Chapter 3

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Before we reach Mike's room, I fall backwards on to Vic. At least he has enough balance to catch me, but anyway having his arms around me sent butterflies in my stomach. between you and me I just want to stroke his perfect arms. he has the right amount of muscle to have the girls and/or boys crawling. I heard a cough, and I noticed I have been in Vic's arms for a longer time than I should've been. Mike was already in his room when I turned back in to my same state.

As Vic and I pass the threshold in to Mike's room, my jaw drops. BAND POSTERS EVERYWHERE OMG.

"DUDE I LOVE ALL OF THESE BANDS!" I practically scream.

"really?" Vic and Mike ask in unison, again. I mean really? Do they like have telepathic brother powers or something.

"YES REALLY!" I basically scream in their faces. I think I broke their ear drums oh well. My fabulous fangirl state is in range. I can basically throw up all of my fandoms if I wanted to right now.

"Do you like any others that are not on my wall?" Thank you Mike for interrupting my thinking process.

"Well I mean these are pretty fab bands, but I do like some other ones that are not on your amazing wall."

We continue to talk about more bands until it was time for dinner. I think after dinner I should get my room set up, but with how we had our convo about bands, I don't think I'll ever get a chance. I also want to learn more about them well mostly Vic, but you can't leave Mike out.

After dinner I finally get some breathing room, I mean holy Jesus kittens they had too many conversations. everyone was talking about their day at the same time, and I didn't have room to even breathe. I mean are you serious?!? this fabulous bitch needs some breathing room.

I finally get time to go to my bedroom and set up everything. my posters, clothes, and other necessary items for a bedroom except well the furniture and tv. right when I was unpacking my clothes as Vic walks in scaring me to death. 

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