Chapter 7

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Mike's P.O.V

Tony takes off his timid mask and throws me on the bed.

"Okay we have 7 minutes so let's hurry up." he says.

He unbuckles my belt and pulls down my skinny jeans slowly, but fast enough to get them down in at least 2 minutes. He grabs my dick and starts pumping it making sure he brushes over my tip leaving me in a moaning mess. He shoves me in his mouth touching every part of me.

"The seven minutes are up guys!" I hear Vic yell from the bottom of the stairs.

I pull up my pants and trail behind Tony down the stairs. when we make it down everyone starts snickering. the snickering soon turns into a laughing feat where everyone hollers and holds their stomachs in pain. I look to my left and Tony is trying to cover his blush, but failing.

Vic's P.O.V

I hear someone being thrown on the bed then some moans. moan after moan and it's only been a laughter filled 4 minutes.

"I haven't heard this much moaning from anyone." Tay says between laughs.

"It's been 7 minutes, I should go break them apart" I add.

I walk to the end of the stairs and yell "The seven minutes are up guys!"

They walk down while the rest of us snicker and end up laughing and holding our stomachs.

"Yeah we'll I'm going to bed since it's.. 2:30 so..." Tony says as he walks upstairs with the rest agreeing and following him except Kellin and I.

So much for getting turnt.A question has been in my mind ever since Kellin walked through the house.

"Kellin, what happened to your parents?"



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