his face. Kellin starts laughing. LAUGHING. my dad could've kicked me out or even take hime back to the foster home. Luckily he didn't, but if he caught us again, I would be in deep shit. Right now he is probably looking throught the bible trying to find wherever it talks about marriage between a man and woman. Why is Kellin even still laughng? whatever. I walk out of his room to get my sleepover stuff from my room, and see if Mike is ready. Since he's ready, I walk over to Kellin's room to see if he is. Finally I get to leave this place for the night, and I think we all are glad. I tell my mom that we're going to Tony's and then grab the car keys. With Mike sitting in the back, Kellin grabs my hand and snakes his fingers in mine. We both turn to eachother displaying smiles on both of our faces.

"When will we be at Tony's?" Mike whines.

"Dude, we didn't even leave the driveway yet." I reply earning an impatient groan from my loving brother, and a chuckle from Kellin.

As 10 long minutes of Mike's impatient whining and listening to music pass, we finally reach Tony's. Mike basically jumps out of the seat leaving Kellin and I to get out. Me being the gentleman, I run to Kellin's side of the car and open up the door for him.

"Aww how sweet." Kellins cooes.

When we make it in Tony's house, everyone stares at us weirdly as they see our hands intertwined.

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